Plant-Based vs. Meat-Based Meals for Weight Loss by Boosting GLP-1

Researchers have found that plant-based meals boost GLP-1 and satiety more than meat-based meals, as well as improve our gut microbiome and metabolism.

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    For more on Ozempic, check out my new book, OZEMPIC: Risks, Benefits, and Natural Alternatives to GLP-1 Weight-Loss Drugs, available as an ebook, audiobook, and softcover: (currently on sale for 20% off)

  • @tonymanero7428 says:


  • @jossydf-r1m says:

    Sería muy interesante y tendría mayor difusión esta importantísima información si estuviera en español

  • @ErnstHeinze-iw4gq says:

    I just cut out all grains and starches and eat fruits, greens and vegetables.
    As soon as I eat starches, I get fungal overgrowth because I’m mercury toxic.
    I dared some organic soybeans yesterday and had joint pain all night and dandruff like crazy today!
    I can count the rome i had dandruff in 53 years on one hand!
    Back to no starches for me!
    No animals either!

  • @joshw9558 says:

    It is so sad that most people refuse to listen or open their eyes to what we really need and what is going on. They just want to believe what their teacher told him in second grade and nobody can ever change their mind. Nice video.

  • @Alexander-ok7fm says:

    Thank you!

  • @kinpatu says:

    This is a perfect example of how nutrition science gets everything backwards. Comparing diets in an isocaloric manner is meaningless if the patients attempting to put it into practice are in an ad libitum environment. I did whole foods plant based diet strictly for two years. Totally insatiable and gained 40 pounds of fat, with all the health declines that come with it.

    • @zoombinifleen9362 says:

      2 years of WFPB diet… but gained 40 lbs? Was there lots of skittles, deep fried tofu in peanut oil and toast doused in ghee involved? Or the classic “salad dressing meal with a bit of salad on the side” doing you wrong? Sorry but I call B.S and if I had to guess, I bet you weren’t eating your beans. You add beans, rice, tofu (or chicken) and hot sauce as a staple to your diet; eat as much of that as you want and you shouldn’t even want to eat and youll still lose weight

    • @kinpatu says:

      @ I was eating tons of beans. Much more than I should. It was a primary part of my protein combining. Call b.s. all you want; it just shows that you’re in a cult.

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