Who Is Rescuing Whom? Pets and Life Extension
If you have 2 cups frozen strawberries, try this 🍓 #healthyrecipes
Can Your DIET Help You Build A BOOTY?
7 DAY SUGAR DETOX CHALLENGE | Reset + Kickstart Your Goals!!
Friday Favorites: Cannabis for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
5 *Tiny* Things You Do Daily That Make You Gain Weight
Pregnancy snacks this Nutritionist eats daily 🤰🏼
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I have 3 children my last pregnant I was plant based and I had the best pregnancy. No swelling ,no big nose, actually lost weight (14 lbs) healthily but baby was of normal weight 7.2 lbs and delivery and recovery was quick and easy. My recovery after childbirth was very fast because of my diet.
Perfect timing! I’ve had two non vegan and two vegan pregnancies and am starting my first whole food plant based pregnancy and I’m so excited to see the difference. I’m hoping for a baby smaller than 9 lbs this time 😅
What is your take on the assertions of Niko Rittenau, one of Germany’s most watched vegan Youtubers, who says a vegan diet cannot supply all nutrients and we might need some exernal supply of arachadonic acid for instance?
Um, please explain how a omega-6 fat does us any good as well as how one doctor can disprove the official statement from multiple nations nutrition and dietetics stance that a well-planned vegan diet is nutritionally adequate for all stages of life including pregnancy… ⏱️…