Podcast: Bananas in Smoothies?

Enzymes in bananas can partially destroy a class of nutrients found in berries.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @alevelbiologymrashcroft8177 says:

    Good day sir!

  • @TheLoyalpain says:

    I just had a banana in my smoothie so this video is very timely 😮

  • @CBOnlineAccountants says:

    Should I avoid adding bananas to a green smoothie which could have spinach, kale or broccoli?

  • @Prestrev1010 says:

    So, if you use a banana that’s not browning, is that ok to ensure that there’s not interrupting or canceling out of said nutrients?

  • @trishwilson7517 says:

    What about unripe bananas? Is the enzyme present in a green banana? I find unripe ones offer the same texture, just not the sweetness (I make pumpkin waffles with them).

  • @allencrider says:

    I’m 70 years old and am still living and fit in spite of putting bananas in my smoothies! 💋

  • @johnandrew2370 says:

    Hey doc, are you drunk?

  • @CRM-114 says:

    Bye bye bananas.

  • @nc2316 says:

    What happened to him? Very difficult speech. Painful hum uhm uhm to hear. I didn’t understand anything today. A big mix salad of words. I could not follow his train of thought. Very very disappointing video! In the end I still don’t know if banana in smoothie are good or not

    • @freebrook says:

      sounds like he’s doing this podcast on the fly is all. I bet he’ll revisit this in a more prepared way.

  • @Joseph1NJ says:

    Meh, one study. I’ll still eat bananas in my smoothie.

  • @erastvandoren says:

    Are you drunk? Why aren’t you talking normally?

  • @gzmz1993 says:

    I always cook my bananas in my oatmeal. I hope that helps

  • @gzmz1993 says:

    How about microwaving a banana?

  • @pickledbeaker5916 says:

    too many conflicts, this is getting to kowalski analysis range

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