Podcast: Exercise as Medicine (Part 2)

The evidence supporting the health benefits of physical activity is overwhelming. This episode features audio from:

Visit the video pages for all sources and doctor's notes related to this podcast.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @Asantewarrior says:

    thought provoking

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love these podcasts!

  • @KST9182 says:

    Extremely interesting & will surprise many people … results also go in nicely with ‘wear-and-tear’ which wasn’t mentioned but would match up. 👏

    • @LawrenceCarroll1234 says:

      This reminds me of the advocates of meditation who often point out that it is deep rest that human physiology needs as much (if not more ) than intense exercise.

      Too much wear and tear indeed, I would think, would counteract any benefits of prolonged or extreme exercise.

      It must all go back to “balance.”

  • @darshinnaidu7779 says:

    Very insightful.

  • @manuelbover4816 says:

    So walk don’t run for 30 minutes it’s basically what you’re saying

    • @garysekerak1320 says:

      Recent studies have also shown that for the same distance walked, more fat loss occurs the slower one walks. If you have the time, take a nice long walk daily.

  • @ccifuentes says:

    While may not be a correlation between physical exercise and longevity, the evidence for reduced risk of [you name it] is overwhelming. I would rather prefer fewer healthy years than a few more years, just being alive, but perhaps not so well.

  • @greensmoothieparty says:

    I believe u-shaped curves representing health outcomes from an overwhelmingly suboptimal dietary lifestyle cohort is not very helpful to those of us who are more diligently striving to achieve nutritional excellence. Go team nutritarian!

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