Podcast: Fluoridation in Water (Part 1)

It’s everywhere, but should it be? This episode features audio from:

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Leroy Johnson

  • @IAMLove33 says:

    🌞 blessings ❤️‍🔥

  • @sugarplumk2381 says:

    Just checked fluoride level in my state in Australia. It’s 1 milligram per litre. Differences around the country range from 0.6 to 1.1 milligrams per litre.

  • @notrueflagshere198 says:

    GENERAL Ripper, not Colonel. General Jack Ripper.

  • @AthleticHobo-br4qh says:

    Fluoride can also bio accumulate in crops at levels way above the amounts mentioned added to water in this video, thus much of our food we eat. It particularly bioaccumulates in crops that grow in the soil. In one study in India a variety of grains were compared in fluoridated vs non fluoridated regions and there was a rough 10x increase in fluoride content (ppm) in crops grown in regions with fluoridated water. Much like leaded gas and consumer leaded-paint is now known to have lowered average IQ (and thus was phased out), perhaps we will uncover in the future that fluoridating water which leaves to fluoride bioaccumulating in food was also lowering IQs.

    • @meeshka5424 says:

      @@AthleticHobo-br4qh exactly. I’m in the dental field and I stay far away from it. Just need a triple reverse osmosis filter for our house and I’d be set. It would be one thing if we were getting the actual mineral from natural springs but this stuff was used for the aluminum smelting industry in the early 1900s and is toxic waste so in order to dispose of it, they put it in our drinking water. Terrible.

  • @arkrainflood says:

    i prefer NO added fluoride to my water. i use reverse osmosis to help reduce same. i do not have an issue with topical application of fluoride to my teeth.
    consuming fluoride not only negatively effects the bones, but also the brain.

  • @roligue says:

    Don’t forget the fact that it gets absorbed through the skin during showering or bathing

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love these podcasts.

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