Podcast: How to Die a Good Death

Retaining dignity, privacy, and relief from pain at the end of life. This episode features audio from:

Visit the video pages for all sources and doctor's notes related to this podcast.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @andrewpawley8883 says:

    I love these podcasts!

  • @kali542 says:

    I am a hospice chaplain. Thank you for this podcast. Hospice definitely has it’s pitfalls as well. Sadly, many patients and families assume that Hospice provides 24/7 care, and it does not. So if there is a lack of resources or relationships to provide that care, it is impossible to be at home on Hospice. You are correct about the death and its quality deeply affects survivors. We have Death with Dignity in the state where I work. You are right, it is nearly impossible to enact with all the barriers.

  • @ggcruise says:

    This is very comforting information.

  • @carlosolivares1366 says:

  • @heidi1651 says:

    Thank you Dr. Greger. There is a lovely life story of a man named Scott Nearing that chose to stop eating and drinking at the end of his life called, “Loving and Leaving the Good Life”, by Helen Nearing.

  • @proudchristian77 says:

    It’s the result of to early a trama at home , lost members, were old now ! But it’s been my fight for yrs ! It’s the only thing in my hand’s, people’s can reach in & hurt others , & walk ,head games , heart games, bug’s a diet ! start young & u really bug thing’s by the time your old ! 💝🚴‍♀️

  • @Yzyxdolorza says:

    It’s interesting that many animals simply stop eating when they are dying. They don’t need to put loved ones in a position of facing severe legal consequences, or the risk of botched suicide (which can ensure prolonged, expensive and pointless suffering.)

  • @bonniepoole1095 says:

    I first heard about VSED years ago (1992) in a book by Helen Nearing, “Loving and Leaving the Good Life.” My 94 year old dad tried it but after 2 days, said it was too hard. At that point, he had no support from Dr’s or care givers. Hospice said he was ‘too stable and in no acute distress’ so they turned him down for their program. His Dr. finally ordered ‘pallitative care only’ and he died 2 weeks after Hospice denied him support. Hospice needs more volunteers and more health care workers as their work load in my county is too great to accommodate everyone who would benefit.

  • @naftalibendavid says:

    Thanks Doc!

  • @nozroc7312 says:

    Thank you, my 89 year old father is on Hospice right now and has stopped eating and drinking three days ago. He is surrounded by loved ones and was able to say his goodbyes before he lost the ability and we are all grateful for that. He is dying with dignity.

  • @jamiesalmonsculpture8599 says:

    Not eating is one thing. Not drinking is not nice. I’ve seen it. I won’t go into details as it’s very upsetting. No water is a slow, torturous experience for the patient. I don’t know what this man is talking about. Death by dehydration is awful

  • @Viertelfranzose says:

    I never want a painfully deathmoment and would love to sleep in death like a hospital sleep before a surgery. Is there a Pill or other Method to could sleep to death without pains 🤔. Thank you very much for ideas and greetings from Andreas

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