If you have 2 cups frozen strawberries, try this 🍓 #healthyrecipes
Can Your DIET Help You Build A BOOTY?
7 DAY SUGAR DETOX CHALLENGE | Reset + Kickstart Your Goals!!
Friday Favorites: Cannabis for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
5 *Tiny* Things You Do Daily That Make You Gain Weight
Pregnancy snacks this Nutritionist eats daily 🤰🏼
This Might Shock You…But Sugar Can Actually Be HEALTHY!!
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This man, who rapidly aged 15 years in the span of just 5, is telling us how to avoid aging? When I told you this man was only in his early and mid 40’s this WHOLE TIME at the time of publishing his “how not to die” book, you’d never believe it. He just turned 50 this year but legit looks 65. look at his live streams if you don’t believe me. Shocking
Ok, then why don’t you show us your face and we can pick it apart?
One of the worst attempts at trolling I‘ve ever seen. Dr. Greger looks at least ten years younger, especially due to his perfect skin quality. You don’t live in reality anymore.
So it’s all about how you look and not your health? Lets see a double blind placebo controlled study of the relationship of looks to health? Oh btw no plastic surgery eh mate?
After getting cancer I learned of intermittent fasting. I lost a ton of weight by eating fruit, vegetables , grass fed beef and wild caught salmon, when I brake my fasts. I’m 60 years old but my BMI Smart Scale says I’m 37🙂. Find out what your BMI should be based on your height. Loose the weight, eat healthy and less often and you will look and feel younger🙂
Judge, much?
Post your pictures, write your book, and start your yt channel. And don’t forget Medical School. And professional positions. We’ll wait.
🚨Fasting ! Time Restricted Eating, Intermittent Fasting ❤️
Hormone replacement therapy for natural & surgical menopause lengthens telomeres. Plus it is AWESOME. Saved my life!
Thanks Doctor❤
Is there an affordable, reliable test for telomere’s length?
Doesn’t matter about test. Damage is done. Just eat the best you can to minimize future damage.
Terminal restriction fragment (TRF) is the current gold-standard method using analysis of genomic DNA. This test method is offered by some labs, but is not cheap as telomere length measurement is not often ordered by physicians. The test uses a cocktail of enzymes to sort telomeres based on size, using agarose gel electrophoresis. The sorted telomeres appear as a smear, with the size and intensity of the smear being assessed by comparison to a DNA ladder comprising known fragment sizes.
A proven effective way to cut the telomeres short, and in fact chop them off, is to take a machine gun in hand and run around screaming “God Is Great.” We humans have been chopping off our telomeres in the name of God for at least a couple of thousand years. I don’t guess we’ll ever learn. That said, a major focus should be on obtaining peace of mind with meditation, walking in nature, cultivating warm friendships, and developing a compassionate nature. Developing a hateful mind will do the exact opposite.
Awesome research Dr G. Meditation deffo has made my skin look much younger, no lie. You have to feel the love and bliss tho!
Would adding fiber like Metamucil help the telomeres length?
Probably not, food it’s more complex that any supplement. Most likely it’s not only the fiber that lengths telomeres, but what comes with it, probably many things we didn’t discover yet
Dr. Brooke Goldner (the “Goodbye Lupus” Youtube channel) told me that fiber supplements are not recommended by her, as the whole foods sources of fiber work better. The general explanation she gave was that the sum of the parts are less than the benefits of the whole food. Apparently there are synergistic benefits to the other nutrients in whole foods.
Job related telomere length shortening……😮 😢
Robert Lustig MD said that China Study is 500 pages of correlations and no cosations. Moreover he said that saturated fats are neutral (meat) or protective (dairy). I’m confused!?
Soda water or soda beverages shorten the telamir?