Podcast: Hydration and Weight Loss

Drink enough water to make a difference. This episode features audio from:

Visit the video pages for all sources and doctor's notes related to this podcast.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @gbubemia says:

    Thank you!

  • @helloworldliberationforall says:


  • @lil----lil says:


  • @JeffersonMartinSynfluent says:

    Too much water can trigger a heart failure cycle event, too, so what to do?

  • @chrisstepleton4761 says:

    I never get thirsty, so sometimes I might only drink 8 ounces a day. When I do that, my sodium level is almost normal. If I drink a lot of water, my sodium level goes way down. Over the past 4 years, I have lost 107 lbs drinking very little water. I eat a lot of homemade soups along with lots of fruits and veggies, so that is where I get my fluids. I eat no ultraprocessed foods, no sugar, and no seed oils.

  • @wgg6188 says:

    Hot weather, as in Florida, has an effect on the amount of water a person needs. This also means sodium levels will be less. Have known several people with high BP who`s doctors told them to cut out salt (they never ate a lot of ultra processed foods) and they nearly passed out with the added plain water they were drinking. How about this…is it wise to say that table salt may not be good, but sea salt, like Celtic Salt is okay to use, as the amount of actual sodium is much less and it is combined with magnesium and other trace minerals? Too much water is not good.

  • @hctim96 says:

    Love your Youtube channel. I have been a paid member on your website for years.
    I can’t STAND THE PLETHORA OF POPUPS on your website..
    It truly ruins RUINS the experience. You might loose subscribers with this ploy..

  • @sxyhonduras says:

    I have to force myself to drink water because Im rarely, if ever thirsty. Even after miles of walking as fast as I can, I still don’t feel thirsty, not even while or after eating. I don’t drink other things either. I just don’t like drinking

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