Lemon water benefits you didn’t know🍋
10 EASY Weight Loss Hacks That ACTUALLY Work (…safe, non-restrictive & affordable)!!
This Fiber Hack will CHANGE Your Gut Health!!
Friday Favorites: Mushrooms for Prostate Cancer and Cancer Survival
5 Ingredient Protein Shakes To Keep You Fuller Longer [30+ Grams Protein!!]
Kefir benefits are *actually* magical 🤯
This is WHY Youre Binging on “Junk” (PS: It’s NOT Intuitive Eating)
Podcast: Trendelenburg Yourself?
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I’ll have some ergothioneine please!
I wonder if it’s in shilajit.
Glad I eat mushrooms, incuding Lion’s Mane, daily! 🍄 💪
This 2011 paper didn’t find evidence for shilajit health benefits: “Review on shilajit used in traditional Indian medicine”.
Mushrooms 🍄 … Yum 👍🏻 😋
Must mushrooms be cooked to be safe and beneficial? I heard that raw mushroom intake might not be good but cannot remember why.
Because of fungus on them, have to be consumed cooked
Wild ones have a good chance of containing parasites, bacteria, and virus. Store bought farmed ones grow in large commercial volumes are likely safe to eat raw.
@@nc2316 Mushrooms ARE fungi. Wild ones should be cooked, but not necessarily farmed ones.
It’sa me, Michael! 🍄
I am a gourmet mushroom farmer, and obviously enjoy daily. Thank you for spreading the good word. Lion’s Mane, Blue Oyster, Shiitake,and others for the win🙏💜🌞
Thank you so much Dr Gregor. I needed that information, I had forgotten about mushrooms. Much appreciated ❤
Not surprising that you forgot given how important mushrooms (particularly lion’s mane) are important to memory 😉
No-till agriculture has been used on more than half of all crops grown in the USA and most of the world for at least the last 30 years. Saves fuel cost, reduces erosion, cuts water loss and helps reduce weed competition.
Love this, love mushrooms ❤ thank you for this information
Red and black beans also.
It would be great, Dr. Gregor, for non-native speakers if you could add a PowerPoint to your videos. You are sometimes difficult to understand as your comments are often emotional. Thanks.
Mushrooms are the one thing that both carnies and vegans believe is healthy.
No Lion’s mane in my country😢