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If you could learn anything without limits, what would it be?🔥
The way we treat fellow non- human animals will always reflect back to fellow humans.
Respecting vital native biodiversity is respecting humans.
The idea based animal exploitation is that humans are created by god and they aren’t like the rest of the animals that are created specially by god to serve humans.
@@SebiAlan-tq3xq The exploitation of fellow animals is the most ecologically destructive act.
Which god would permit the extinction of such vital life?
Humans are the only species that are destroying the very air, land and water resources that we need to survive. No other species destroys their own habitat. Think about that. Humans are not very smart.
I am a Romanian and if go to an old person and tell them that we are animals too, they laugh at me and tell me that we are humans and not animals, God created us and animals and plants are created by God for full use of humans
If I may, please ask the elders— if humans are not animals then what biological kingdom do we belong to?
@@monicasong427 Romania is still a very religious country, people think that humans are created by god from dirt and we don’t belong to the biological kingdom or something. The idea is that animal exploitation is justified through religious belief and that a big obstacle to a non-exploiting animal world.
@@SebiAlan-tq3xq Religion has such a way cheery picking scriptures.
If a god is of importance, then it would be imperil to align one’s actions according to god.
In genesis, the only chapter a god spoke stated, “I give you all the plants and seeds of the field.”
Not disease ridden slaughterhouses.
@monicasong427 James brother of Jesus was a vegetarian from the womb as the record indicates, so was John the Baptist. Stands to reason that Jesus was too.
@@monicasong427 what you said is right, I am not fun of eating another animal for pleasure, or tradition… And I think that is bad to exploit animals for that, and even any kind of exploitation is bad, and the real problem is that there is no wealth without explanation, what that means that rich countries like yours exploit poor countries for cheap resources, labor… The idea is that modern society is completely based on fossil fuel(dead animals and plants that died and got trapped underground for hundreds of millions of years) and in less than 100 years they will run out, and society will collapse because even green energy is possible only because fossil fuel. If we want a future we need to drastically reduce our consumption, and our economy, reshape our living spaces to be more compact, and walkable, use rail and electric wire vehicles, we need to give up animal products(because they are the most inefficient way to produce food), gave up to any kind of military(the military is the most costly stupid thing that ever existed, we spend tons of money for killing people). I am really scared about the future, we waste so many precious resources on stupid things like the military, fashion, animal product production, and easy-to-break stuff when we could anytime to make them last 3 generations… Why does no one take real action to prevent our imminent destruction? Our politicians and capitalist guys give us just greenwashing trash, you can’t replace oil with battery and everything will be fine.
I’m fortunate to have found a great plant-based doctor!!
Do all the questions asking what BRAND of supplements annoy you as much as they annoy me? Anybody who has watched more than 10 of your videos, and has average cognitive ability, realizes that you will NEVER recommend a specific brand of any supplement and for good reason … You would be accused of taking money from that company to recommend them. Keep up the great and important work!