Podcast: The Best Time to Exercise for Weight Loss

Before meals? Afterwards ? An exercise hack for shedding body fat. This episode features audio from:

Visit the video pages for all sources and doctor's notes related to this podcast.

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Leroy Johnson

  • Michael Superbacker says:

    Michael can you help a fellow Michael?

  • Gaston says:

    Interesting info. Thanks for sharing Mr. Greger! It appears that always a simple walk around the block after a meal is a good practice. P.S. I love my new red lentil flat cake recipe!

  • Karim Benmalek says:


  • Joseph1NJ says:

    NOTE: A postprandial walk of the same distance and intensity is up to 30% more effective at controlling blood sugar than the same exercise before a meal. BUT, exercising six hours before a meal optimises fat burning. A tough choice indeed.

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