Prof. Peter Brukner – ‘The Politics of Diet’

Peter Brukner OAM, MBBS, FACSP, FACSM, FASMF, FFSEM is a specialist sports and exercise physician and the founding partner at the Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre in Melbourne. Peter is a world renowned sports medicine clinician and researcher. His most recent team appointments have been as Head of Sports Medicine and Sports Science at Liverpool Football Club and, until 2017, Team Doctor for the Australian cricket team.

Peter is Professor of Sports Medicine at the La Trobe Sport & Exercise Medicine Research Centre at La Trobe University, Melbourne. Peter has published widely internationally with a number of books, book chapters and over 100 original research articles. He is the co-author of Clinical Sports Medicine, a best selling general sports medicine text in its fifth edition as well as Stress Fractures, Food for Sport, Encyclopedia of Exercise and Sport Health and Clinical Sports Anatomy.

Prof. Brukner is the founder of the public health campaign SugarByHalf and is committed to the challenge of improving Australia’s health with improved diet and increased physical activity. The profits from Peter's book 'A Fat Lot Of Good' will help to fund the campaign

Peter is also the founder of Defeat Diabetes, Australia's first evidence-based and doctor-led program that focuses on the wide range of health benefits of a low carb lifestyle, particularly for those wanting to send into remission pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic illnesses. The Defeat Diabetes Program is delivered via a mobile app. It provides 100+ hours of video from health professionals, masterclasses, cooking demonstrations, recipes, a meal planner, and a rich library of resources, with new content regularly added.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @BigVine-m5i says:

    Excellent presentation.

  • @Shiny54 says:

    Always love Prof Brukner’s presentations. Thank you

  • @toni4729 says:

    Thank you Peter. I’m amused by the sudden conspiracy about red meat causing diabetes. Where on Earth did that one come from?

  • @eutectoid1 says:

    What else would you expect? The experts have written. Makes one wonder about the definition of “expert”?

  • @汗をかいたアヒル says:

    The thinking of this committee is at least 20 years out of date. Unless dietitians have a radical paradigm change they will continue to witness the obesity/diabetes/chronic disease pandemic. Peter “Pan” Bruckner doesn’t seem to be aging!!!

  • @hutwarum says:

    Love your work, Keep fighting.

  • @markvanree says:

    Great presentation. Straight after the abc published an article on fad diets. Still spreading that high cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease.

  • @theChannel-sj8jv says:

    Great presentation like always. It’s interesting to see how the game is played from the political-side.

  • @evanhadkins5532 says:

    A wonderful step forward. Well done Peter!

  • @charlestoast4051 says:

    I think we can assume that they have incriminating pictures of Dr Mike.

  • @charlestoast4051 says:

    One hope is that with the increasing use and availability of CGM’s, more people will discover the effect of sugar and starchy carbs.

  • @OliveriMarina says:

    Here with NRCD, Gad 65 antibodies that triggered gluten Ataxia, Ibs, Hashimoto and probably Addison disease.
    With the SCD I reversed my non responsive celiac disease which was damn close to the refractory type 1.
    Whenever I mention Keto/ carnivore diet/Scd doctors laugh at me despite having 4 auto immune diseases in remission with no meds.

  • @desmondo7042 says:

    Trump the Master of showman of “The Sighing Ceremonies” as seen on “Fake News”. Just A thought. 👍👍👍👍

  • @Terrierized says:

    How long can they ignore science and pretend suffering is normal 🤷‍♂️

  • @hektor6766 says:

    Thorough study? Low carbohydrate dietary intervention is simple, basic and effective for both remission and prevention. This is a glaringly obvious omission. It strongly implies there was, in fact, political capture.

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