Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘Ketogenic Carnivore athletes’
Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘The Real Healthcare Crisis: Causes & Solutions’
Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy: a novel adjunct in cancer treatment’
Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘The Corruption of our Nutritional and Medical Guidelines’
What WE Eat In A Day | couples edition
Zero Carb Crust Pizza! The Secret to the Crispiest Low Carb Pizza
Full Guide to Increase VO2 Max (Science Based)
My Supplement Stack vs My Wife’s – Which One Is Better
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Dr Baker is such a mountain of a human 😂
My brother did not eat/drink dairy, he was just diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.
Over the past five years, there have been several significant E. coli outbreaks linked to lettuce and other leafy greens. For example, in the UK alone, there have been multiple outbreaks, including one in 2022 that affected over 250 people. In the US, a notable outbreak in 2019 linked to romaine lettuce sickened 197 people and resulted in five deaths
At the start, it’s fascinating to see the guys that are carnivores. They are beasts. I healed myself going ketovore.
Colorectal cancer is increasing Patrick says. However vaping has increased as has stress and fast food. I think slow cooked meat with onions and peas as a nod to veg rather than obsessing on fibre and variety. I am with the carnivores side of the house. Being some one who has to have b12 shots and late in the day told eat red meat. N =1 I just feel better with mostly meat. Whole grains tear my guts to pieces so I totally avoid them.
Fantastic panel! Now I have to find Dr Holford’s books and subscribe to Dr Chaffee’s YT (already sub’d to Dr Baker’s). HUGELY INFORMATIVE! Bottom line: Quit the SAD diet, eat whole, organic food: fish, meats, fermented dairy, the occasional fruit – veggies if you can’t find anything else.
Also besides oxalates. lectins , phytoestrogen, and the other toxic molecules the plants make….there additionally are all the modifications by GMO processes(often designed to increase a plant defense), there are pesticides, fertilizer residues, toxic water(sewage,radioactivity), and use of glycophosphate to desiccate grains. 🙏
The carnivore diet has helped the health, strength and transformation of our bodies of my husband (80) and me (76) so dramatically over the last 8 months. My husband’s type 2 diabetes and lots of other ailments are gone. I had had digestive/metabolic issues, autoimmune disease and chronic fatigue for 30 + years. We are deeply grateful to Drs. Chaffee and Baker. We look and feel many years younger than our chronological ages and are expecting even greater improvement as time goes on.
The two people on the panel on the stage who are advocating for a plant based diet look and sound so unhealthy in comparison to Dr. Baker and Dr. Chaffee. They are thin but also weak bodied, lacking muscle and form and shape to their bodies. They are also more emotional and seem to lack, somehow, solidity and presence. It is hard to describe….
Blessings to all who are working to find the truth about health and wellness.
No. Nor do we need to eat carbs. Essential fatty acids are real, essential amino acids are real, there are no essential carbs, and your body can make all the glucose it can use when it needs it. In the last 2 years the plant matter I’ve eaten is 1 strawberry and some seasoning, either chili powder or cinnamon. I’m the leanest, most muscular, most healthy, I’ve been in my life. It’s actually easier being carnivore, but people have to try it to discover the truth of that statement. Fat-burning metabolism is freedom and happiness, in my experience. Cheers and thanks for the video. 🙂
Baker looks jacked, like a modern gladiator
Meat saves lives, plants exact revenge.
Hell hath no animus like a plant plucked, cut, cooked, blended and otherwise violated.
The plant based people seem locked in their dogma.
New information just doesn’t penetrate.
ie. Professor Thomas Seyfried research.
Thank you for doing this discussion. It was really quite interesting to listen to these folks calmly debate what can be often be a hot topic.
Grinding stones ?Australia 40,000 years ago ? It probably wasn’t for grain. Maybe bones ? Grain was not grown by native Australians, they were nomads.
Mass not calorie restriction. It comes down the activation or not of the Randle Cycle
The pro plant/ fiber people seem to make nonstop conflations that are happenstance.
I have been a mostly vegetarian for most of my adult life. I had breast cancer when I was 64. As I got to my late 60s and early 70s I had more and more digestive problems until I was having up to four bowel movements a day, often running to the toilet minutes after eating with a very loose, running stool. After having a blood test with inconclusive results I decided to go on to a mostly carnivore diet combined with intermittent fasting. The change has been absolutely stunning. I haven’t felt this well in decades.
The excessive buildup of plant sterols in the blood can lead to various health issues. High levels of sterols in the blood can cause xanthomas (fatty deposits under the skin), premature atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries), and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. The accumulation in tissues can also cause problems, although the exact effects may vary.
If we didn’t evolve eating mainly fat and meat possibly from carrion, why is our stomach acid so strong?
Why is our small intestine so long and our large intestine so short?
I thought I’d add this. I’m 73 and sustained a previous stroke. Diagnosed with severe chronic degenerative arthritis (demonstrated on MRI). I was predicted to be in a wheelchair by my early 70s. I’ve had fusions to my cervical and lumbar spine. Predictions were made ten years ago. I became carnivore. I’m fitter than when in my 40s. Clear skin with minimal wrinkling for a septuagenarian. I walk 6 miles daily. So, in my humble opinion. The plant-based advocates certainly seem to be WRONG.