Second on my list of the Anti-Aging Eight: Greens. #nutritionfactsorg #antiaging

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • LoylaGhaza says:

    Cooked or raw?

  • Parker Savage says:

    While I want to ask “Which one is best? Is it the one with the highest nitrate concentration?” I think the response would appropriately be “Eat a variety rather than focusing on any one.” Can’t wait to get this book for Christmas.

  • Dr Joe says:

    Aren’t greens full of oxalates and have adverse effects for those who are prone to developing calcium oxalate renal stones?

    • Henry G says:

      Yep, that is why you should never overdo eating plants. They don’t taste good for a reason.

    • Brooks Butler says:

      A few greens are high enough in oxalate content to where it would not be wise to eat cups per day. An example of this is spinach. To be clear, spinach is still healthy. It’s just not a good candidate for a dark leafy green that one eats a ton of daily. But with like kale and many other dark leafy greens, you don’t have to worry about oxalates, as far as I’m aware. Greger has videos on this topic.

    • Gumbi1012 says:

      Some greens yes, other greens are very low in them.

  • Henry G says:

    The epitome of health. Dr Gregor.

  • Antonio Diaz says:


  • TIMELOST (ADEPT) says:

    Imagine him as president 🎉🎉🎉 world saved

  • We Celebrate Eating Plants says:


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