Side Effects of Osteoporosis Medications Like Fosamax, Boniva, and Reclast

How rare are the bisphosphonate class of osteoporosis drugs’ devastating side effects, which ironically include bone fractures?

If the drugs work, might the benefits outweigh the risks? See How Well Do Medicines Like Fosamax Work to Treat Osteoporosis? ( ).

This video was originally part of my webinar all about osteoporosis. You can watch that full recording ( ), which includes a great Q&A.

These stand-alone videos are already live on our site: Fall Prevention Is the Most Important Thing for Preventing Osteoporosis Bone Fractures ( ) and Acid Reflux Medicine May Cause Osteoporosis ( ).

What about calcium supplements for bone health? See Are Calcium Supplements Safe? ( ) and Are Calcium Supplements Effective? ( ).

And milk? See Is Milk Good for Our Bones? ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @benmalek94 says:

  • @cosimavonliebenau8317 says:

    My mother was on Fosamax. Her thigh bone snapped walking up the stairs. She died a week later in hospital.

    • @judyfrederick2486 says:

      So very sad for you and your mom

    • @tamcon72 says:

      I am so sorry.

    • @BlakeLinton says:

      Sincere condolences and heartfelt thanks for sharing her story so others might avoid the same fate.

    • @deborahhagner5508 says:

      My mother was taking Fosamax many years ago. until I heard the latest of bone loss in jaws…I immediately told her to stop taking it after being on it for a year…..
      Well today she’s 96..and lost most of her back teeth😢.

      She really didn’t need this medication but her Dr said there was a family history of osteoporosis…
      You can’t listen to what doctors tell u without doing research and trying another method…
      Today …my Doctor wants to put me on Prolia….😅.she’s got a prayer
      ..I’m at the gym and built up my bone mass….
      So much to Doctors and drug companies!!.
      Is there a REAL Doctor in the house???

    • @kathleenjohnson4198 says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss.

  • @Spock_Rogers says:


  • @androz38 says:


  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    This video was originally part of Dr. Greger’s webinar all about osteoporosis. You can watch that full recording, which includes a great Q&A:

  • @mchagawa1615 says:

    Thank you so much <3

  • @aroundandround says:

    For low BMI people, simply adding body weight helps, and weight training to build muscle is a great way for everyone to strengthen bones.

    Bisphosphonates disrupt the body’s natural equilibrium of formation and resorption.

    • @murraybrockway6540 says:

      Skip gaining weight. Weight bearing exercise is enough. Pushing, pulling, carrying things, calisthenics, rowing, paddling, peddling etc.

  • @youganon says:

    Or they can just take D3

  • @jillcummings8810 says:

    And what else is it causing throughout your body? 🤔

  • @mad8298 says:

    I’ve had osteoporosis for years and the doctors always pushed Osteo drugs, starting with Fosamax, then to other classes of drugs. I usually had a negative reaction to them almost immediately, except Forteo, but then that is a daily shot in the stomach, so I stopped that after 8 months. I now refuse any osteo meds, but had gone back on HRT (I’m low risk there and it is only estrogen since I don’t have a uterus or ovaries). My osteoporosis has leveled off and not gotten better or worse for 7 years now, so I am OK with that. I have been a runner for 45 years and plant-based eater, who also supplements with Vit D3 and K2. If that’s not enough, so be it.

  • @frostar701 says:

    i do not consider 1 in a thousand rare

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