Soy Foods for Menopause Hot Flash Symptoms

Soy can be considered a first-line treatment for menopausal hot flash and night sweat symptoms.

If you missed the previous video, see Menopausal Hot Flashes Are Not Inevitable ( ).

What about soy and breast cancer? See my video Is Soy Healthy for Breast Cancer Survivors? ( ).

I recently did a series on vaginal menopause symptoms, including:
• The Best Moisturizers and Lubricants for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( )
• Hormone Treatment (Estrogen Pills and Creams) for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( )
• Soy Milk for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( )

For more on how to live your longest, healthiest life, preorder my new book How Not to Age ( ). (As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books ( ) are donated to charity.)

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • Xperience Evolution says:

    I eat nearly every day whole cooked soy beans as a Snack (and chickpeas).

  • Wade Patton says:

    Soy is so underrated by most. I had tofu yesterday.

  • Kerri says:

    Does soy make men have boobs?

    • galkinp says:

      It does not. Dairy products probably because of estrogen naturally produced in breast milk. Not good since it plays with mens testosterone. Soy however, protects by producing phyto estrogen so it blocks foreign estrogen from entering.

    • T H says:

      It comes from a single case study where a man was drinking a gallon of soy milk daily, which is over 1000 calories from soy milk alone. Daily. Hasn’t been replicated since or come up in soy feeding studies. No studies I’m aware of show any negative effects of soy on testosterone levels. Way more likely to be allergic to soy that to get gynocomastia from it, statistically speaking.

    • Madlen J. says:

      @galkinp i think you didn´t listen to the vdeo. If soy increases estragenlevls in women it does the same in men. And the and the general statement you made belongs to the soy industry to prevent soy from being no longer consumed and disdained, since most other people m/f do not need extra estrogen in their bodies, on the contrary, it has a detrimental effect -> more fat, man breasts , sometimes hair loss to the point of baldness, aggressive behavior and much more.

  • Anna Pomelo says:

    I do both. HRT and soy.

  • ccamire says:

    It appears that you are not willing to share your blood results, your Vo2 max, your grip strength and your bio-age. This lacks of transparency clears shows that your book on aging is a total joke

    • Joanna Bettman says:

      Wouln’t that just be anecdotal if he did

    • Neldoreth Udomiel says:

      This guy doesn’t try to convince people based on his own personal results, he only uses the results of research to promote behaviors. It’s definitely a different paradigm than your average Youtube-based health influencer, and a paradigm many would say will yield more successful results! It might be worth it to put the opposite question to other Youtubers: So, other youtubers, you have a good grip strength, VO2 max, etc, but what does the research actually say?!?

    • DD PWE says:

      Way to mistake actual research with anecdotal evidence. Try again.

    • RiseUpBlue says:

      Its a joke that he wrote about actual research??

  • Traci H says:

    Yes. Once I started eating soy I saw a significant drop in mine.

  • Diane Ladico says:

    I had zero traditional symptoms. What I did get was giant kickstart for rheumatoid arthritis. Yippee. Still eating soy but not sure if it’s having any effect.

    • RiseUpBlue says:

      what kind of diet are you on?

    • Diane Ladico says:

      @RiseUpBlue WFPB, minimal oil and sugar. I do the 30 plants a week minimum and Dr. G’s daily dozen most days. Focus on anti-inflammation and blood glucose (RA + T2D).
      But at the time I was eating SAD CRAP so I wasn’t doing myself any favors.

  • Deborah Gray says:

  • Neldoreth Udomiel says:

    Nice to see the PCRM-Barnard medical center studies in there!

  • Charlotte Geiger says:

    I’m in menopause, recently, whole food plant based since 2020 or very minimal animal products (cheese, butter egg in baked products, or pepperoni pizza for example), 2x per week if that, never had a hot flash that I had to take off layers, fan my face or know it was happening! Seriously! Unless I’m one of the few lucky ones that wouldn’t experience them genetically, I totally believe it is because of my diet, 100%. No headaches, fatigue, nothing to complain about.

  • Kara Hamil says:

    Can I have hashimoto’s and am on Synthroid … can I consume soy foods ???

    • Jen Wylie says:

      I have seen other videos with plant based doctors recommending upping your bean intake during menopause. I think all beans help, but soy does the best job.

  • Kara Hamil says:

    And are soy foods like soy burgers etc ok

  • Madlen J. says:

    Does this mean that, conversely, if there is a lack of progestone (antagonist of estrogen), it is anything but advisable to consume soy products? And the whole statement that soy products do not accumulate as estrogen in the body is simply wrong? :-O

  • A H says:

    I’m longtime soy eating vegan, 3 years post menopausal. My hot flashes/night sweats aren’t bad, compared to what I read some folks’ descriptions of their experiences. I’ve tried the addition of soybeans and very low fat foods only that Dr. Barnard recommends, for almost a year, but didn’t notice any differences. I’ve tried various things, and nothing has stopped the symptoms, and there’s Lots of symptoms related to menopause.

  • We Celebrate Eating Plants says:

    In the commonly used botanicals list nobody included ginger – we use it to reduce pain and inflammation naturally, and turmeric. Also ground flax & chia LADIES these are your new best friends along with green leafies & cruciferous veggies for great health. 🥦❤ Don’t be discouraged by the 12 week part of the soy studies as it can work a lot faster but please stop the dairy. Dry soybeans batch pressure cooked then frozen in 1.5c portions can be defrosted for three days of 0.5c servings which kick hot flash butt, included in any meal like any bean or blended into soy milk or a shake

  • Mu88 says:

    Очень плохо, перестаньте относиться к женщине, как к инкубатору, мы тоже люди. Да, соя повысит шансы родить, но может вы дадите честный выбор женщинам: жить для себя или рожать.

  • andrew pawley says:

    I love this channel!

  • M T says:

    Fascinating! Thank you so much <3

  • meriem belkass says:

    What about taking a heaping teaspoon og fenugreek a day,or 6 grams to overcome menopause symptoms,i have read that it helped a lot!

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