Soy Milk for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms

Soy foods may explain why Japanese-American women not only have the lowest rates of hot flashes in the United States but also have the lowest rates of vaginal dryness.

This is the third and final video in this series on vaginal menopause symptoms. The first two were The Best Moisturizers and Lubricants for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( ) and Hormone Treatment (Estrogen Pills and Creams) for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( ).

What about soy foods for other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats? Stay tuned. An updated video is coming soon!

For more on how to live your longest, healthiest life, preorder my new book How Not to Age ( ). (As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books ( ) are donated to charity.)

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • Alexander says:

    Will your new book „How Not To Age“ be available in other languages like german?

  • veganmama fourgirls says:

    Interesting research. Personally, I have consumed soymilk daily along with a predominantly wfpb diet for 10+ years, but it hasn’t alleviated any of my hormone related concerns.

    • Ana's Cancer Journey says:

      Me neither! 😢 I had my ovaries removed because of large tumors on them. Metastatic estrogen driven breast cancer, so I can’t take hormones. I drink lots of soy milk. Intercourse is still wayyyy to painful to even try.

  • Anna J. says:

    Oookeeey 🤣 we’re vegan and love to eat tofu and Okara, which is the rest of making DIY soymilk. We make tofuby our own so we have both always available. Tofu and Okara. But we do not drink soymilk.
    So now, because I’m a bit confused by the informations in the video, does I now have a potential protective regarding meno problems? I’still have a few years till my meno, hopefully, but I look for informations at this time to be ready if it starts 😎

  • my surly trucker says:

    Where are all these woman when you need them , l😆l

  • The Retro Challenger Ⓥ says:

    20 points for vaginal dryness… ouch.

  • Adipose Rex says:

    I guess this works. I have used soy products daily for 12 years and no hot flashes, no symptoms of any kind.

  • Happy Cook says:

    I get the best relief of symptoms when I eat a vegan minimally processed no added fat, no added oil diet. Then I have 1 cup Soymilk and 1 serving of tofu daily. No dryness and no hot flashes. When I increase the fat level of my diet, the soy doesn’t seem to work anymore and I flash, dry out, and have sleeping issues. Not sure if it is this way for everyone but I hate the taste of soy but love what it does for me. I’m a uterine cancer survivor– all female organs removed.

  • Helen Hucker says:

    I have been on a WFPB diet, which includes soy milk since becoming post menopausal over ten years ago. Unfortunately I have still experienced many distressing symptoms. Just recently I have added cooked soy beans to my diet in the hope of some relief.
    I also use HRT which may confuse things but I felt it was necessary.
    Many women report miraculous results with soy and diet and many also say HRT has been a game changer, sadly it appears that these remedies do not always work for everyone.

  • ScarCaskt says:

    That’s so cool

  • Terri Lynch My Life says:

    I guess soy milk seems to be an aphrodisiac 😳

  • AlboPepper - Drought Proof Urban Gardening says:

    “Honey, why do you keep feeding me these tofu steaks?”

    “What? Oh, no reason. Here’s a soy shake to wash down that edamame…”

  • Nancy Cronk says:

    I eat a lot of soy. I had no hot flashes or bothersome symptoms from menopause.

  • U Haul says:

    95% *GMO*

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