Testosterone “Replacement” in Post-Menopausal Women for Libido

Currently, there are more than 30 FDA-approved testosterone products for men, but none for women. Are there any natural ways for women to raise their testosterone levels?

I mentioned my Music as Medicine ( ) video.

Check out these other videos on menopause:
• Hormone Treatment (Estrogen Pills and Creams) for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( )
• Soy Foods for Menopause Hot Flash Symptoms ( )
• Menopausal Hot Flashes Are Not Inevitable ( )
• How to Delay the Age of Menopause with Diet and Lifestyle Factors ( )

Check out this podcast episode on hot flashes ( ) and this one on hormones and menopause ( ).

For more on peppermint, see Peppermint Aromatherapy for Nausea ( ) and Peppermint Oil for Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @JnTmarie says:

    Thank you as always. So giving highly sexual young men unable to concentrate in school mint could be a good answer especially around exam time ?

  • @leenmarier5729 says:

    No long-term data? What about the droves of transmen taking testosterone 10x higher than women’s physiological levels?

    I’m a proud testosterone user (and e2 en p4). The best decision ever. My partner fully agrees 😉

  • @MrsBridgette2012 says:

    During coitus, does the male’s emissions release testosterone or any hormones into the female, and if so, does the female absorb these hormones from the act?

  • @mu999 says:

    Травы назовите, которые убирают месячные полностью. Чтобы без таблеток.

  • @7Jennifer says:

    I don’t care about my libido anymore (single). I’m SO, so sick of the weight. SO sick of it. Burning more calories than what is consumed should work, but nope. It breeds self-hate. I don’t understand why my weight will not move. I look at food and gain weight it feels like.

  • @Alexander-ok7fm says:

    Thank you!

  • @nazokashii says:

    Fascinating! Interesting to hear about the mint too 🙂 Thank you for sharing <3

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