The Best Dietary Detox

By eating at a lower rung on the food chain, those choosing plant-based diets suffer less exposure to the industrial pollutants that bioaccumulate up the ladder.

The video on meat that I mentioned is Is Organic Meat Less Carcinogenic? ( ).

I previously touched on Fasting to Detox ( ).

In The Wrong Way to Detox ( ), I talk about the transfer of pollutants from mothers to their children.

For more on how we acquire toxins in the first place, see:
• Pollutants in Californian Breast Tissue ( )
• How Fast Can Children Detoxify from PCBs? ( )
• How Long to Detox from Fish Before Pregnancy? ( )
• California Children Are Contaminated ( )
• Pollutants in Salmon and Our Own Fat ( )
• Dietary Pollutants May Affect Testosterone Levels ( )

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @annaj.4740 says:

    WoW! 🤘 Very interesting information – thanks 💝

  • @MindVersusMisery says:

    I’m a huge fan of heavy metal, but prefer it in music form rather than in my food. 🤘
    The band Cattle Decapitation seem suitable for this channel since they tackle things like anthropocentrism, animal cruelty and climate destruction.

  • @snegglederlickton1637 says:

    I’m a dietary detox

  • @peterz53 says:

    Yes on sweating per one study I saw. Focus was on benzene. Another study showed that long term plasma donation also reduced persistent pollutants.

    • @chiyerano says:

      @@peterz53 Yes, I have heard that people donate blood regularly tend to become less polluted or contaminated with pollutants.

  • @xtmfitness says:

    I tried plant based diet for 6 months, had no energy, got sick often, hair lose and low iron anemia, I switched to eggs+meat+fruit and feel amazing . What was I doing wrong? Please explain because I really believe science of plant based eating but it has not worked for me

  • @Srindal4657 says:

    One day im going to stick to a diet. And on that day my health will be failing me so bad that i wont have a choice. Unless i do something now.

  • @falsificationism says:

    “The best dietary detox is to not tox in the first place.” 👌🏼

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Stay up on the latest news by subscribing to’s free e-newsletter and receive our Care for Your Skin as You Age infographic as a thank-you for subscribing. -NF Team

  • @misterx3188 says:

    0:36 – Do these diagrams only show chemicals in animal foods? Is there nothing in plant foods at all?

    • @dianeladico1769 says:

      Based on what I could read of the study that’s available for free they only analyzed animal products.

    • @misterx3188 says:

      @@dianeladico1769 Ok, thanks. I think there’s a graph later in the video that shows it’s 10-20x lower in plant foods.

    • @dianeladico1769 says:

      @@misterx3188 There is. That study focused on fats as the toxins are fat soluble and no plants were tested. Yes, the lower on the food chain the better off you are.

    • @toni4729 says:

      Of course there are chemicals in plant foods. I’ll swear to that because I’m sensitive to most of them. The natural ones are defensive chemicals in the plants that are designed to kill insects and other invading things. But now, the pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are dumped on our food day after day and have been for fifty or sixty years now and they’ve been making us very ill. We’ve been living so long with illness now, we’ve just grown old not realizing that our food is the cause.

      I found out about the dangers of vegetable matter thirty-five years ago when I was placed on an elimination diet by an immunologist. I’ve been a carnivore ever since.

  • @nazokashii says:

    Thank you so much <3 so important. Glad I am already vegan ^^

  • @bntravelin2 says:

    the one main thing i have noticed about plant based eating is the reduction of body odor.

    • @Hertz2laugh says:

      @@bntravelin2 Veganism trades out body odor for increased, flatulent odor. Those broccoli farts can make you gag…

    • @sharit7970 says:


    • @thepianoaddict says:


      The only thing that makes my farts smell is proteine shakes, but since I stopped taking those I fart less and they don’t smell. My omni gym buddy on the other hand absolutely reeks when he farts, and that’s without proteine shakes.

      Everybody is different, and it could be that your gut flora needs to adjust when you make the change. But I personally have very good results with my whole food plant based diet.

    • @Hertz2laugh says:

      @@thepianoaddict Suuuuure…😉

    • @roku3216 says:

      Showering now seems to be enough unless it’s a busy day out in 90f weather, then the stick deodorant gets its time.

  • @wadjeturaeus says:


  • @dianeladico1769 says:

    Well that was horrifying. I’ve read all his books, seen similar info on other platforms and I’m a chemist so I’m aware but to see it in concentrated form like this really drives the point home. Makes me kind of sick thinking of all the years I wasn’t WFPB. Good thing it clears over time.

  • @sharit7970 says:

    Thanks for doing the research and sharing!

  • @yourendwastheroad says:

    Smug phrasing at the end of the video and clickbait title really only panders to your audience and does little to break through to the people you want to reach. Diet is so hard to discuss without challenging someone’s personal identity. Despite my criticism, I found the video informative and eye opening.

  • @toni4729 says:

    Of course, animals have filters just as we do. We and they filter out the stuff that *for the most part are bad for them. Plants draw it all up and keep it for you to consume. You have no choice.

    • @betzib8021 says:

      So gee… then those nursing moms eating animals would have less contaminants in breast milk than those moms eating just those awful contaminated plants…right?…oops

  • @roku3216 says:

    “Welcome to our TED Tox”

  • @Dr.Mathew-g6l says:

    My main concern is how to survive all of these financial and political crisis, especially in light of the US political power scuffle. The government has really called things more difficult for its citizens, and we can’t sit back and bear all the consequences of the bad governance.

    • @Tina-x7c says:

      I’m glad you made this video, I can recall when I was homeless and faced with many things in Life until $75,000 biweekly began rolling in and my Life went from A homeless nobody to a different person with good things to offer!!!!!!❤️

    • @NancyLovely-r1m says:

      That’s lovely 🌹if I may ask, How did come up with so much biweekly?

    • @Tina-x7c says:

      It’s Judy Marion Then doing she changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.

    • @Tina-x7c says:

      $_700k and yet still counting on. Judy Marion is the kind of person one needs in his or her life to be honest❤️❤️❤️>>>>

    • @SandraCoelho-x4v says:

      Wow😱 I know her too Judy Marion Then is a remarkable individual who has brought immense positivity and inspiration into my life. Her unwavering wisdom have been invaluable assets, enriching my journey in countless ways.

  • @michaelchristensen2786 says:

    Great video Michael! Yet another great reason to go plant based.

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