The Best Foods for Your Skin
Greens, apples, tomato paste, and grapes are put to the test as edible skin care candidates.
For more on skin care, see:
• How to Prevent Wrinkles with Diet ( )
• Do Collagen Supplements Work for Skin Aging? ( )
• What Is the Most Important Anti-Aging Cream Ingredient? ( )
I covered sunscreen in a one-hour webinar and Q&A. Check out the recording ( ).
I have many more videos on skin health. See the topic page ( ).
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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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I covered sunscreen in a one-hour webinar and Q&A. Check out the recording:
I love this channel!
Thank you!
3:36 thank you for being clear on the limits of what can be achieved by diet. It’s still important to wear sunscreen and limit sun exposure when you can help it.
6:23 thank you for being clear on the limits of what can be achieved with sunscreen as well!
Плохо! Помидор – помир до. Это один из вреднейщих продуктов для человека. На Руси называли чёртово яблоко. Славянам помидоры это вред ❕
В винограде больше всего фосфора из фруктов.
Вы точно хотите чтобы веганы были здоровы? Или уничтожаете их..
only an issue if you have kidney disease and eating grapes would still be far below the amount most humans eat. 1 serving about 88 mg of phosphorus
can eat up to 3 -4,000 mg a day
Excellent content, but the audio sounds like its recorded in a large room.
It’s from Dr. Greger’s “Live At Carnegie Hall” series.
@@moggridge1 I hope he wore a vibrant green bowtie & weskit, as is his due. Tails would be outre, he would never be so outlandish. I look forward to seeing a clip one day. Thanks for letting us all know, apparently we are not all in the know about the glories of Carnegie Hall.
Nice, time to stock up on veggies to protect my skin in the summer
Thanks for this great information.
HI Dr. Greger. Would you do something on lipedema and the plant based diet? Thanks for considering it.
Great one! Thanks
What to do: Vitamin D or Skin Damage? 🤔
Will “skin elasticity” as a term conceptually shape-shift into phenotypic fluidity, causing unnecessary confusion in identifying candidates for DEI? Is “skin atrophy” more associated with flesh-eating bacteria, translucent skin (as seen in that mouse study on food-processing chemicals), or entropy in cell replication? Does hydration, skin-surface conductivity, or stearic acid presence influence “skin fragility”?
Also, if substituting pork for kale, wouldn’t curly kale be the non-kosher equivalent? Given Plant Based News’ YouTube uploads, ROS (reactive oxygen species) seems to parallel rusting as a disease pathway. Does this affect heme-iron levels, or does it invalidate the iron injections prescribed for vegan-induced malnutrition?
And what about humans with greater archaic DNA—like Denisovans? Would they be more concerned with RNS (reactive nitrogen species)?
Meanwhile, the development of sophisticated breathing apparatus programs by space agencies and Navy SEALs—employing experimental gas mixtures—suggests that even catalytic converters might soon face regulatory oversight. Who knows what conspiracies lie behind those new oxygen filters?
Naturally, those with autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, psychopathy, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, pacemakers, spinal implants, amphetamine habits (and let’s not forget Moderna recipients) are already spearheading the next stage of human evolution: telepathy. Which means they’ll only have to worry about DNS.
I’ve also read that eating a diet rich in foods like sweet potatoes changes the tone of our skin that other people find pleasing.
Love most of this, but there is nothing natural about most sunscreens and people should be much more leery of slathering so many chemicals all over their skin.
let’s not forget Garden Peas, Carrots and Paprika