The Disturbing Link Between Sleep and Alzheimer’s

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Leroy Johnson

  • @justincredible5406 says:

    The metabolic link is pretty strong. I believe there was some new research linking the two. For the life of me can’t remember what it was right now.

  • @phyju says:

    You can find a link for everything we have wrong with us. We are all different. Most of the problems are from the crap we eat and the air we breathe. Eat fresh food and breath fresh air. As good as you can and you have done all you can without the stress of not doing it killing you lol.

  • @arcadepiano says:

    how can i inject myself in home DIY the thymus regeneration protocol which involves growth hormone+metformin+dhe ( or something like that) ??

  • @FlatStan1l says:

    Great video as always, it was something I started improving in 2020 and i’ve been down the sleep rabbit hole since then, I also think as I get a bit older consistent sleep gets harder. Btw I’d love to see a video on fiber. Layne Norton is a huge proponent of 50-60+ grams of fiber a day and I think he mentioned a study where there wasn’t really a limit in beneficial fiber intake. I’m personally taking Menno Henselman’s advice on eating less protein (but still enough according to the studies) and getting 50 ish grams of fiber. I don’t know if taking Psylium husk or vitafiber on top of this would be any benefit though?

  • @stargazer1359 says:

    Recent news shows the science pointing towards Alzheimer’s being a autoimmune issue.

  • @Fun-tx7lp says:

    Great video. Sufficient sleep is not a waste of time.

  • @magnusdanielsson2749 says:

    Funny how people usually tend to seek an ”easy fix” to health issues but have such aversion to sleeping well.. 🤷‍♂️

  • @firejuggler31 says:

    It’s amazing how often science confirms traditional wisdom.

  • @friebertbalazs6324 says:

    It is a metabolic disease, ketones can restore most of the cognitive qualities, but one also has to exercise, build a little bit of muscle, so have a little a “protection” from glucose.

  • @loyalsausages says:

    I’m interested in a sleep study involving only healthy people, because of the confounding factors you mentioned. The data can lead one to believe that 8 or 9 hours sleep is somehow harmful when really it might be the body’s own attempts to heal the harm already being suffered! If a study were to follow up the sleep patterns of people in good health, would people sleeping 8 or 9 hours – while in good health – have lower all cause mortality and dementia later in life? My gut says yes, but of course we want the hard data!

  • @jacobdahl7747 says:

    I love your videos Siim but this time..I stopped the video when you talked into the Beta-Amyliod hypothesis.. It is a multifactorial disorder diesease.
    I will recommend you reading the book “how not to study a disease by Karl Herrup”..

  • @george6252 says:

    This is scary at my present age at 73. Fall asleep in minutes, but wake
    up around 3 every night. Have to use a anti histamine to keep asleep.
    To combat this I often fast anywhere from 24, 36, 48 hours. 3 day 72 hour
    water fast 1st of month.

    • @lioncross1849 says:

      Very impressive behaviors. Most people your age that I see come through my work (healthcare) are just letting themselves rot

    • @rockyp32 says:

      If you died right now are you a 100% sure you’d go to heaven?

      All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Due to our sin. Hell is the punishment

      .“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”Revelation‬ ‭21‬:‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      but Jesus who is God. Came down to earth as a man lived a perfect life never sinned people got jealous of him got him convicted on false charges then he died buried and resurrectedRemember how I said our sin is why we can’t go to heaven? The only thing that can wash away your sins in the blood of Jesus

      “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.” Roman’s 5:8-9 KJV

      So to get saved is super easy

      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      Salvation is a free gift by faith alone. You can’t earn it by going to church, getting water baptized, or by any good thing you do.

      “For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.”2 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭10‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      Then you just have to feel guilty and sorry for being a sinner and repent for being a sinner. Do you feel guilty for being a sinner? If you do then there’s just one final step.

      “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      all you have to do is tell God out loud with your mouth that you believe the gospel. You MUST mean it from your heart to work.

      You can pray something like this
      “dear God i repent as a sinner. i believe jesus is God, who died, buried, and ressurected, so his blood can wash away my sins. so i only trust in the blood alone to save me not my good works. Save me from hell in jesus name i pray amen”

    • @JoseHernandez-ql8vw says:

      ever try herbal remedies such as valerian and passionflower to improve sleep quality?

    • @mjgrant1515 says:

      how much diphenhydramine do you take? i’m 70 & have been taking 25 mg of diphenhydramine for a few years in order to get decent sleep quality. i worry about it but both my dr. & naturopath told me that if it’s the only way to get decent sleep to take it as long as i’m not increasing the dose. i’ve tried several times to use other products (natural sleep herbs, glycine, magnesium, melatonin etc) but nothing seems to work for me like diphenhydramine. i also intermittent fast since Jan. 2016. generally fast between 17 to 21 hours per day with 2 meals no snacks. i throw some longer fasts in occasionally. also get lots of steps, weight train & eat low carb. the diphenhydramine is the only sore point in an otherwise healthy routine.

  • @wimkrol2233 says:

    Good sleep is difficult when you have to go to the bathroom three or four times every night

    • @djmalou says:

      I heard that’s a sign of insulin resistance or pre-diabetes…

    • @dangallagher6176 says:

      If it helps I recently managed to reduce my nightly bathroom visits from 1-3 to 0-1 after having Magnesium L-threonate supplements

    • @ChessMasterNate says:

      I never or very rarely have to get up to use the bathroom. When I do, it is almost always at least 6 hours into sleep. This was not always true. I have done many things to improve my health, but this I believe I solved by the very counterintuitive solution of drinking plenty of water before bed. Sounds ludicrous, but it worked. I was also having problems of my limbs losing circulation and inability to move them until the circulation returned. It was all due to dehydration at night. We think less water and we may not have to pee as much, but the body is not always logical.
      But your situation may be different than mine. This can be caused by prostate issues, or other issues, luckily I don’t have that.
      If you have the sleepy limbs and such, more water might be a try. I think it took less than 3 weeks to resolve for me.
      I’m not a doc, so this is not advice.

    • @wimkrol2233 says:

      @@djmalou I don’t have that. I’m 100% sure.

    • @wimkrol2233 says:

      @@ChessMasterNate Thank you. I can try it. Nothing to lose.

  • @zbridgjpxupzm says:

    Recently I got a new problem, I stress over not being able to get good sleep due to neighbors noise, going out late, etc…

  • @SirHargreeves says:

    How is sleep hours calculated? A sleep tracker device will say you are awake for 1 hour, which I assume means you ar eats in REM or deep sleep states.

  • @edithharmer1326 says:

    Educational for all❤

  • @matth6299 says:

    CoQ10 for alzheimers prevention

  • @alexcordero6672 says:

    I guess I’m screwed. I don’t have time to get 7 hours of sleep. I’m at 5 to 6 and 6 feels excessive.

  • @Pakistan-Icecream says:

    Good video thanks.

  • @arcadepiano says:

    i must stop taking hundred supplements a day. 4 litres. it gives me 15 diarreahs and my anus hurts so much pain, i would die in few months. i’ve been doing this since black friday 2022. i haven’t slowed aged whatsoever. long itching.

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