The Fittest 70 Year Old You’ve Ever Seen

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00:35 Wojciech's Węcławowicz Transformation
02:55 Wojciech's Workout
03:41 Wojciech's Diet
04:19 Wojciech's TRT

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Leroy Johnson

  • @SiimLand says:

    00:35 Wojciech’s Węcławowicz Transformation
    02:55 Wojciech’s Workout
    03:41 Wojciech’s Diet
    04:19 Wojciech’s TRT

    Longevity and Anti-Aging Playlist:

  • @Individualati says:

    Interesting case.

  • @tonysuper3074 says:

    trt, GH …

  • @fidelio1566 says:

    He is on TRT
    no way!

  • @mikyasdemssie1064 says:

    Then you don’t know robi robenson, he is better at 77 than this guy

    • @MusicEnlightened says:

      Just looked it up, you’re right.

    • @KasKade7 says:

      Just get juiced to the gills. Not just test, but also HGH, etc. All hormones tweaked to youthful 30y old. Then you have a 30y old body with a 70y old head on it. Will you reach centenarian status this way? Probably not. But for healthspan it might be great. You will need a wife at least 20y younger to keep up lol.

    • @JediStockTrader says:


  • @darthstarone3532 says:

    💪😎🎸 KILLA 🎸🦇

  • @thehalokidster says:

    What’s most shocking isn’t his muscle or BF%, as TRT can sort that out! It’s his mobility/athleticism! Her moves like a way younger man!

  • @dravrahamrosenzweig says:

    He’s not on TRT and HGH he is consisent I met the guy in Person i Wroclaw last year, one of the most interesting person I have ever meet.

  • @atitslan4776 says:

    Once he grows his hair back, I’ll be impressed and start following him😅

  • @te_hago_las_nalgas says:

    age is just a number!….so is the ml of test !

  • @Eri-mn9qi says:

    Thanks for sharing brother

  • @adamd9418 says:

    Sometimes a titles can be a bit click-bait-ish… but this certainly isn’t. This just might be the fittest 70 year old ever!

  • @arcadepiano says:

    my grandmother lived 96 and did no gym
    time will tell if this guy make it. and if not, then promoting gym in a antiaging youtube channel would have been misinformative.

  • @igorjuricek5683 says:

    We have a lady (72) exercising with us in our gym. She started in September and had difficulty just standing up from sitting on the ground then. 6 months later, she lifts 50 kg on deadlift and says her overall quality of life is much better than before. For us she is the living evidence that you can improve your physique and mobility in any age.

  • @gaurd3 says:

    That’s my hope!

  • @GreyBeard_Fit says:

    Age 49 here with 50 coming in about 6 months. I began TRT at age 35 and currently doing Intermittent Fasting along with low carb. Up until my mid 30s, I was athletic & fit/lean. A divorce in my mid 30s caused me to eat too much processed foods [due to stress] and I gained about 12 pounds of mostly fat. TRT aided me in getting back to optimal health.

    I took at look at photos that I took at age 27, 29 and recently at age 49. *The TRT has allowed me to look almost identical as I did at age 27 & 29 although I am NOT as strong nor as athletic*

    **I do NOT touch HGH as it has too many side effects**

    I keep my TRT dose relatively low where my Total Test is usually in the 800-1000 ng/dl range. When I initially started TRT, I was doing 1x every 2 weeks & my test levels would jump to ~1400 ng/dl a few days after administration and down to around 400 after about 12 days. Went to microdosing and feel great with stable levels in the 800-1000 range.

    **He is definitely taking TRT** but as you stated it is likely where it pushes him into the high normal range of total test. This has allowed him to regain his prime physique & be extremely athletic for his age. *The key is finding that optimal range to maximize benefit while minimizing side-effects*

  • @barryjackson1401 says:

    His verticle is crazy. I just read an article about a woman who started training in her late 40s and now is doing a triathlon at 80.

  • @daysoftheboo says:

    But what if he was a woman instead of a man? Wouldn’t he be tortured by menopause?
    From everything I’ve heard about menopause it sounds like torture and it doesn’t allow women to be the best fittest shape they can ever be because it sounds like misery and suffering, I don’t think older men suffer like that

  • @jdonalds160 says:

    Take a look at Robby Robinson at 78

  • @FastingStarChanelNo5 says:

    I love master athletes. I doubt he takes more than some DHEA or perhaps supps w/HGH in low amounts. Can you find one on a master athlete female to inspire us? Thx Siim.

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