The Perfect WIEIAD doesn’t exist.. OR does it? (LOVED THIS)

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1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸

Leroy Johnson

  • @noellerubel4686 says:

    Bagel = Baygel, not Bag el

  • @mindpower6089 says:

    I love these videos.

  • @nope7560 says:

    If you get uncured deli meat, that’s probably a bit better for you than regular. Particularly if you eat deli meat more regularly. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @danastonerock says:

    Why so fast? Cringe

  • @DelusionDispeller says:

    Can we slow it down, please. What was the chicken topped with?

  • @user-fx9mv7yv3s says:

    I love Claudia’s content, she’s a really well rounded human and definitely seems to have a really good relationship with health overall. I actually started watching her bc she has a naturally Itty bitty frame but has worked really hard to build muscle and I wanted all her exercises lol but she just seems super sweet.

  • @JesusChrist-sm4bm says:

    Your condemn Deliy meat because it’s “unhealthy”
    I condemn Deliy meat because the idea of pulverizing animals and pushing them into intestinal casing or Useing A Gum to congell them together is disturbing

    • @imaginarylivingbody7154 says:

      You accept and allow deli meat because it’s disturbing?

    • @JesusChrist-sm4bm says:

      I am Wrong In this but instead of deleting this comment I will just edit and admit i am stupid

      Condone(verb) the act of Disregard or being disgusted due to personal Taste or Values

    • @dubiousenthusiast says:

      @@JesusChrist-sm4bmBless your heart…pretty sure you mean condemn. Condone means to allow and/or be in favor of.

    • @cherrybombrose3532 says:

      @@dubiousenthusiastI’m dying 😂😭

    • @JesusChrist-sm4bm says:

      @@dubiousenthusiast Ah you are correct, sorry English is not my frist language lamo

  • @Elyanley says:

    Why are Americans suddenly so scared of deli meat?

    Like try to take *den Aufschnitt* away from the standard german from their bread and you well.. you won’t like us when we are angry 😂

    But seriously. Deli meat often is eaten here for breakfast and supper on bread. This is so weird to me.

    • @sunnygirl5467 says:

      Simple answer…cause it CAUSES CANCER! Look up “processed meat carcinogenic”…

    • @b1nl4d3nsw1fe says:

      its not a “sudden” fear of deli meats, its been a thing since the 80s. to answer your question, its because of the nitrates involved in the curing process, which are known carcinogens. and of course, the world oriented, cosmopolitan, “enlightened” european views different societies as weird compared to theirs. and is totally ignorant. imagine my surprise

  • @trustingintuition says:

    why have I never thought of putting peanut butter on an ice cream bar like that 😧

  • @sunnygirl5467 says:

    I guess it’s intuitive, but not a single legume, seeds, nuts, whole grains or nearly enough fruit or veggies…I guess Abbey is biased, because she has been sponsored by dairy or other animal product companies in the past..but as a dietitian that claims to love reading studies and scientific research..I don’t get why she never comments on too many animal products in WIEIADs..not every meal should be build around animal products and processed carbs (bagel, breadroll, breading)..
    I like your motivation to help people Abbey, but I just find it a bit disingenuous that when it fits the narrative of your video you talk about the studies showing that processed meats increase cancer risk and that swapping in plant protein is beneficial overall..and when it doesn’t fit your narrative suddenly deli meat is fine and “food freedom go!”

  • @pattrell5257 says:

    Was watching a PBS cook one day that believes in salt free cooking! Funny, I always thought that salt was an essential element. Trying to follow the diet he perpetuates will kjII you!

    • @ireneqq2300 says:

      there is a bit of nuance in this. There is salt included in daily foods like bread, most sauces (specially soy sauce), cured meats, packaged snacks, pickles and some residue in fish. Yes, if you don’t eat any processed or canned goods or condiments of any kind you might be low in sodium (or iodine) but in my family we haven’t really added salt (unless it’s part of an important occasional dish) because my mom has hypertension and it’s been perfectly okay. You don’t need a big amount to avoid medical issues. Depends on how drastic of a rule this is in his diet but if he isn’t too strict it probably won’t kill anyone.

    • @pattrell5257 says:

      @@ireneqq2300 Unless he is a big hypocrite(and he may very well be*), he’s the strictest that I’ve ever seen. Living a double life, I mean. However, he teaches his viewers not to use salt at all and assesses that all you need is herbs/plants. Fit2Eat is the program! Natural foods–flying the natural banner–don’t contain very much salt(including meats). The reason I know this is because I serve food for a heart patient and the sodium level is uberlow.

      Still, your body needs quite a bit daily; don’t remember how much specifically but I was surprised…His chef teaching is flawed and his dietitian does not correct him(payroll perhaps). The thing is–you can keep your blood pressure low enough and/or counter any load from sodium on your with herbs, vinegar(gargle with baking soda or alkaline water afterwards/your teeth will thank you), low merc fish, potassium, and/or ceylon cinnamon. You can also do a castor oil cleanse every so often, but going on a salt free(or too little salt) diet is dedly: it’s lumped in their with potassium class of vital elements for the human body!

      *Looked very healthy. Seems to have a bit of a temper as some people that have HBP do, though.

  • @AnnaIPlayPretend says:

    Wait whats wrong with deli meat??

  • @noellerubel4686 says:

    Bay GLE then….

  • @SteviesEarthBasedKitchen says:

    I love it when skinny girls get together and talk about how much they can eat and then tell people- who have to be much conscientious about their eating habits to maintain their weight or want to be because food really is medicine – that they have “disordered eating”

  • @bhadgyaledds3333 says:

    I paused my diet and started doing this I feel so freee

  • @lisaweinmann9245 says:

    I eat boars head low sodium products all the time. I have no shame in the fact that I eat deli meat as a part of my regular diet which on the whole is everything Abby would want it to be

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