The Problem with Boxed Cereal

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Kids love cereal, but don't let them start their day with sugar bombs!

try high-protein, low-carb options like Crump granola – it's nutritious and tasty.

Opt for cereals with no added sugars, and if your child craves sweetness, add some berries or glycine.

It's all about finding healthier compromises!

#UnspokenHomeHazards s #HealthyHabits #WellnessJourney #bloodsugarbalance #foodhealth

Leroy Johnson

  • Nick Gerz says:

    Even just making oatmeal with brown sugar is WAY healthier than typical cereal.

    • Drezperado says:

      Yes for sure but still largely depends on the individuals glucose response. I did a health study and my blood sugar spikes with plain oatmeal but the spike was smaller with added Greek yogurt

  • G G says:

    You also forgot to cost $10 for four servings that are toddler can eat in 3 seconds flat. I mean these companies are just as bad as the cereal companies and they’re probably in cahoots with each other.

  • plumbthumbs says:

    Siim, a search does not yield anything for ‘Crump Granola’, perhaps you can put a link in the description?


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