The Secret to Weight Loss Through Exercise

Exercise ramps up appetite, helping to explain why calories burned don’t necessarily equal calories lost, so how can we lose weight through physical activity?

If you missed the previous video, watch The Exercise “Myth” for Weight Loss ( ).

Of course, there are some Foods Designed to Hijack Our Appetites ( ). What if you took that component away? You could get 200-Pound Weight Loss Without Hunger ( ).

For the best way to lose weight, check out my book How Not to Diet ( ) from your local public library. You can get a taste with my presentation on the topic: Evidence-Based Weight Loss ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @nellosnook4454 says:

    Thanks for this interesting content! 👍
    Successful weight loss:
    1. 90% diet.
    2. 10% exercise.
    3. 100% DISCIPLINE.

  • @Spock_Rogers says:

    Isn’t it funny that some people look down on others who walk or ride a bike to get where they’re going?

    • @jonnenne says:

      Bad people find any reason to be bad. Be it skin color, money, diet, ideas, music or whatever else

    • @pdblouin says:

      Depends on the country. But yes, in Canada and the USA, the automobile industry spent decades convincing the public that buying their product = freedom.

    • @Angelas.Eye_ says:

      That’s always interested me. In the town I grew up, there aren’t always bike lanes or sidewalks so it’s not totally safe or common to travel that way, but some people still do. I did sometimes, but felt a bit self conscious, I think because of that stigma. I also of course worried about safety with cars driving by. I now live somewhere with sidewalks everywhere, and I feel much more comfortable (safety and dignity wise, if I’m honest) walking everywhere I can

  • @mrs.Columbo22 says:


  • @jonnenne says:

    It is a bit different when you do a lot of sports. Then you sometimes need to eat more than you want to eat but it can be difficult without a plan. Eg. Running 20h/week more than doubles my energy expenditure in the week and I have to make myself eat more. But you can still go up in weight

    • @rhoharane says:

      I figure someone coming from zero training/conditioning, without proper guidance, the amount of exercise needed to produce results as fast as controlling diet will probably destroy their joints from repetitive motion alone.

  • @liamtaylor4955 says:

    Fascinating. Thank you.

  • @sojournern says:

    So the point about using exercise to lose weight? You have to workout about 300 minutes per week you say. I think it also depends on the intensity of exercise. If you work in a couple of high intensity days it’s a bit less, but still a high total per week.

    • @RoughNeckDelta says:

      Yes, but the masses would be put off if they have to sweat. And if you’re overweight and have co-morbidities you’re probably better off doing low intensity stuff.

  • @andrewpawley8883 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @genehendrix1847 says:

    US average 5000 steps a day?? Nope, don´t believe that for a second 😄

  • @imlskr says:

    insane video, such great insight

  • @isabellezablocki7447 says:

    I do gym exercises and Pickleball as physical activities. When I go to the gym, I think of calories expenditure. When I play Pickleball, I never think of calories. It is just fun.

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    If you missed the previous video, watch The Exercise “Myth” for Weight Loss:

  • @mmc1086 says:

    I’ve started walking an hour every day without changing diet and am amazed how quickly I look slimmer. Have been more sedentary than ever for a year owing to an injury. I do not like exercise but am hopeful this is something I can do and do with consistency. I hope so, I feel sprightlier.

  • @steveb9226 says:

    Once again you justified my sedentary lifestyle. It’s comforting to know being lazy is paying off.

  • @hornsteinhof7592 says:

    I’d say exercise has amazing benefits on the body and mind. It’s only that fat loss is not among those effects. Your body needs movement to function properly

  • @doloreswinsbarrow1110 says:

    Thanks for the information on exercise

  • @KJSvitko says:

    Buy a bicycle and use it daily for short trips to school, work or for fun.
    Healthy exercise and fossil fuels free transportation.

  • @dianeladico1769 says:

    I go the other way. I am not fond of exercise for the sake of exercise. I’d much rather move a yard of mulch than walk a mile. That said, after any activity I’m motivated not to negate the positive effects by ‘rewarding’ myself with extra calories. Knowing the details Dr. Greger provides only strengthens my resolve.

  • @Apollo440 says:

    I didn’t get that last bit at the end, about the limited ability of our bodies to downregulate appetite at an activity level of 71 hundred steps a day.
    But the “imagination about exercise (or its intensity)”-“appetite/self indulgence” link is epic! Thanks, Dr. G!

  • @angiebee598 says:

    I have definitely noticed this in my own life over the years, but I’m less likely to do it now on a regular basis.

  • @suburbohemian says:

    A good reason they should do away with compulsory p.e. classes in middle school and high school and give them back an hour of free play with appropriate structures and equipment. This is when exercise becomes a chore (class) you’re compelled to do instead of movement for fun like kids get at elementary school at recess.

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