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Some of those aren’t vegan, sushi isn’t vegan
You can make any dish vegan 🌱
@@Gigi-VG by changing the definition of vegan? Lmao
They’re called veggie rolls. There’s no fish in it.
Sushi refers to the rice. You can get loads of vegan sushi options. Sashimi is the fish dishes, and you can get vegan versions of those too.
Sushi definition-The Japanese word sushi literally means “sour rice”. The word comes from the adjectival verb sui (酸い), which means “to be sour”. Sushi is made with vinegared rice, which is the central ingredient in the dish. While sushi often includes raw fish or seafood, it doesn’t always. 2nd def- a Japanese dish consisting of small balls or rolls of vinegar-flavored cold cooked rice served with a garnish of raw fish, vegetables, or egg.
So true😊
So true. I think for meat eaters they just don’t want to understand that it’s not all about just eating lettuce it’s also having wonderful meals like pasta. So many people are addicted to meat they cannot see beyond their own fleshly desires and that is so sad. People should be using discernment to figure out what the truth really is and when they find it make a change and not deny it and stay in the same rut that they’ve been in their whole life. Growing makes someone more mature but staying the same is not healthy.
I think a lot of people’s perception of vegans comes from stereotypes from decades ago. The cleansing juice girl, the fruitarian or stuff like that
So true.
At work once, for a work lunch party, I asked the (new) admin to get me a vegan option.
I got a pizza with nothing but tomato sauce, and an iceberg lettuce and tomato salad.
I’m so sorry. You’d think by now it wouldn’t be as hard😒✌️
They could have thrown on some mushrooms, peppers, olives, chilis, artichokes, etc.
Oh wow that’s a bummer! Hopefully, next time is better
Thank you!
Miss u, man! Where have you been??
I was away for a week on the east coast! Back now!
Delicious and nutritious 🤤
I like your recipes and ideas. I like how you put different kinds of food together to make it complete vegan very satisfying and filling meals.
Yes!!! 😃🙌
Looks delicious and nutritious!! Yum 🤤
The first question I ALWAYS get is: what do you eat then?
I fthey only knew how good vegan food actually is. 😊
Wow, that gorgeous plating! Looks restaurant grade and delicious!