These Menopause Diet Hacks are Making EVERYTHING Worse (Belly Fat, Hot Flashes, Anxiety & more)
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Hey everyone, I’m Abbey Sharp, and today we’re tackling perimenopause, menopause, hot flashes, weight gain, brain fog, and metabolic changes—yep, all the fun stuff. 😅 I turned 37 last December, and surprise—I’m already in the perimenopause club! With so much diet culture BS and extreme wellness hacks, it’s easy to fall for bad advice. So today, we’re busting the biggest menopause mistakes and what to do instead. Let’s cut through the noise and feel good again! 💪 #Menopause #Perimenopause #womenshealth
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸
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You are great Abbey, thank you for this video to add a menopause angle to what you have been confirming for/ teaching me. I slogged thru peri zone, trying so many natural supplements for symptoms with minimal relief, just recently starting the lowest dose estrogen patch and accompanying progesterone. So much better after just a month, I kick myself for going so long ( like 10+ yrs long), but better late than never. And backing up with good eating, I’m feeling good and on gentle weight loss trajectory. Gotta get 10-15 lbs gone and lower the cholesterol. What you said about estrogen and ldl was really helpful – I got a phone call from th3 doc over my last lab numbers. we’ll see how things go!🤞🤞
You got this xx
Thanks for keeping it real
I am 48 . My biggest challenge is waking up at 3 am is my new norm, and I started binge eating the last 8 months which I have not done in years. I hate the feeling afterwards 😢 I just cannot control it. Got bloodwork done and hoping for a solution
Progesterone!!! You’re lacking it.
@ that’s what I am
Hoping the bloodwork will show and get the meds for it 😍
If it can be any consolation to you, I suffered with insomia during menopause (which I’d never had in my life before) but it went away after menopause and I now sleep all through the night again with no problems and no medication. It was frightening at the time, but it was only transitory for me. All the best.
@ ❤️
@silvanatotarella4395 That’s the thing, unless you go to a medical professional that specializes in women’s health, your blood work from your basic practitioner isn’t going to be in your advantage. Our hormones are all over the place during this stage in our lives, and it’s hard to pin them down, unfortunately. 😔
I recommend MyAlloy. They listen! I went there, started taking progesterone (helped me sleep!), and estrogen. I’m about a year in and feel great, but I didn’tgive in until I was 48.5 years old, already way into peri-menopause. I couldn’t take the sleepless nights anymore. I know HRT isn’t for everyone, but being heard is. 🩵🦋😇
❤thank you Abbey💥 Being post-menopausal, I have skin in this game…these cashgrabs, hacks and unsubstantiated supplements and marketing directed at this newly identified demographic by marketing companies. No one cared about us until companies realized they could target our wallet by playing on fears and myths…sad😢
You’re welcome!
Abbey yes!🎉 thank you for this… more videos like this please!
Thanks so much for talking about this Abby. I’m in my mid 40s and just started talking with my friends about peri-menopause this month. No one in my circle had even mentioned it once before this! There needs to be more reliable info about it out there.
I noticed that a lot of women avoid the subject. They just feel like it’s not happening to them.
An aquatance of mine who is 4 years younger than me, but is obviously in peri-menopause, & bought an ice tub to try to lose her “stubborn belly fat.” 🙄 Little does she know it only burns 64 calories for every 15 minutes she’s in there. She’s trying everything to avoid the fact that her body doesn’t process alcohol & sugar like it used to. 😮
This is great Abbey! I have been on the fringe of trying some of these “trends” and your video was so timely! 💕
I’m 40 (turning 41 this year). I entered perimenopause at 32. I have a family history of early onset menopause and the hardest thing I’ve gone through so far (other than the sleepless nights) is finding a doctor who believes me. Even female doctors don’t believe I’m old enough for perimenopause
I bypassed the HMO “doctors” and went straight to MyAlloy. They are female doctors who specialize in menopause. They got me on HRT & I feel SO much better now!
What symptoms do you have? Im 33 and i think i might be going thru perimenopause but doctors wont listen to me!!
@Sar_bear77 It started with irregular periods, developed with difficulty falling or staying asleep. I eventually ended up with brain fog, sore joints and hot flashes. It took several tests and switching doctors, but I finally got onto HRT and while my sleep and memory still aren’t back to normal, I no longer feel like I’m going insane. If you feel something is wrong, get a second opinion. Medical experts are still not well informed about menopause
I know the feeling. My doctor didn’t even believe my sister hit menopause at 28…like why would U make it up. Insane how the female body is not studied more @@kellywhiting4125
Look into Midi Health.
Thank you so much for this! At 40 I’m already 2 years into this perimenopause process and it’s nice to know that there’s some fact driven changes I can make to help manage my symptoms. The algorithm driven garbage that’s being pushed in front of me online is sickening.
You’re welcome xxx
I think the hardest part of navigating through peri-menopause is the lack of medical support. Dr. Mary Claire Haver has excellent videos on the subject. She puts it all in perspective. ❤
I agree, she gives so much information on how to navigate menopause.
I’m 5’4 and post menopausal .My calories range from 1,700 on the low end to 2,400 which is not drastic , and I maintain a low BMI . My mood has improved considerably since my periods have stopped and hot flashes if you can call them that have been very mild and rare. I’m not bragging but trying to say that not everyone will have to experience all the symptoms of menopause but it is good to be mindful and informed and take extra care of yourself.
Girl, the part of the video on dairy made me so happy. I eat SO MUCH dairy and have always found that my body loves it. I’m going to happily continue eating my cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt. I also get meat aversions really easily, so knowing I can up my soy intake also made me happy.
Yes girl enjoy your dairy!!
Thanks for talking about this. I was diagnose with peri menopause at 30 years old. And now at 36 years old I am in menopause. I did do Keto/Low Carb in 2021 and lost 43 lbs. I had maitain that lost and weigth of 150 lbs for a while. But in july 2023 decided to quit because it felt to restrictive. Had gained back after 3/4 of what I had lost. Now I have gained all the weight back and even more. I had an apointment in september with my new Nutritionist. She suggested The Mediterrenean diet for loosing wheight during menopause. After going off track I am trying to get back to the Mediterrenean way of eating. I do eat lactose-free but it is due to lactose intolerance and IBS.
I remember the hot/cold flashes during menopause that would wake me up during the night and made life miserable. Luckily my doctor prescribed Estrogen for me and when I was started on it my life changed drastically for the better. I’m so glad that the word is getting out there that Estrogen replacement therapy is not as deadly as it has been reported as being.
What kind of estrogen do you use? 🙏🏻
HRT is a game changer!
Thank you for this.
I turned 40 and felt like I’d truly come into myself – I felt great! But by now, at 43yo, that has completely changed.
I am experiencing so many difficult symptoms and have a long-term iron deficiency and mental illness on top of it already.
I get migraines around my period, and with a cycle of 25 days, that’s a lot of migraines a year!
But my cucle is shrinking. So I just got a 20 day cycle with a migraine both before and at the onset of my period.
This is not to mention the anxiet and panic attacks, increase in PTSD symptoms that were previous stable, weight gain, mood disturbances, sensitive stomach, IBS symptoms, hot flushes, sleep issues, and just generally feeling fatigues and burnt out almost always.
My doctor is usually pretty good but when I went to her about this, she asked, “Do you still have your period?”
When I answered yes, she simply said, “Oh, you are ok then.”
Umm, no actually! I’m a prime candidate for HRT – and that’s not accounting for my families medical history that supports my concerns.
So I’m left looking for help online – like so many other women that get left to hang out to dry – and working on lifestyle choices.
I eat one of the healthiest diets of anyone I know, if not the healthiest, yet I am still gaining weight. I live a fit lifestyle, too. But the things that have always worked no longer do.
Lets keep speaking up and get ourselves heard! We need better care! We deserve it too. We birthed the next generation and raised then, we supported men to have careers, we have loved and nurtured and encouraged others. Let this be our season to be looked after with the same dignity we treated those around us all our lives!
I use Midi Health and get HRT through them. My gyn was ignorant.
Oh my gosh, don’t tell me there’s someone speaking actual common sense on the internet! I’m so fed up of the extremists – it seems to be either vegan no fats or high-fat carnivore everywhere these days. I’ve subscribed!
Could you make a what to eat in a day for perimenopause? Some meal ideas to show these tips in action would be awesome!!
Abbey I would love a video on supplements. Everyone recommends so many different supplements to help with perimenopause symptoms and it’s really hard to know if any of them actually help!
Hi Abbey, many thanks for the very informative video! Could you provide some meal suggestions for (peri)menopause, similar to your HCC suggestions? It would be extremely helpful for those of us trying to navigate through this stigmatised period of our lives