Things people have yelled at me for on the internet :) (As a dietitian)


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
5) Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and ring the little bell so you never miss out!

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If you liked this video, please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you want me to review next!

With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Renee says:

    I agree completely! What do you think of non organic wheat products?

    • ZomBQueeen says:

      She’s has videos that it’s a PR move to have something say “ organic” or “non-GMO” so to just look at the nutritional value

    • Talley. says:

      As someone who helps grow plants in space, there is no such thing as “organic” in the US. It is a marketing term, not a legal one, and not only has zero meaning but also…. Most produce with the organic label on it are from the exact same produce as the “non organic” one. I cannot speak for countries outside the US as their laws are different, but there is no US regulation for “organic”.

      PS. This extends into the beauty industry as well! Products labeled “organic” mean absolutely nothing.

  • Susan Marks says:

    Number 4 is true as long as you’re not yo-yo dieting.

    • Rachel K says:

      Well subcutaneous fat under the skin is normally what makes some people curvy but not an unhealthy body. It can potentially lead to arthritis when elderly if you do not exercise regularly.
      It’s Visceral fat around the organs that leads to higher risks of disease and you can be skinny with a low amount of subcutaneous fat but have a ton of visceral fat around your organs.😊
      Which is why some skinny people can get heart attacks.

  • Sara Jhonson says:

    Wait how come seed oils are poison? I thought black seed oil is rlly good for u

    • NotTotallyHopeless says:

      They aren’t poison. It’s just an overblown thing usually peddled by people promoting a fringe diet like carnivore or fruitatarian.

    • dumb bee FBI edition says:

      ​@NotTotallyHopelessi always it funny when those types throw a hissy fit. grifters trying to make a quick buck vs. a sensible medical professional, i wonder who has the upper hand…

    • Emerald says:

      Black seed oil is really good for you but processed oils like canola, sunflower, and corn oil are basically engine lubricant so it’s best not to have them all the time lol

  • Maddie Macaroni says:

    I’m morbidly obese (but 50 lbs down since last year!) and just today got blood work including a full metabolic screening. It came back that everything is 100% normal, not one abnormality. I just also happen to be very fat. So yeah, it’s absolutely possible for a fat person to have normal metabolic functioning.

  • MegaSailorJupiter says:

    girl when can i hire you as my dietician??

    • Kittster27 says:

      She’s never actually worked as a practicing dietitian lol.

    • M says:

      Why would you want to hire someone who’s never even worked in the field?

    • kimthecatlady says:

      @MIs that really true? I saw an Unnatural Vegan video debunking a Freelee video where Abbey in the comments of another video said that claim was not true and that she really did work in a hospital. Also, I know you have to work in a hospital to get your RD license, (in the US at least, idk about Canada) so idk what to believe at this point. (Just fyi I like Freelee too, I follow all 3).

  • pstar7 says:

    Going on a diet means Swapping from unhealthy ingredients in foods to healthy ingredients like pasta. If it says inrich foods in the ingredient list swap to just says pasta. There is a youtuber tells you which foods are better for you.

  • りんご says:

    Im 1,54 small bone structure, and 1200 is far for my maintenance including movement and exercise im around 900 Kal lol

    • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

      I totally understand your case (coming from a male who’s 5’8″). Unfortunately, people seem to forget that small and/or petite women exist, and therefore have a lower BMR than that of their larger counterparts.

    • Barbara Sieverding says:

      The recommended amount of calories for one to three year old kids is 1000 (girls) to 1100 (boys) calories.

  • Talley. says:

    I’m so glad you repeatedly talk about 1,200 calories not being enough. For YEARS I was restricting myself, only allowing myself to eat 1,200 calories because I was told “calories in, calories out” and “you’re eating too much.”
    Turns out, 1,200 is NOT enough. I was so bogged down by brain fog that I couldn’t think, had lost all my sharpness, cleverness. Now I eat around 1,600 calories and live life so much better.

  • Anatia says:

    I eat about 1300 calories. Honestly I feel good at the end of the day depending on my food choices. Now I don’t religiously follow this calorie intake as I focus more on healthy eating habits and low carb (for health reasons **temporarily 🙂 )

  • Kittster27 says:

    Firstly, it’s called being obese not “larger bodied” BS. Secondly, being “metabolically healthy” and obese is an oxymoron. Just because an obese person seems healthy now doesn’t negate the fact that they are putting themselves at a much higher risk for disease later. It’s interesting how you always defend obesity but condemn anyone who is slim and making efforts to stay slim.

  • Tyler Cooper says:

    Fat people can be metabolically healthy (but not for long).

  • Leanna says:

    Doctors always act shocked that I have normal blood pressure and normal cholesterol for an obese person lmao. I’ve been obese since childhood and I’m in my 30s now. Never had an issue with blood pressure and cholesterol.

    • Retirement Pirate says:

      Me too but there can be 100 other things wrong with you due to the extra weight. I lost 100 pounds doing keto and I feel and look 100 percent better.

    • Kittster27 says:

      What’s the bet you won’t be saying that in 20 years time?

    • Liz Pimentel says:

      The fat is going to oxidize eventually and cause inflammation. It’s also bad on the joints and bones unless you have a ton of muscle, but I doubt that.

  • Anne Bialecki says:

    What? I actually agree with everything you say here. Well done. 👏😄

  • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

    Changing the noun from “obese” to “larger bodied folks” doesn’t do anything to change the reality that being obese cannot be healthy under any circumstances. Not sure why you did so, but I wonder if you’re just trying to ignore this reality rather than finally acknowledging it.

    You literally made a video of how you stayed the same weight since your 20s. You criticize slim female celebrities on practicing similar habits that you claimed to do in that video in order to stay slim while praising celebrities who remain obese. Talk about hypocrisy and double standards.

    Unless of course, it is your ideal that everyone else is overweight/obese and you’re slim, and you’re rationalizing being obese to your audience in order to make that ideal happen. In this case, it would make sense then.

  • Jakob Raahauge says:

    How dare you, Abbey?! 😂 SoMe is shrill – and even yt is a social media

  • T S says:

    As a biologist I can wholeheartedly say that Abbey is almost the only person here with dietary advice that actually makes sense. Thank you.

  • Vijjuchinnababu says:

    Abbey!can you pls give a review on Paige shay diet I wanna see how you’d react!

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