This is WHY Youre Binging on “Junk” (PS: It’s NOT Intuitive Eating)

This is NOT Intuitive Eating… you're likely to be binging on "bad" food because of this…

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1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸

Leroy Johnson

  • @treason6661 says:

    Intuitive eating was me buying a steak because I was craving it because my iron was insanely low 😅

  • @tallspicy says:

    Yikes. Tell me you are emotionally disregulated and don’t take ownership of your emotional state enough to understand the difference between intuition, self care and poor inner child care. Not saying those are easy… but not the same.

  • @lochie18 says:

    Abbey would you do an episode on the book Good Energy and the eating concepts in the book? I’d love to hear your take.

  • @hannahburke7328 says:

    Restrictions Will Do That.

  • @grandmasophiependragon says:

    When I started really listening to what I wanted, and digging into what I was craving so I could feed that craving and give my body what it needed…..I actually found that I don’t like most of the ‘junk food or convenience foods’ that were in my house, I was only eating them because they were there and….convenient. So really learning what I like and don’t like, want or don’t want, needed or didn’t need…only happened because I started practicing intuitive eating.

  • @APLM33 says:

    I’ve spent the past two years working on intuitive and I can proudly say it doesn’t lead me to eating cake and chips for breakfast

  • @SamanthaAllen-gs7iu says:

    No….junk food is addictive…eat only Whole Foods and never buy junk food and you’ll be fine!! If it’s in your house it’s in your mouth!!! Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!!!! Saying unhealthy foods is fine is just awful!

  • @SamanthaAllen-gs7iu says:

    Restriction isn’t bad for you

  • @Lori_L says:

    Great post. I’m going to see how well it goes over on my Facebook page Instead of ED: Eating Disorder recovery.

  • @katelynnkennison5088 says:

    I find you super inspirational and I recently purchased a text book on nutrition so I can further my own self learning until I go back to school and finish to become a dietitian one day. ❤ thank you so much for being you.

  • @vegemitegirl1971 says:

    In my family we have allergies to gluten, dairy, peanut and oats. By allergy I mean we have an allergy specialist in a major hospital, not Dr Google nor Dr YouTube diagnosed. What I do is prepare 3 to 4 days of meals to keep in the fridge. When we want to snack, I have a few allergy safe snacks made in the fridge too. What is our current baked fridge snack? Apple honey sponge cake, which is a layer of baked apple slices under a layer of honey sponge cake.

  • @Jasminemarie94 says:

    Can we just come to the conclusion that intuitive eating although well intended doesn’t work for everyone? That some people cannot figure out what feels good to their body? So they just stick to stricter diets because that’s what they’ve found works for them? I’m not one of those people but after talking to some people with issues with food, I’ve come to that realization.

  • @jodynuttall3215 says:

    Abby, I credit your channel with helping me finally reject diet culture and begin to honor my body. I have struggled with my weight my whole adult life and have lost and regained weight many times. Last summer I did some serious reflection and decided that I was changing the channel in my brain and no longer weighing myself and practicing deprivation, but also no longer eating mindlessly. I love food, food shopping, cooking healthy meals and sharing food with family and friends. Why was I making food my enemy?
    I adopted your concept of the hunger crushing combo and started thinking about ways to add healthy and delicious foods to my diet. I also decided to focus on making sure that every meal features a good protein source. I feel so much happier and in control. I stopped weighing myself and, ironically, I have lost a significant amount of weight in the last seven months. Enough that I can feel the difference in the way my clothes fit. And I have not made any food off limits.

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