This Might Shock You…But Sugar Can Actually Be HEALTHY!!
You might not realise… but you don’t have to cut out ALL sugar to be healthy!!
#sugar #bloodsugar #healthyfood #diet
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸
Sugar is actually unhealthy. It’s addicting and is the cause of a lot of health issues since the addictive nature of it often causes over consumption. I know “sugar is bad for you” is simplified and everything can be tolerated in moderation but just like alcohol in moderation is fine, sugar is moderation is also fine. Sugar affects the same part of the brain that drugs do so folks who want to lose weight should probably cut back on processed sugar, cut down on natural sugars and eat (not drink) sugar from fruits.
I used to intake sugar every day, then switched to stevia and didn’t notice any difference. If sugar was addictive, wouldn’t I feel the withdrawal side effects? (Not trying to be sugar’s advocate here, just trying to understand the “addictive” part of it)
@ sugar is addictive. Plenty of studies have shown this to be true. Just because it’s not your experience doesn’t mean it’s not a common issue. Alcohol is also addictive but there are folks who don’t get withdrawals when they switch to non alcoholic wine/beer. Like I said, it’s about moderation and scaling back on processed sugar.
Alcohol is actually not fine to ingest, Canada Health just came out that you shouldn’t have any but if you do drink it, decrease it to only two drinks a week max because of how much it increases your likelihood of developing cancer because they understand most people will drink it even if they say not to. It used to be 4 drinks/week.
What kinds of sugar are u talking about.sugar comes from many different sourses.
I’m suffering badly from anorexia at the moment. I’m at my lowest weight yet and seeing these videos are helping make the decision to go and get help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m sat here crying because I’m hungry but my brain won’t allow me to eat any food. In the morning I’m calling my doctor and asking for help. I want to eat all these foods and fuel myself in the right way 🙁 xx
I’m so incredibly proud of you for accepting help. Even though you might not believe or see it yet, but you are so deserving of happiness and fulfillment. The path’s hard, I’ve been there. But recovery allowed me to see that there’s so much to come after the ED. More than just surviving and existing. I’m rooting for you!
Heck yeah🎉 I’m so glad you are choosing to prioritize yourself. It might be hard, but it will be worth it. Sending light, love and goodness your way. ❤
I’m so glad to hear you’ve decided to ask for help, that’s very brave! I wish you the best and want you to know that I believe in you 🙂
I believe in you!! 🫂💜
Oh sweetheart
I have been where you are at many years ago and I’m here to tell you there is a future you deserve ahead of you
Educate yourself from all the support you can get
Take chances be brave be strong and embrace life, distractions and purpose, you have so.much to give that the ED takes it from you everyday
You will have moments of doubt and fall and stumble but you just keep trying
Just know that it doesn’t have to be this hard and you can re teach your mind and body out of this hell and be the strongest person ever x
Sending much love ❤I
My real worst enemy is the amount of misinformation out there about food 😭
needed this as a recovering orthorexic and anorexic <3 ty abby for spitting facts
Yeah but you get sugar not just from actual sugar… I see a lot of gymbros vids like that and they mostly eats decent amounts of sugary fruits-dates, kiwi, apple, blueberries, raw honey, so they do get sugar, they mean table sugar
In a world of the carnivore diet baddies telling us we’re all doing it wrong – thank you 🖤
I think these conversations also completely ignore the behaviors around sugar. Like, it might be perfectly healthy to have a slice of cake at your nephew’s birthday party, even if it blows your sugar or calorie budget for the day. Hyperfocus on it and treat it like it’s your worst enemy, and it might chip away at the health of your relationships.
I can not not say that, you look really pretty in this colour of blazer, just love it.
Love my little sugar 😂 i ate my veggies, i promise
Food has no moral value. For me, once I realized this I was able to quit punishing myself for liking food and food is just that, food.