Leroy Johnson

  • Suzanne Carrier says:

    Yum! What are the benefits of maca powder?

    • Stephanie Vizzi says:

      Maca is very good in helping women’s hormone levels ❤ it has a lot of benefits tho just make sure you’re getting a good quality!

  • Ervin's Movie Corner says:

    So yummy!❤

  • Apostolos Katsioulas says:

    The key is always to lick the spoon you use when adding almond butter or any nut butter :).

  • Rhiannon Lewis says:

    girl your yoga mat is filthy

  • bjulia33 says:

    Appreciate the content, and how much or little fat you want on your body post-partum body is your business, but I do wonder if as a professional nutritionist you would similiarly advise a client to lose ten more pounds?
    Congrats on healthy baby/healthy mama!!

  • Grow YouTube Views | Gain Fame says:

    Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and inspire you. Together, we can create a brighter and happier world

  • Monica says:

    What 10 pounds?

  • Carol Martin says:

    I wonder if I could get Siggi’s to sponsor my break fasts.

  • M. M says:

    This smoothie is taste amazing I am really enjoying it thx for sharing

  • Kaleigh Albright says:

    Do you have any recommendations for non-whey protein powder?

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