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Up to 90% of the visible aging of someone’s face is due to sun exposure. #antiaging

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Leroy Johnson

  • @zzt231gr says:

    Who cares what vaxxed dermatologists say?

  • @daveb8679 says:

    So avoid the thing that makes all life on earth possible? Along with hydration the sun is directly responsible for one’s personal health.

    Might want to take a look at that new study regarding dermatology and skin cancers. Doesn’t shine such a favorable light on the “science”.

    • @TheWolf92 says:

      That was my thought exactly. So tired of the “stay out of the sun” myths.

    • @nehalilisays says:

      It’s about finding the right balance. People have always tried to stay out of the sun when it was too strong until they decided that getting a tan should be a status symbol.

    • @MakeUpTraffic says:

      Just look at rawfoodists. They look 90 at 50 even though that diet is amazing for autophagy.
      It’s because most of them are sunworshippers. Wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, facial fat loss. You need 20 mins of sun a day max.

    • @MakeUpTraffic says:

      True. Japanese still stay out of it and look much younger.

    • @oskariKN25 says:

      My unfortunate brother in the family Hominidae.

      Sun produces radiation, the stuff that damages DNA. you know? the stuff that makes your existence possible, His hyperbole of avoiding sun is not to be taken completely literally, use sunscreen, hats and shade. its not complex nor hard. sun damage whether it causes cancer (by definition the radiation increases the risk of it) or not still causes skin damage and aging thus protective measures against oxidative damage is to be taken.

  • @evilsensei8262 says:

    Stay out of the sun after too much exposure to prevent skin cancer. Staying out of the beautiful sun because some lines will form on your face? Nah. Life is too short to worry about what people think of a few lines on your face. Western society and now the east as well is so obsessed with youth. Jeez

  • @HawrarLyrics says:

    It depends on your skin color.

    • @oskariKN25 says:

      not as much as you would think and while melanin does protect skin from direct damage the melanocytes can still get damaged so with darker skinned individuals sun damage is seen more as uneven skin tone with lighter and darker spots, instead of wrinkles and such, although they do still get them too.

    • @fasho7709 says:

      ​@@oskariKN25 You must have light skin

  • @angelaanderson2662 says:

    Is there a full video of this speech?

    • @botzer8817 says:

      Yes its called “how not to age – presentation” there’s also 2 podcasts if you prefer

  • @WeCelebrateEatingPlants says:

    But didn’t you say the retinoids are bad? Why cut off right there?

  • @misterx3188 says:

    “90% of visible skin aging” I’m not sure that can be right. Is it maybe *premature* skin aging? Assuming someone avoids all sunlight expose and always stays indoors, will they look forever like 20? I doubt it.

    • @helloman5576 says:

      Well look at asians, some of the youngest looking people and avoiding sun is massive in their culture. Also black people often age way more slow, this is because their skin is more protected to the sun, they also make less vitamin D due to this. The sun is definitely the nr1 cause

  • @patrickbateman4541 says:

    Obsession with modern beauty standards at the cost of health. No thanks Doc

  • @ananlashin3286 says:

    What about vitamin D ?

  • @Matthew_F says:

    So not use toxic sunscreens! When the chemicals get baked into your skin it causes cancer.

  • @llllldrijcsujhddghjkclllllllll says:

    😂 these comments. The end recommendation is to wear sunscreen. That’s it. If you don’t care about prevent cancer or having your skin sag into your eyes, then don’t do it.

    If you’re a doctor with your own study, and you’re smarter than the doctors who did the studies (not the person discussing them in the video) then link them.

  • @aboutsupplies says:

    And put the pesticides that are in whole plants in your body…has he really thought through his recommendation?

    • @MakeUpTraffic says:

      Pollution is everywhere and inside of everything at this point.

    • @aboutsupplies says:

      @@MakeUpTraffic moreso in fruits and vegetables compared to the products of ruminants.

    • @brendaamira7249 says:

      @@aboutsupplies that’s actually not true. The lower on the food chain you eat the better. What do you think those cows and pigs eat that you’re eating? You’re concentrating what toxins there are in their flesh then you’re eating it. Also, they are feeding them lower quality produce the most contaminated along with growth hormones, antibiotics and which knows that else. I’m not saying you have to never eat meat but you’re argument is really ignorant of the facts.

  • @Vegan97 says:

    The sun will not harm you at all!

  • @intrepidinterloper says:

    What about Vitamin D? Can it penateste zinc-oxide sunscreen?

  • @intrepidinterloper says:

    Not smoking?

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