Leroy Johnson

  • GVU90 says:

    Which step tracker would you recommend? 🙌🏻🤍

  • Emily B Gates says:

    8300, it’s doable!! And helps so much with belly fat

  • Lifeisliving says:

    It’s hard for me to get 5,000 steps a day. The 8,300 maybe more reachable for me. Good for you making 12,000.

  • Ervin's Movie Corner says:

    Nice one!

  • Stephanie Vizzi says:

    I take a nice long walk 3 days a week and then workout in the gym the other days but i always start and finish my workouts with a walk as well. I’m loving it!

  • Buried by time and dust says:

    U look hotter now. Wow

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