WALKING is Better Than RUNNING for WEIGHT LOSS [Here’s Why]

What?! Walking is better than running for weight loss?? Seriously, how can that be true? Doesn't running burn more calories? Yes. But as we now know, weight loss isn't a simple matter of energy in vs. energy out. It also comes down to your hormones and which hormones are in or out of balance. So if you're thinking of upping your running and boosting your weekly miles in order to lose some weight, make sure to watch this video first. Because upping your cardio routine can sometimes cause more harm than good. Andddd there may just be an even better (and easier) solution!









Disclaimer: This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a nutritionist-client relationship between Autumn Bates and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician, Nutritionist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Autumn Elle Nutrition Inc. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

Leroy Johnson

  • Vegan Grocery Life says:

    I used to walk daily when I worked in NYC and I lost weight quickly. I love to walk. I only need to lose like 20 pounds but its been a struggle. So, I have incorporated walking daily back into my schedule. Great video!

    • rose🌹 says:

      How’s it going thus far?

    • Sun Principe says:

      Try intermittent fasting.

    • Heybort the Editor says:

      The secret is that you don’t need to lose weight. Let yourself eat whatever you want, work on processing through the fear and mental restriction you have around food, and once you are free from your mental structures just do what feels right in every moment. Your body will tell you how it wants to move and how often. Likewise it will tell you how and what to eat.

  • dreamworld says:

    Whenever I feel like crap, or have low energy, walking for 30 min to an hour makes me feel a million times better

  • Nailah Rose says:

    my dad use to tell me this but I never believed him until I started losing so much weight just by walking. I love it.

  • Persuasion94 says:

    I lost 120 lbs in 10 months by walking for 1 and a half hours every night, and eating healthy. Best thing I’ve done.

  • Autumn Bates says:


    • Pink Freud says:

      Apart from those hormone levels and all, walking is best when it comes to losing weight.
      You can walk for 3-4 hr and burn tons of calorie but you run hardly for 30-45 minutes. In the long run walking will win.

    • John B says:

      Running is better than walking for weight loss.

    • A dorable says:

      What about 10,000 steps on a treadmill inside? Love your Channel 💚✌🌷

    • Josh W says:

      Red Rebel that right there is why running is better for most ppl. More calories burnt per minute. No one has time for 3/4 hour walks.

    • A dorable says:

      @Josh W 45 Minutes??? I thought she said 15-20 minute walk is enough

  • The Day Dreaming Owl says:

    This is so great! For years of my life, I’ve always just felt the natural urge to walk/pace around my house – as a form of getting my thoughts together or just general relief of some sort. I never knew why but now it all makes sense watching this. Walking around all the time is lowering my stress. Similarly, I’ve always hated running. I never felt good running. I always felt like I wanted to die. Now I know that it’s because running actually raises my stress and walking lowers it. Turns out I was right in my choice to do walking over running for my weight loss activities. 😆

  • HumanFairy says:

    I loved the part when you dropped your credentials, you go girl!! I started walking last week. Walked 17 miles last week and my goal is to walk 20 this week. I already have 14 down. This video is so inspiring to me. Thank you.

  • Mason Gertz says:

    This is extremely reassuring! I use to lift weights and do a lot of stair climbing cardio. I was a wet mess every time I finished. But over the course of eight or nine weeks I saw very little to no gains (I may have been doing it wrong and could have been over doing it). It wasn’t until I went back home and was doing stuff around the house and noticed that my average steps came out to about 15,000. Due to the coronavirus the gyms were close so I was unable to go to the gym and do my normal regimented work out. I noticed when I left to go back on the road that I was quite a bit leaner, before I got home. Now that I’m back on the road working, I dedicated myself to push-ups and 15 to 25,000 steps. I feel incredible and my stomach fat storage area like you just talked about seems to be less and less every day. Thank you so much for this inspiring video, great work!

  • Mitchell Melvin says:

    I’ve lost more weight by just walking 10k steps a day than I ever did with running. Plus I can do it every day, because there’s hardly any wear and tear on my body. I used to see it as boring and pointless. But now look forward to my walks and haven’t missed a day of hitting my goal in 2 months. Walking is highly underrated!

    • zamaz99 says:

      I aim for 10K a day as well. I’m a huge music fan, so I just pop in the earbuds and listen to my favorite songs as I walk around my neighborhood for an hour or more. I’m never bored. It’s great for mental health as well as staying in shape. I’m in my mid-50s and have no health problems at all, and my BMI is in the exact middle of the “normal” range.

    • G Pizano says:

      Do u do the 10k at once ?

  • Swazer Swazers says:

    I started hiking 5 days a week for 10 miles per day. wow, the results are amazing. I have lost over 27 pounds in the past few months and my entire body is more toned. I have lost inches from my waist… It is the best form of exercise. I’m getting around 22k steps per day in but its off-road so I’m getting more intense workouts.. takes me around 3 to 4 hours per day… Fresh air. Nature.. Peace. Tranquillity.. What was intended for us…

    • Farooq T says:


    • Runaway Tech Gal says:

      How do you have time to do this 3-4 per day ? Most people have responsibilities

    • Let'sDoMath says:

      @Runaway Tech Gal Three hours is not that much. You can break it up into 1.5 hours in the morning and 1.5 hours in the evening. Someone who gets enough rest on 7 hours of sleep would be able to do it. Also, you can talk on the phone or walk with family members or your significant other. Another option would be a treadmill desk if you work from home.

    • Runaway Tech Gal says:

      @Let’sDoMath 3 hours a day is unrealistic daily. Unless you have no life.

    • Let'sDoMath says:

      @Runaway Tech Gal Assuming you’re not already spread super thin, if you split it up throughout the day, you can definitely walk 3 hours, even if you could not go hiking out in nature every day.

      Also, it depends on how packed your schedule is. Someone with 2+ kids, has a ton of chores and pets, a full-time job, a busy social life, and a big house would clearly not have the flexibility to do so. That doesn’t mean that someone who chose differently doesn’t have a life. They are just enjoying a less hectic season of their existence. 🤣

  • Yvonne Menekshe Ikram says:

    Ah, I’m so glad you explained that to us. At 50 I just don’t want to jog anymore and I absolutely love walking but somehow felt I should force myself to run again. Thanks so much! I’ll go for a walk now.

  • Nom De Plume says:

    I can walk for 2 hours and not be that exhausted but I can barely run for a minute.
    I just find walking to be a lot less tiring and something I can do consistently.

    • Jan Jurada says:

      But if you run you burn 10x more calories, running is way better

    • Nom De Plume says:

      @Jan Jurada If you like running that’s great for you. It’s just not something I can do consistently. For now, I prefer walking with some light jogging because that’s what I can do without completely exhausting myself.

    • Nom De Plume says:

      @Jan Jurada and i prefer just…slowly improving my health over time as opposed to trying to maximize the amount of calories I can burn right away.

    • Da Kine says:

      @Jan Jurada I completely disagree with that statement, first of all running only burns twice the amount of calories compared to walking, but that only depends on how long you can run. An average person would likely to face fatigue just couple minutes of running, while he/she can walk for hours at end. Running also has a way higher risk of giving you an injury, and set you back for a while.

    • history and moral philosophy says:

      @Jan Jurada who are you getting these calorie estimates from? The difference is negligible to the point where simply doing a few hundred push-ups before or after your walk basically burns all the difference and then some.

      You can literally carry 20 pounds of weight with you and burn the exact same number of overall calories.

  • Mimikins says:

    I did running and Pilates for 2 years, then swapped the running for walking 10-13k steps a day. I still do Pilates. My overall body fat decreased and I gained muscle tone. Literally still baffled by this. I’m an endomorph, so maybe that’s why. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Joanna Beck says:

    Brilliant advice. Had recently noticed how better I felt after walking. I am extremely active anyways but had started doing the odd walk and noticed how much I enjoyed it. Your explanation is amazing.

  • LaToija Jones says:

    This is so awesome!! I’ve lost 60lbs this year and ALL I DID WAS WALK! 😃

  • Nicole Maria says:

    Thank you for making this video! I’ve been walking for weightloss but feeling like I’m not doing enough because I haven’t been running. I’m so glad to hear just walking is enough. I even went for a two mile walk after watching this because I felt so inspired.


    I started walking a few weeks ago, saturdays and sundays i try to walk 2 hours, one after breakfast and one before dinner. During the week i try to walk one hour daily. So far no changes but i think im on the right path. Also i am memorizing stuff while walking, today i memorized the 50 states in alphabetical order 😉👍🏼

    • lsmith0587 says:

      This is great and I also lol 😂 love that you’re using this time to strengthen you brain. I wish I could do that!

  • Brian C says:

    I used to be a long distance runner in highschool. I basically burned out my thyroid with long runs intense training. I picked up weight training in my 20s, 30s, 40s. I’m now in my 50s and my thoughts are walking is alot easier on my knees and hips. I do about 2.5 miles a day. I can do that every day. There’s no way I could run 2.5 miles a day every day. My 54 year old body won’t allow me.

  • Fluffysox says:

    This makes so much sense! A few years ago, I was overweight after working in fast food. After I lost my car, I was forced to walk 3 miles a day to and from the bus stops to get to work. I lost the weight without even trying. After COVID i put on more weight again, and tried to combat it with training to run a 5k. It’s been hard, but I was discouraged when my weight stagnated over the last few months. On top of that I just come home and crash anything in the kitchen because i was so depleted. This is awesome insight! I’ll start taking the train to work now, I think that the uphill walk will be more beneficial!

  • The Rural Companion says:

    Ive been running only for months (usually do a combo of strentgh+cardio) as I thought it would allow me to improve my speed/distance. However, Ive developed an unsightly later of belly flab. And your videos explains perfectly why this is happening! Time to switch it up! Thanks🙌

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