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#keto #lowcarb #lowcarblove #ketorecipes #weightloss #whatieatinaday
00:00 Introduction
00:36 My Journey Right Now
01:28 My Cycle and How That Affects Things
03:09 Working Out
05:56 Exercise and Toning
07:18 Weigh In

Leroy Johnson

  • @e.k.4203 says:

    I absolutely love your content. Your journey has inspired to get off my lazy butt and get to it! Keep it going! ❀️

  • @leeshmaio says:

    YES GIRL!!! Love the transparency!! This is the content WE NEED! Realistic women. proud of you!!

  • @elizabethmorales2033 says:

    There’s so many people Trying to help others in there weight journey however no one like you πŸ™β€οΈ

  • @AmitKhanna-ls5ky says:

    Your recipes are very helpful. Year and a half with strict Keto, down 41 pounds. Weight in check, now the maintenance journey begins. 100% spot on.

  • @DebraCritchley says:

    I appreciate what you do, I am new to this and you make it so easy for me to eat low or no cards, I especially love you recipe videos. Thank you.

    • @tuantranfitnesscoach says:

      Thats awesome Debra πŸ™‚ wishing you ton of success! I lost 60 lbs in 8 months and kept it off 12 years and share more about that on my channel

  • @VegasMom-i6i says:

    What do you feel about chia seeds. I see lots of recipes for breakfast. Do they have good for keto?

    • @DH-qz2so says:

      Yes, chia seeds are keto-friendly because they are high in fiber and healthy fats, and low in net carbs. They are a popular addition to ketogenic diets. They are high in fiber, which can help you feel full
      They are low in net carbs and They are high in healthy fats; They are also a source of protein

      You can use chia seeds in chia pudding
      You can soak chia seeds in water to promote hydration and healthy digestion
      Tips for using chia seeds in keto recipes
      If you’re following a strict keto diet, you may need to adjust your daily meal plan to account for the carbs in chia seeds
      To make chia pudding, you can combine chia seeds with almond milk, vanilla, and a low-carb sweetener
      Let the chia pudding sit for about 10 minutes, then stir to break up any clumps
      Stir in yogurt, cover, and refrigerate to thicken

    • @charitys.3862 says:

      I put them in my oatmeal πŸ˜‹ every morning.. I don’t do keto or anything like it though. 😊

    • @tuantranfitnesscoach says:

      Chia seeds are just good fats in your diet but doesn’t do as much when it comes to losing weight. There are no fat burning foods. I lost 60 lbs in 8 months and kept it off 12 years and never had to eat chia seeds.

  • @patricialynn01 says:

    Hi! Love your videos. Thank you for sharing. Can you please do a how to stay active when working from home video?

    • @tuantranfitnesscoach says:

      I can answer that Patricia how I lost 60 lbs in 8 months and kept it off 12 years and that was through working out 5 times a week focusing on weight training with progressive overload, mind muscle connection + compound movements, isolation movements and then 20 min stationary bike after working out for 20 min. Diet was 40-45% protein, 40% carbs and the rest was fat. I share more on that on my channel. I also focus on 6000 steps a day. I work from home.

    • @patricialynn01 says:

      Thanks!!! ❀

  • @yolandavillegas4376 says:

    Thanks gurl – always great to hear you’re just like us and we allll struggle. Love your content ❀

  • @tropicalbliss2077 says:

    Thank You for keeping it real! Great job!!! πŸ†You are on track! Love your videos! 😊

  • @laurabutler1222 says:

    Very relatableπŸ’―

  • @chrisbrennan2208 says:

    Keep up the great work. Really appreciate all you do.

  • @lynnetruiz says:

    Thanks for keeping it real. On my maintenance journey and the weight fluctuations mess with my mind! I’m learning that the foods I got rid of while losing weight have to stay gone or the weight starts creeping back. Currently working on returning to baseline and I’m just glad you understand ❀

  • @Alice-fr1ef says:

    I feel the same way Mayra. 2025 is for me a bit more than usual. Thank you so much.❀

  • @jessie7601 says:

    Love your authenticity and you have such a sweet nature. Happy for your success, you have helped me so much, I am slowly losing weight for an upcoming trip as well.

    • @tuantranfitnesscoach says:

      I agree πŸ™‚ she is so helpful. Wishing you all the best losing weight Jessie πŸ™‚ I lost 60 lbs in 8 months and kept it off 12 years, I have lots of helpful advice for you on my channel

  • @prdivamom says:

    Maybe do a video of low carb healthy sauces u put together or drizzle on food’s & veggies? Thx

    • @tuantranfitnesscoach says:

      Going low carb is going to help you lose weight, but what you need is a calorie deficit of 500 and sustain that over a prolong period of time until you lose 1-2 lbs a week. Applying that you will lose weight consistently πŸ™‚ good luck

  • @tibbs4000 says:

    You look great. You look healthy and if you feel it too, thats a better guage than a scale. imho.

  • @tuantranfitnesscoach says:

    Love how honest and down to earth you are sharing your advice πŸ™‚ Thank you

  • @kimmydiunicorn says:

    The eating carbs to craving more carbs pipeline is so very real 😭

  • @monnablack7263 says:

    don’t forget … you are working out.. and gaining muscle. you look amazing.. do not be hard on yourself.. LOVE who you are.. you will look back and SEE you look amazing. and I am sure you are FEELING wonderful

  • @lisaspitler9006 says:

    Today is a puff and fluff πŸ˜‚

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