We Need to Talk About FASTING


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4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Thunder_Gurl says:

    I’m fasting every day from the time I go to bed until I wake up in the morning. Then I eat breakfast.Then I Break fast….

  • Ember says:

    I get dizzy, weak and faint very quickly if I haven’t eaten. In less than half a day. It took me a long time to realize that that was okay, and it’s just how my body works. Since accepting that, and honoring my body I’ve become so much healthier and happier without all the fad diets

    • Esiri says:

      It’s because you don’t fast often. I fast sometimes (normally once a week) for religious reasons, and I don’t get those headaches anymore.

    • Swimaroni says:

      ​@Esiridon’t tell people to power through their body’s warning system. Just because your fine doesn’t mean it works for other people..

    • Esiri says:

      @Swimaroni are you good?! Where in my comment did I say that? I simply just said that if you get headaches fasting you’ve probably not gone that long without eating before or you don’t do it “often”. The body knows how to adjust to things whether you like it or not.
      That’s FACTS. I said what I DO and clearly said it’s for religious reasons.
      Sick of you hypersensitive babies on the internet, grow up.

    • Monika Zimová Art says:

      Yes girl, I am glad you stopped the torture! 👏

    • M says:

      @SwimaroniShe just shared her experience. You probably get triggered by everything, must be exhausting!

  • pancakes yo says:

    Extended repeated fasting in 2015-16 caused me to get BED. Im still trying to get better. It’s very hard. Vyvanse helps. 😢

  • Astrolabos says:

    Abbey’s gonna have an aneurysm if she ever saw one of the local edtwt girlies and lads pulling dry fasts and week-long water fasts💆🏾‍♀️

    • Rabbit Rabbit says:

      Water fasts????? For fucking what?? 😭😭😭 water weight this water weight that BESTIE you are a DRIED APRICOT NOW

    • Astrolabos says:

      @Rabbit Rabbit Ion know; imo fasting is setting urself up for failure. I personally went from BMI 27 to BMI 18 with strict calorie adhesion (<800/day) and just a ✨sprinkle✨ of exercise Mia🫨 Still not quite at UGW but I’m almost there so there’s that ig💁🏾‍♀️

    • Eren Jäger says:

      @Antonia PW I‘m sorry you feel that way but not everyone has the same experience as you. They’re not disgusting because they want to get worse that is literally the disorder it doesn’t say anything about them. Of course it’s also hell mentally for anorexics on edtwt I think that’s pretty obvious, it’s just a space to connect with others, to talk about things that you can’t talk about with others. And when you’re so miserable sometimes you want to find joy in small things like romanticization. I’m not talking about the toxic part that bullys fat people btw I‘m just talking about the ones who use it to interact with others with the same problems. It’s really not worth getting upset over and none of your concern, I do wish you the best in your recovery I know what a massive step that must be.

    • Antonia PW says:

      @Eren Jäger thank you, it only angers me because it triggers me in my behaviours and was a heavy contributor to a recent hospital trip. calling it disgusting is a way of coping and admittedly harsh, but at the same time these people bully fat people and those in recovery/recovered for developing larger bodies. there’s having anorexia (being terrified of gaining weight etc) and then projecting that onto others, that is a separate illness that needs to be looked in, it’s linked to anorexia but i dont believe it’s directly caused by it. I wish there was more research into it 😭 sorry i ranted again oml, ive a lot of pent up frustration

  • Esiri says:

    If she’s fasting for that long she should be taking it easy. Not going to the gym

  • hgBGAkd FLndBz says:

    I used to do this kind of fasting 😢 I listened to Jason Fung, Eric Berg, Mindy Pelz etc … those people should be in jail

    • Monkeymélia says:

      Why, for me it was amazing

    • Dilaisy_loone says:

      The fasting works depending on the person. According to the research I was reading, it for patients with pre diabetes or diabetes whose body is insulin resistant, which lowers your metabolism. I tried to eat healthy, limit my calories and I was exercising daily and lost like 2 pounds in 3 months. It wasn’t until I did my 72 hr fasting that I actually loss some weight. And I felt fine and kept losing weight afterwards!

    • hgBGAkd FLndBz says:

      I became nutrient deficient and had unexplained symptoms. These fasting advocates will tell you the answer is MORE fasting. I initially lost weight but always gained it back because I was so starved. now that I’m focused on adequately nourishing my body, my metabolism is faster so ironically I weigh less than when I was doing all this crazy stuff

    • lorraine Stokes says:

      why ? they are say if you feel dizzy or sick to stop fasting and eat.
      they also say that woman should fast differently then men.
      Women should fast according to their circle

    • Najneen Sultana says:

      You know nothing about fasting sweetie

  • HoneyBunny says:

    I used to survive on one meal a day, and if I was “good” I would get a snack. Was at my lowest weight ever at 58kg while 5’11”…. Now if I consume sugar, caffeine or anything too heavy on an empty stomach or without water I throw up and pass out. I’m at 72kg now, and even though my brain isn’t happy with the way I look I’m much healthier

    • Anne says:

      I’m 60 yo and 5’11”. When I was at most athletic (waaaay back in high school), I can’t imagine being that thin! 😮 I’m now at the same weight as you. Although I’d like to lose a few pounds, this weight for our height is well within a healthy range. I hope your mind finds peace with your current, much healthier weight. ❤

    • Monika Zimová Art says:

      You must have ruined your metabolism with that one meal a day. But don’t worry. After you eat normally over an extended period of time (can take up to a year), your metabolism should recover.

  • Jay Good says:

    This reminds me of when I was mormon I was supposed to fast one day every month. I rarely did that 😂 as a I got older I didn’t do it at all because it made me feel sick. Glad to be ex-mormon and not feel pressure to fast loll

  • John Stein says:

    Some people still believe the juice cleanse diet is beneficial so….😅

  • Person says:

    I fasted as a teenager with an ED and it messed up my body bad. Still have gastroparesis.

  • Aletheia Backs says:

    Did you know most of the studies done on fasting and intermittent fasting was actually all done on men? Fasting is actually awful for women’s hormones.

  • Rachael McInnes says:

    She looks so proud of herself while recounting how she collapsed from not eating. Peak ED behaviour.

  • Jainen Sydan says:

    I had to fast 36 hours before a surgery once. I almost bit the head off one of my children and had serious thoughts about eating my own arm. Why would anyone want to do this unless they absolutely had to? 😅

  • xEPICxNESS says:

    I did a fast for three days without food or water for a cultural ceremony and it’s to remind us of suffering and thankfulness. I couldn’t imagine doing it for aesthetics. Though I don’t judge, I hope you guys feed your body with nutritious food and keep your mind and body healthy

  • Lee Vollmer says:

    Whew, I messed up and tried to do intermittent fasting. Forgot all about Anorexia in my past. Dangerous as hell for me, I pulled up in the knick of time.

  • Nurcan says:

    Last time I fasted (40h) I almost vo*ited, couldn’t move, headaches, dizziness etc….never AGAIN!!!

  • y7d24 says:

    Exactly! Intermittent fasting made me lose my hungerfullness cues 😢
    Now im trying to get them back with intuitive eating

  • Zafira F says:

    I do believe in the benefits of fasting. And there’s definitely a safe way to do it. The Ramadan fasting is one of those safe and beneficial type of fasting when done correctly. I do it every year for a month and never experienced any dizziness, hunger or exhaustion from it.
    I would like to hear your opinion on this

  • Catherine Hawkins says:

    I love it when you get all passionate about the food related insanity that’s out there…😁

  • T S says:

    About the benefits Abby mentioned. What I’ve gathered the benefits of fasting, like increased autophagy, are mostly explained by low insulin levels. So pragmatically a 72 hour fast is able to control your insulin a relatively short time, and not regularly, cause you shouldn’t be doing these often (unless you want to lose muscle mass which is a stupid idea on many levels). So instead of this very rapid increase in the benefits, I’d do like a 12/12 intermittent fast instead (with sufficient calories and a balanced diet). Then you would reach low insulin levels daily, and in the long run you’d reach more hours of low insulin.

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