What I eat in a day to prep my body for the holidays | how I stay lean & lose fat

I love sharing what I eat in a day to give you easy recipe ideas and help you in your own healthy weight loss journey. These are simple meals to help set my foundation for the day so that I can indulge guilt-free all holiday season. I focus on high protein to help cur cravings too

Leroy Johnson

  • Jess M says:

    I’m obsessed with good culture cottage cheese! Soo yummy πŸ˜‹

  • ScatterBrained says:

    Get a job

    • Love Sweat Fitness says:

      I believe running your own business with multiple product lines, is indeed considered, a job πŸ˜†

    • C K says:

      ​@LoveSweatFitness That person’s comment is so out of left field! They obviously don’t know what they’re talking about and made a judgement off of you from one YouTube short πŸ™„

  • Leah Goins says:

    What tan are you using these days?!

  • BlueRes0808 says:

    Girl do you have that protein pumpkin cake recipe available?! Would love!

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