What I Eat To Stay LEAN & STRONG Vlog | Vegan Nutrient Analysis




I’m now working with Vedge Nutrition!
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Derek Simnett
PO Box 413 Parksville
Parksville, BC


I am Derek Simnett, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and avid nature lover. I love calisthenics and making good food!
Check out my 2 year transformation:

Thank you for all the music you sent me!

Music Credit:
Break – Crash Coral

Explanation – Austin Hull

Leroy Johnson

  • HahaharryLewis says:

    Once you’ve tracked your macros for a few days you can see that you are so abundant in vitamins, minerals and especially proteins. There really is no need to worry as long as you eat a decent amount of good whole foods. You always demonstrate this perfectly, Derek.

  • WilC79 says:

    I really enjoyed this video. You packed a lot into it. Loved it!

  • Blake Stevens says:

    Getting super creative with transitions like the fence jump and jars! Makes things even more interesting! Love it!

  • Richard c says:

    Hi Derek, I love this style of vlog / What I eat in a day video, newly vegan here ( well , working towards it in all honesty lol ) and it helps a lot, I love your recipes, they always looks so colorful and healthy. keep up the good work !!!

  • C G says:

    Hi Derek! I just want to thank you for all of your inspiring videos and lifestyle. I went vega 1.5 years ago (overnight) and your kind of healthy, active, fun lifestyle is exactly what I am aiming for. You have helped me a lot on my journey. Keep up the great videos and I’m totally stoked for you that your channel is growing so well!

  • Matthew Alvarado says:

    Even though I’ve seen you make your post workout smoothie so many times I still enjoy watching you make it and seeing what goes into it! I always make a variation of that smoothie after my workouts

  • Brady Tercha says:

    Enjoyed the behind the scenes tidbit. Thanks for the pull day footagefrom last video. I did the workouts right along with you, or at least attempted. Thanks for the motivation!

  • Lisa Marie Hughes says:

    Also…I love every one of these videos. They are super informative for diet, inspiring for workout ideas. Awesome all-around! Thanks Derek!

  • Christopher Evangelista says:

    I’d love to see a Meal breakdown based on amount of ingredients and macros/meal. General stuff – things you eat basically every week.

    Not vegan but hoping to move in that direction so this is incredibly informative.

    Curious if you ever used cherrywood ash in your meals. I think NPR did a segment not long ago on the Indian populations that ate a diet based on foods very different from what explorers brought here and yet they had high calcium and bone density. Turns out the ash from certain trees is high in calcium and it’s a regular staple in native Indian diets.

  • Lex says:

    Naturally Stefanie mentioned you/this video on her channel. It’s super cool to see some of my favorite YouTubers working together, inspiring each other, giving shout outs, etc. Also, I love the nutrient analysis at the end! This is such a great video format. Love seeing how quickly this channel is taking off! 🙂

    • Simnett Nutrition says:

      Thank you so much! She is sweet isn’t she?!?! I just saw her video and it’s great. I wish I had a cute accent like that.

  • Camille Garcia says:

    I’m so happy that I found your channel. I’m a month into my plant based diet journey, and I’m so glad I found such an amazing resource for not only vegan eating, but also bodybuilding and calisthenics! You’re an inspiration.You are tackling a lot of different aspects of a healthy lifestyle, and I very much appreciate the hard work you’re putting into bettering not only your life but those around you. Keep it up! Great camera work!

  • Nicole Thibeault says:

    I have only watched your video for a couple minutes and have already decided this is one of my new favourite channels! I really like your vibe and how real it all seems. Thank you ! 🙂

  • Adrina says:

    SO glad I found your channel! I love the nutrient analysis, being a bodybuilder this app will help me a lot not only to keep up with my macros but micros as well since the diet gets pretty intense! Awesome information!

  • David D says:

    How can consuming 215g of sugar be a good idea? A lot of that was fructose…Im no expert, but I’d imagine could cause some issues long term.

    • Simnett Nutrition says:

      Great question. Check out these videos as they explain it much better than me. Sugar from fruit is not the same as free sugars, the same as fats from whole foods aren’t the same as oils. Thanks for the comment. Admittedly, it would be ideal if the fruits weren’t blended but instead chewed. That would slow the absorption of sugars even more, but as demonstrated in the videos below, there is far more at play than just fibre slowing the absorption.

      How Much Fruit Is Too Much – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU_RkeA88DY&t=63s
      Is Fructose Bad? What About From Fruit? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHEJE6I-Yl4&t=108s

    • David D says:

      Ok thanks, I’ll look into it more. Generally speaking, isn’t a low sugar diet optimal? given that the USDA recommend no more than 36g daily.

    • Simnett Nutrition says:

      Great! Thanks for being receptive. I’m really not trying to make anyone sick or spread misinformation with any hidden agenda. I have studied diet extensively, hence being a holistic nutritionist and just want to help people be healthier. The USDA is referring to refined sugars. One could argue that 0 grams is optimal there. If you have an apple and a banana that’s 33 grams of sugar right there. Check out this though. Link at the bottom… of course. 😉 “The Global Burden of Disease Study published in 2012, is the most comprehensive and systematic analysis of causes of death undertaken to date, involving nearly 500 researchers from more than 300 institutions in 50 countries, and starting with almost 100,000 data sources. What did the researchers find? Here in the U.S., they determined that our biggest killer was our diet. Number 1 on their list of the most important dietary risks was not eating enough fruit, responsible for an estimated 4.9 million deaths a year around the world.” So I don’t think they are referring to people not having 2 pieces per day. All the best David. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23245604

    • David D says:

      Very interesting stuff. I’ve heard a lot of conflicting thoughts on fructose, which can get confusing. But it does make perfect sense that the benefits of eating plenty of fruit, outweigh any negatives. Thanks for taking the time)

    • Simnett Nutrition says:

      No problem. That is why I’m doing this. I know there is so much conflicting information. I picked up a few magazines today in line at the grocery store and was blown away by the mixed messages. Bottom line, more fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and legumes are what we need to focus on. All the best David.

  • Esoteric One says:

    That outside sequence was awesome. You made the warm up look so effortless. Beautifully healthy!

  • TheWestCoastVegan says:

    You have some of the most informative vegan food videos, I really love them all! Keep up the quality content ☺️💚

  • Jacob Jenkins says:

    Your videos are awesome! Glad to see a fellow vegan out there eating HUUGGEE dinners like myself! I photograph my foods and always get comments like; “Jesus how many calories is that, your meals are too big, too many carbs, not enough protein.” Its awesome to see these meals allowing you to look like that and realising that my meals look so similar!

  • The Bearded Bros says:

    Sometimes I watch Derek’s old videos when I’m feeling down not for really the vegan tips, but for the straight positive vibes. Makes me feel like there are still simple and nice people in the world.

  • dauntie kay says:

    That buckwheat really sounds good and I think it would be a great trade off from oatmeal every day–I am definitely gonna have to try this! Also, the salad dressing looks great too–all in all another great video!

  • Santu b says:

    Hey Derek!
    I found your channel like a couple of months ago, while I was searching for vegan friendly videos.
    I’m very young I’m actually 11 years old but I’m inspired and am vegan.
    My dad told me to keep liking all your videos as I watch them as I’m loyally doing so.
    He also told me that your channel was a great find because you are a nice guy and your really humble and can be a good role model.
    Keep up the vids and may god bless you 😄😄.

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