What I Eat To Stay Strong & SHREDDED Vlog | Vegan Nutrient Analysis





I’m now working with Vedge Nutrition!
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Derek Simnett
PO Box 413 Parksville
Parksville, BC


I am Derek Simnett, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and avid nature lover. I love calisthenics and making good food!
Check out my 2 year transformation:


Leroy Johnson

  • Liz St. Clair says:

    Super helpful! Please, please, please do more “food in a day.” It gives me great ideas. Thanks!

  • Mickaël Beauvarlet says:

    I just found your channel a few days ago! Awesome to see a real nutritionist who doesn’t lie about nutrition! Thank you so much! Your videos keep me more motivated than ever in my vegan lifestyle (almost 3 years now) as I am criticized in some ways to not eating animals. I live in France and when you don’t eat our good french cheese, baguette, bourguignon beef, tartiflette (french-style cheesy potato bake with pickled onions, gherkins and charcuterie) and others typical french recipes full of cruelty, you’re considered like evil and they tell you: ” you’ll get deficiencies”! But the people who say that are the same who take so many medications and strive to lose weight!
    Keep on going with good motivational contents! Peace!

  • Alejandro Nava says:

    Such a great video. No BS. Informative. Entertaining and funny. AND, importantly, no high-volume electronic music.

  • Simnett Nutrition says:

    If you have any questions about this day you might find the answer in this follow up video I did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWNmjfS5Ais

    Thanks for all the love on this video! One of my most popular videos and it’s only been 2 weeks.

    • Degenerate Speculator says:

      Simnett Nutrition just curious what your daily sugar intake usually is

    • Netizen says:

      Simnett Nutrition 1:14 juice the lemon with the skin add it to the water: its amazing plus all the vitamins and minerals are in the yellow (zest) and white (pitt) parts….(#absporn 🤤😍✌️😂)

    • Riccardo Cocco Coaching says:

      how it’s written tha yoga thing for the abs?

    • Madara D Dragon says:

      Simnett Nutrition keep it up bro I’m actually transitioning over to a vegan man help me lol but I strong

    • Tyler Health says:

      Probably one of the most underrated Youtubers.. his mentality on diet & just human health is spot on.

  • Badhon Ebrahim says:

    1. drink lemon water very first thing in the morning (1/2 a lemon +2/3 cup of warm water)
    2. pre workout suppliment vega pre workout energizer
    3.smoothie after workout ( 6 bananas+hand full of blue berries + 3dates + protine powder 1/2 scoop + 2tbs flax seed +
    turmaric +black pepper + handfull arugula + filtered water + purple cabage + 1 chunk of lemon )

    4.a cup of dry buckwheat +apple + couple of peaches +pumpkin seed+ sunflower seeds + shreded coconut+ almond +
    cenamin + organic almond milk )
    5.12:13 lenteles and vege dinner

  • Emma Polanske says:

    Super helpful when you add the macros of each meal! I also always love checking out the whole nutrient breakdown of the day 🙂
    Thanks! 👌👌

  • NaTasha Flesher says:

    I’m 23 days into being a vegan! Thanks for the food ideas. It’s something that I need right now. 👍🏻😄

  • Daniel Sanchez says:

    As someone who would never consider going vegan, you are very inspiring and convincing even without directly mentioning it.

  • Vanja's Vegan Voyage says:

    You make vegans everywhere proud!! Awesome job

  • Sarah D.G. says:

    You’re amazing! Such an inspiration to athletes aspiring to go vegan!

  • Amazing Pink Ballerina Mommy says:

    Thank you so much. I was really worried about loosing weight and it’s hard to gain weight for me, but this gave me confidence that I can make it just fine going Vegan. I’ve been Vegan for just a little over a week now and really happy with a Vegan diet.

  • Sedona Tours & Rentals says:

    I’m 5’9, 200 lbs, lean and switched to Whole Food Plant Based 6 months ago. Best thing I ever did…however…meal prep has been challenging. THIS video helps and I’m subscribed…keep it up !

  • GutsToCuts says:

    Bro, I’m new to your channel.. Been vegan for a little more than a month. Feeling great. Glad I found someone who knows nutrition very well and has a muscular physique. I’m going to learn a lot from you. Thanks man! Saw you had a recipe book; may consider buying it in the near future.

  • Tasha Delacruz says:

    Keep it up! Very inspirational. Thanks a bunch for the info. 8 months in the lifestyle and feeling the muscle fatigue after returning to the gym.

  • Kennedy Bell says:

    Hell yeah! Love it, I don’t typically feel confident about just browsing in my fridge and putting stuff together like that, I like to have a plan. But now watching this I definitely feel better about not planning out every meal!

  • Souls Fury says:

    Your videos are amazing, thank you so much for sharing your days. I’ve been vegan for 6 months now and haven’t been taking workouts that seriously but am starting to now. You make everything easy to understand and seem really down to earth BTW. Thanks again!

  • Jessica Durham says:

    We’re here over a year later — We as in me and my three year old ❤️ We were having a conversation about being healthy !! I told him a few times “he’s healthy! He eats his vegetables” “he exercises and plays and has fun” he pointed to you and said “mommy he’s strong! I want to grow like him”

    It was inspiring to watch this’
    I am vegan — he is not, YET!
    I found this video originally in search of inspiration for eating more Whole Foods and less processed vegan foods!
    My son happened to pop behind me! I was so happy to hear him say he looked up to you! Keep it up!

  • Ruth Malan says:

    Great work, Derek. Thank you so much. Love your work and admire your dedication

  • E. Russ says:

    You’re great Derek. Thanks for the advice, and expertise. You are helping lots of people.

  • Dwight Collman MD DABM DABFM says:

    You guys-both of you are great examples of how to eat , cook and live a healthy best life! Great job!

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