What Is GLP-1 and How Do GLP-1 Agonist Drugs (Like Ozempic) Work?

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is one of our hormones, and it signals nutritional abundance to our brain, reducing our appetite. How are these new GLP-1-mimicking drugs like the Pill?

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Stay up on the latest news by subscribing to NutritionFacts.org’s free e-newsletter and receive our Purple Sweet Potato Longevity Smoothie recipe as a thank-you for subscribing. https://bit.ly/NF_newsletter. -NF Team

  • @elsmooth12 says:

    Thanks for sharing. This class of drugs is an absolute must for any western society that subsidizes, produces, and advertises the worst foods for human health to its people. These actions lead to rampant food addiction within a culture that sets the citizens up for failure…and since lifelong habit changing is outrightly discouraged (think about the prevalence and availability of truly nourishing foods, let alone our collective understanding of what these actually are), drugs are, and will continue to be, the only viable path to some success for most of our society.

    I’m just glad that I’m able to stick effortlessly to WFPB…until my death, I’ll never have to rely on the pharma industry to bail me out of poor food choices.

  • @thebrinksf69 says:

    Pros – lose weight. Con – death

  • @timmyg497 says:

    Excited for this series. It seems too good to be true so it probably isn’t, but the thought of pushing a not-fat-button is interesting.

  • @jimjack8692 says:

    At first , i was pissed at medicare for covering that expensive drug. But considering the cost of bariatric surgery so many people are getting, i guess it’s cheaper. Especially since medicare probably pays a much better price for it

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