Who Is Rescuing Whom? Pets and Life Extension
Do pet parents (or pawrents) live longer?
Are Cats or Dogs More Protective for Children’s Health? ( ). Check out the video.
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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Great job! Your videos are always so high quality and interesting! 💞✨
Very interesting topic! I look forward to new videos from you! 🐱💞
Thank you, Dr. G! We ❤ our pups! 🥰🐕❤️🐕🐾
Getting a zuchon soon! Can’t wait!
I love this channel!
“Come here, Placebo, good Dog!”
I thought this was about helping animals but this isn’t. Since there was a mention about social activity being a life-prolonging factor in the Blue Zone Studies, I’ll comment anyway: People tend to help animals, but frown upon helping the homeless or other socially disadvantaged people. Although this would present a social bond, which prolongs life, unlike pet ownership does. So helping the poor or homeless is a scientifically proven way to prolong life, while helping animals or keeping them as a companion – doesn’t.
Great installment! As a longtime pet owner and rescue foster, I will be the last to argue with these findings. I too would love to see more on this topic.
P.S. Bonus points for the excellent grammar (who/whom) in your video description! 👍🏻
Vegan cats and dog food next! Quite interesting research on cats absorbing nutrients from plants better than dogs.
The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog. – Mark Twain
#EndSpeciesism ❤
Be kind to people and animals. Kindness matters.
Thank you!
Vegans with pets definitely go through a lot more stress every passing, from what dr greger has shown in the past, stress technically should shorten lives
I am educated in mental health and work as a counselor, and I have found that people generally feel better when they have someone to care for, because the bonding that occur between individuals soothes us. From the video it seems that even crickets might do the trick.
Therefore I recommend anyone that has the time and the money to adopt an animal from a shelter (don’t support breeders, because they cause a lot of problems by bringing more animals into existence when there are already so many in need of a loving home).
Bunnies are unfortunately often bought on impulse and then abandoned because people fail to see how much work they are, so shelters are often flooded with abandoned bunbuns.