Why Do Bodybuilders Die Young – Does Bodybuilding Speed Up Aging

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  • Siim Land says:

    Video on Methionine Restriction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kGpykOICV0

    Metabolic Autophagy Book: https://amzn.to/2W4YfDF
    Stronger by Stress Book: https://amzn.to/2VhuXTn
    The Immunity Fix Book: https://amzn.to/3mssSQI
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class: https://www.siimland.co/metabolic-autophagy-master-class
    Total Sleep Optimization Video Course: https://www.siimland.co/total-sleep-optimization-video-course

    Get Self Decode DNA Test with the code SIIM: http://get.selfdecode.com/siim
    Magnesium Breakthrough for a 10% Discount! https://bit.ly/3dKkd8A
    Use Code SIIM for 10% Off Self Decode https://bit.ly/3k4EnfQ
    Use Code SIIM for a 10% Discount on the KAATSU Bands https://www.kaatsu-global.com/index.cfm?Action=Store.Details&pid=11
    Get Drink HRW Molecular Hydrogen for 10% OFF With the Code SIIM: https://drinkhrw.com?afmc=SIIM
    BluBlox Blue-Blocking Glasses 15% Discount with the Code SIIM: https://www.blublox.com/?rfsn=1927497.ab3a91
    Use Code SIIM for a 5% Discount off Do Not Age supplements: http://www.donotage.org/

    Support the Channel Via PayPal: https://paypal.me/siimland

    Support the channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/siimland/

    💯💯Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman: https://goo.gl/TSDCuv
    Stay Empowered

  • Elon Muskular says:

    Great video Sim!! I am trying to get the message out for enhanced athletes to be more healthy as well.

  • Gabriel Kirk Baca says:

    Mr. Land , the amazing thing about your videos, is there no need to ask questions. You are so informative.

    • Siim Land says:

      Thanks! Glad to hear that

    • ALPHA AF says:

      @Siim Land what about sarms SIM? They were created in the 90s to be a better version of steroids without being a hormone that will spill into the organs of the body like prostate. Heart. Liver kidneys ECT… The sarm stimulate the androgen receptor without spilling over into the organs of the body. They just go into the muscle and bone more AND create a anabolic response without the side effects that steroids cause. But nothing is perfect. They have some sides to them but still are decently safe when taken at normal low doses. I’m trying some sarms now. The main ones that have the most studies behind them like Ostarine. Lgd 4033. And rad 140. I’m doing them for 6 weeks each. I am not getting and sides I see from low doses and I get blood work to check inside of me too. Also I’m getting gains of muscle like 5 to 8 pounds but nothing like if I was to take a steroid. But really 5 to 8 is good enough for me SIM. Because its lean muscle bulk. 🐴🐶

    • Pitbull Lover says:

      @ALPHA AF I like sarms too. They are better on the body than steroids.

    • Battle Ax says:

      @ALPHA AF not as much research on them nothing is known according to guys at mindpump

  • Eduardo Augusto Silvestre says:

    Goo stuff !
    I think you could be talked about high protein, carnivore diet nose to tail and longevity.
    Another great topic is TRT. Almost nobody in the longevity community talks about that.

    • Siim Land says:

      Great suggestion!

    • Terra Flow _/_ Bryan Burdo says:

      Brian Sanders (Peak Human) and Mary Ruddick recently visited African hunter gatherer tribes which viably have some very old members who are in excellent shape.

  • Little Voice says:

    It would also be interesting to see the other end of the spectrum. Anorexia impacts millions, I wonder if their low BMI and chronic reduced calorie intake improves telomere length due to more autophagy or if the mental health issues negates this?

    I also wonder if a chronic calorie reduction is best with a higher protein diet for longevity if the protein is from plants? E.g. beans, nuts, tofu, tempeh. Even if trying to maintain weight would 2g per kg be too much on a low carb diet, IF etc.

  • Mark Himself says:

    Siim, props for making a health based video surrounding this subject. In the fitnessindustry, which I am a part of myself, I mainly see a bodybuilding based focus when it comes to nutrition. This is very one dimentional and at times neglects what true health is about. A bodybuilder, even those who are not on steroids, are not nessesarily healthy at all and too much M-Tor and IGF-1 is definately a factor as well as stress from overtraining in many cases. I meet a lot of people who overtrain simply as an escape for emotional pain in life or to burn the extra calories taken in due to their emotional overeating (which I’ve done myself) without ever adressing the root causes. Those are in my opinion best delt with through therapy since so many people are unhappy and wounded deep within. Self medicating through dopaminertic pathways or through building a facade (a defense mechanism) only strengthens the ego (Eckhart Tolle), which tends to be overprotective of the inner wounds (inner child in IFS therapy) anyway. Not a good long term soloution for most people.

  • mark veen says:

    What people often forget is that the heart is a muscle too. So when you’re using certain drugs that stimulate muscle growth. The heart wall will thicken and get stiff. Luckily for most drug abusers that dont have genetic weaknesses. This will only show up and cause problems at age 60 or 70. You’ll see alot of heart surgeries then. Not just in bb, but in alot of elite sports where drugs abuse is rampant. Literally a ticking time bomb.

  • kaka3630 says:

    Thank you Siim, wonderful topic. What about eating high protien in keto as covered previous videos , in contrast to this topic?

  • Talk Talk says:

    I used to go where many pro body builders worked out. They routinely discussed steroids, starvation, meth and coke. I saw in them the same thoughts and behaviors that I saw in my female friends with eating disorders
    If we are to live vibrant, long lives, we don’t just need to pay attention to the look of our bodies. We need to question the ideas we are fed by a media fueled by greed.

  • Sergej Annema says:

    I noticed you mentioned specifically high saturated fat diets can cause issues for people with certain biomarkers. Do you have a video that goes into more depth about this topic? I was under the supposition that this specific diet was always beneficial for diseases like alzheimer.

  • P Anagenesis says:

    Great Video! Even the ancient Greek physician, court doctor to Emperor Marcus Aurelius no less, noticed that Olympic wrestlers and other athletes of his day perished earlier. He ascribed it to their extreme, intemperate training, diet and lifestyle. Bottom line: “Everything in Moderation… even Moderation!”

  • Jehan says:

    My cousin died in his 30’s from steroid use. Such a beautiful person…until he started using steroids. Very sad.

    • Charles Carabott says:

      Yes I know a few bodybuilders who take steroids. I am into bodybuilding and training too but never taken steroids and never will as winning competitions is not important to me but staying healthy is

    • breaks says:

      Was he using steroids to cut up or for mass building ? Cos some people seem to think that being huge is the problem, I reckon its to do with the diuretics / insulin & the low BF thats dangerous. Rather than just being oversized

    • Jehan says:

      @breaks, it was all hush hush in the family. They were embarrassed to admit how he died. So all I know is that he appeared healthy, he was 6’2” and probably around 200 lbs. Not really big. He was always lean, so I’d guess he wanted extra muscle. I’m a woman, so I don’t know much about these things, though I do lift weights.

    • breaks says:

      @Jehansorry for your Loss, he should have worked out with you rather

    • Jehan says:

      @breaks, thanks! It didn’t need to be. He had a beautiful wife and kids. I don’t know if he was using too much or what the story is exactly, but it’s an unnecessary loss. We just need to be educated in our choices and choose wisely.

  • Noah SIBAHI-Jackson says:

    Very informative video, excellent information and phenomenal points were made, provided it does depend on how much synthetic anabolics you are taking and the pacing was a little bit fast at times but overall a really good video keep it up

  • Briann G says:

    You did a really good job on this video! Well researched and presented and now you’ve earned a subscriber, Well done!

  • Robert Shmurder says:

    Remember: Humans didn’t reach the top of the food chain by being as strong as gorillas or fast as cheetahs, but because we’re built to have better stamina than other land animals and developed the ability to use tools and ranged weapons.

  • Rick Nelson says:

    My father in law is 104 years old all his life he was skinny, saw several photos of him when he was young you could only see hair and nose not a single muscle at all which makes me believe that the strength of a man is in the organs not in the muscles.

    • Redits says:

      I notice this a lot too when it comes to longevity it seems that the leaner the better.

    • Rick Nelson says:

      @Redits The more weight you put on the body, muscle or fat (muscle is better) the more the organs have to work to keep it up putting more pressure on the system decreasing the life span of our organs.

    • Redits says:

      @Rick Nelson plus the visceral fat inside is really bad.

    • Clifton says:

      What’s his quality of life like? Age alone is nothing. Quality of life is what matters.

    • Jack Nguyen says:

      Japanese are very small, but they have a lot of people live over 100 years.

  • Joe Skwara says:

    My cousin was a top world Olympic weightlifter. He took steroids under a doctors guidance when he was trying a comeback. He died of a heart attack in mid 50s. I miss him. Good guy.

  • hammockmonk says:

    It’s important for society to make more clear the distinction between bodybuilding and health. I’m a bodybuilder but find it frustrating when unhealthy athletes are presented as role models.

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