Why Do Most Users Quit GLP-1 Drugs Like Ozempic (Semaglutide) Within Months?
These weight-loss drugs can cost around $1000 a month in perpetuity, but that expense isn’t the reason most users quit taking them so soon after starting.
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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For more on Ozempic, check out my new book, OZEMPIC: Risks, Benefits, and Natural Alternatives to GLP-1 Weight-Loss Drugs, available as an ebook, audiobook, and softcover: https://nutritionfacts.org/book/ozempic/ (currently on sale for 20% off)
Dr. Greger for President 2028
He’s going to have a hard time getting sponsorship from food companies.
Maybe that’s how it should be.
I’d vote for him 😊❤🥦
How would he fare in the polls?
We won’t know until weeeee… put it to the test.
(I’ll get my coat.)
Srsly though, a candidate who relies solely on scientifically, verifiable evidence… he’ll get eaten alive by the main parties.
Sheeyit, look at what they did to Dr. Fauci.
I was saying that for 2025, so hell yeah❣️✌️🙂👌
The whole system is corrupt. I’ve never had a weight problem, but I can empathize with people that do. They’ve been preyed upon by so many industries. I’ve often been asked by women how i stay slim, and even though I believe my weight is somewhat genetic, I’ve been eating plant based for 20 yrs, so I tell them that, hoping to influence them.
yeah, it’s so disgusting. First the food industry targets them to get them addicted and thus making them sick. Then the pharma industry targets them to make them “better”. In the end they paid a lot of money (or even indebted themselves) to have a worse quality of life and shorter life span. It’s like having a nail stuck in your foot and instead of pulling it out you put a patch on it and prescribe pain killers. The system is rigged against them. Food and cooking education (see Japan schools) and regulations to push back against industry (e.g. like no ads for junk food, no candy ads targeting children, the supermarket soda aisle can’t be larger than the produce aisle etc.) is the only way out. But for that to happen people in power would actually need to have a conscience or the common people would have to rise up and demand it. But why would you want to get rid of your dealer if you’re addicted?
I’m seven years vegan and I’ve dropped from 13st and creeping up, to 10st sometimes 9st 12. I’m convinced it was lifestyle.
Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany. Wegovvy is around 450 USD per Month in Germany.
Woher kommt denn dieser Preis? Meine Apotheke zeigt andere Preise an. Zumal wahrscheinlich kaum jemand die höchste Dosis braucht. Sprich, Wegovy ist deutlich günstiger in Deutschland.
Thank you Dr. Geger! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
USA prices are insane. Here in Latvia month dose costs around 100 Euros
that is because our medical system is jacked up, based on profits over health.
3:57 Wow. Just, wow.
Click 1:00 for Greger saying ‘based’
Thank you!
My dad was on ozempic, had insurance so he wasn’t paying out of pocket, but he quit taking the drug as well. Wanna know why? Because he just plain liked to eat, and ozempic made him eat less, and get nauseous when he would eat so you know what he did? He just pushed through even though the drugs made him feel full and nauseous! I’d wager that all of these obese people chasing weight loss short-cuts and miracle drugs need to stop looking at their love-handles and start looking inward into the reasons why eating makes them feel good in the first place and get therapy to resolve those issues; no different than treating alcoholism. Course I tell my dad this and he agrees and continues to eat. What are you gonna do when people say they wanna change but don’t take REAL steps to do it /shrug
Goodness, yes.
I think you have strong emotions you want to take out on “all of these obese people”, which I think is misplaced. Most fat people aren’t self-destructive but just cannot lose weight while trying to, for multiple reasons including genetics and food environment, along with a degree of personal responsibility.
People will do ANYTHING to avoid just having a healthy lifestyle to lose weight! My mom lost far more weight than what’s promised on ozempic simply by eating healthy.
@@Audrey_1110 You think you know whats going on in other people’s heads but you don’t.
Title: “Why do most users quit…?”
Last words of the video: “… which we’ll cover next.”
Nice one, Dr. G! I recommend adding a “ri…” and a pause before “next” to make even more nerve racking and making people think you’ll say “right now”. Next time try to say “which we’ll cover rrr….next”.
Berberine + mostly plant based whole foods. Natural and effective.
I have been on it for 8 months and have lost 60 lbs, I love it!
I read a post of a patient who said his GLP1 drug is working, he’s lost weight, but it took away his pleasure for food. He still eats, not as much, but without any pleasure anymore, and he misses that. This is why I say there’s a strong psychological/ emotional component to the disorder of obesity.
I’ve been on Mounjaro since September 2022. I started at 391 lbs and am now down to 251 lbs. Continued loss is slow-going, but I’m still at it. This has been a life-changing drug for me. Yes, I’m still morbidly obese – but life at 251 lbs is a heck of a lot better than life at 391. I’ve had surgery and tried every diet out there, including WFPB. The meds help make healthy eating more sustainable and effective. It is not an either/or situation for me. It’s an “every tool in the toolbox” kind of thing. Thank you for covering the cost and greed. I hope that these drugs will be more accessible to every person who wants to experience the benefits. And yes, just like any other medication for chronic disease, you have to stay on it or the symptoms and disease progression returns. I don’t know why that’s such a crazy concept for people when it comes to these drugs.
Did you use dr. Greger’s app – “Dr. Greger’s daily dozen app”?
I love this channel!
I quit it because it made me extremely exhausted and depressed and I didn’t lose weight. When I went off my blood sugar went higher than it was before I took it. That required that I try another GLP-1 which I had take at the lowest possible dose for glucose control only.
Bariatric surgery in Mexico is less than $10,000, even after travel and lodging.
Until GLP-1s cost less than $500 per year, it’s probably not worth it relative to surgery.