If you have 2 cups frozen strawberries, try this 🍓 #healthyrecipes
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Happy weekend, Autumn!❤
You too!
lol stop scaring people of oats or any kind of food,one oatmeal will not cause you weight gain out of nowhere!
and you should not feel guilty for eating anything this creat bad relationship with food, also there is no need to cut any food groups
you can eat everything you want and stay in your daily intake because moderation is key, you can add healthy fats and protein to anything
you want to make it more nutritionist
and yall shes not even a dietitian
cutting food will more likely cause you to binge eat on them later
so go enjoy food without feeling guilty
She is a nutritionist with her MASTERS in nutrition. She is more qualified then a dietitian. Her advise is spot on and works very well. Oatmeal has been drilled into our head as a healthy food when it’s really just a boat load of carbs that raises blood sugar and therefore insulin and doesn’t support weight loss at all. She knows what she’s talking about, I have seen amazing results following her meal and fasting plans. autumn you are amazing!
@Joyce what if I told you that you can eat carbs and still see amazing results that lasts forever? don’t cut carbs if you love them even if you wanna lose weight, we don’t have to be perfect all the time we are humans we can eat 80% healthy food and 20%unhealthy food and still be happy and make progress, oats have advantages and disadvantages like any other food ,its the internet that make us fear food
@nero agreed we are human and don’t have to follow a low processed low refined carb diet all the time. And autumn doesn’t promote a zero carb diet, she advocates for vegetables, fruits and low glycemic load carbs like beans and sweat potatoes ect. And autumn promotes having a scheduled treat meal or 2 a week because she knows mental health and enjoying is important too. Her system is not a diet, it really is a lifestyle change that is completely sustainable, yummy and enjoyable and you don’t feel deprived at all. I don’t even crave carbs or sugar at all anymore and I’m never hungry. My body craves the healthy fats and proteins and I have an abundance of energy. She backs her information with science from her masters degree and she is extremely intelligent. Listen every person is different, and every body is different. But Autumn really knows what she’s taking about here. Please before you go around discounting her, saying she’s not qualified and not a dietician ( which she’s more qualified then a dietician since she has a masters in nutrition ), watch some of her videos with her science backed info. She’s the real deal unlike 90 percent of the fad diet promoters out there.
I think that Autumn primarily directs her content to people with serious cases of metabolic syndrome. Those people already have a very bad relationship with food in general so scaring them with one kind of food isn’t really a big deal in the grand scheme of things. A low carb approach is definitely a viable path to jump start weight loss along with alleviating insulin resistance. Once people get to the point where they can move a lot more, lift weights, etc., they can definitely reintroduce those carbs, potentially even benefitting their ASCVD outlook (if they consume whole grains) in the process. Are carbs evil? No. Is it helpful to think they are while you’re a slave to the Standard American Diet? Definitely for some people!
@Joyce if thats what makes you happy than no problem
I just hated the way she said “stop eating oats” because saying stop eating to some kind of food can trigger alot of people ( especially the ed ones )
and when she said its not the best for weight loss was literally so wrong because no food can stop you from achieving your goals, she could atleast mention that her diet is for people who follows keto only 🙂
Buckwheat is a great alternative for me.
So glad I have found you’re channel! Your advise has helped me so so much learn how to fast and how to eat. I can’t thank you enough. And I LOVE your chocolate protein powder! So I ate plain oatmeal, nothing added except water and berries for years, not because I liked it but bc I thought it was healthy! I Cut that right out and switched to eggs a few months ago after seeing a previous video of yours about oatmeal.
That’s what most people are taught when it comes to food all things in moderation
What if you had protein powder, fruits like blueberries and chia seed to it?
Much better way to have oatmeal!
Don’t eat oatmeal but my product and add oatmeal to it lol lol lol
It’s a free recipe… haha
Soak and wash your oats before eating
Oatmeal is okay as long as you stick to Steel Cut Oats.
I can’t tolerate it… supposedly it’s one of my safe foods according to my food sensitivity test, but it reeeeally messes with my blood sugar. Spike then crash
80g of rolled oats has 8.88g protein and just under 50g carbs…
The protein in oats is not complete and very low DIAAS, which means the body can’t use it as efficiently as a protein source as others.
Awe, I just finished baking some oatmeal, bananas and dark chocolate cookies 😅🥴. I guess I better workout to burn those carbs
Steel cut oats are a better option if you like oatmeal and don’t want to give it up!
But it helps me poop 😭😭😭
Oats make me want to eat my head off….so yeah not great for weight loss. 😂
What’s grain free oatmeal 🧐
Few years ago I would hate this video, but now I love it! I actually loved oatmeal with banana, chia seeds, peanut butter. But it NEVER satisfied me! I was hungry in 1-2 hours. And also I didn’t want to believe that I should change into eggs and more protein. I had some kind of orthorexia and food control made me anxious. So I believed that any control about food is bad, and I should eat intuitively. But during the years I only was getting waist, I gained 15 kilograms and felt veeeery uncomfortable. Then I worked with eating disorder therapist, I opened that I had some traumas, related to food, also in my family everyone has emotional eating. I worked on it for 2 years. Now I have no fears about food, I started to incorporate your advices, and other health coaches. I hate intuitive eating because there so sooo many sugary, starchy, salty food, that you want. Intuition doesn’t work in today’s reality. I started losing weight and feel myself again. Now I love learning about health issues, science of food. And I want to say that, that if you feel anxious about food, and video like this trigger you, take therapy. Foos is just food. It reeeale can make us sick, or thrive. If you have control around food, you have control around life. Sorry for a long message. Thank you🖤
You got me hooked on flax, hemp, and chia seed breakfast! Now that Fall is coming, I will resume this for better nutritional and body care. I have added pumpkin butter, blueberries and strawberries to break things up 😁😋
I lost 88 lbs in 18 months and ate oatmeal with cinnamon and 1/4 cup of almonds for breakfast 2-3 times per week. I felt it gave me more energy on the days where I did heavy weights and sprints for cardio.
Can just add protein powder to it lol
Since my childhood I loved, like loooved oatmeal. But it always made me feel bloated and heavily contributed to my bowel movement problems…So I stopped eating it, even sporadically. Don’t regret it, don’t miss it…
And my #2 issues got almost solved with a few tweaks: water, fats (avocado, evoo, nuts and seeds…) and body movement (walk, light jog, hiit…)😊