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1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
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4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸

Leroy Johnson

  • @ShandoraTheExplorer says:

    It’s so sad that people get judged by their weight. I had a dance teacher who looked overweight but maaaaan she had the endurance of a triathlete. We were regularly out of breath and she’d be an absolute drill Sargent! Just goes to show you never know what might be causing a fuller form in some people.

  • @forbiddenfig4033 says:

    THANK YOU. I see so many ppl judge others (especially online) for not physically looking how they think people in those positions “should look” and it’s always so annoying to me as well

  • @belialbathory2299 says:

    Government jobs are very stressful and high pressure. Loads of these people have poor eating schedules and or just dont have time. Policys need to speak for themselfs.

    • @PlantsofJoy says:

      Well the UKs Theresa Coffey pictured here is also a chain smoker and voted to have the smoking ban overturned. So yeah, her policies do speak for themself. Completely inappropriate health minister.

    • @jimmymacnutrition6628 says:

      Excuses, excuses.

  • @froggy2698 says:

    Honestly thank you for your account bc despite making a lot of good decisions on food and exercise my whole life I’ve still been fat and everyone, EVERYONE judges me because of it, they act like if I eat one less frozen chicken tender which I literally only get the low carb chickpea one anyways cause they taste the best that I’m gonna go from a 4x to and xs in a week. They act like it’s easy and then shame us for it being hard and then victimize themselves bc they pretend being fat is suddenly socially acceptable even though it feels worse

    • @itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 says:

      A lot of people have completely unrealistic expectations and ideas about weight loss and nutrition.
      Last week I spoke with someone who thought it was perfectly healthy and sustainable for someone in the 18.5~24.9 bmi range to lose 1kg a week consistently. (I don’t take bmi as a measure of health, just a rough indication of a range of weights).

      Today I spoke to a coach who looks up to some guy with a lot of muscle mass who claims to eat 1000kcal a day and has done so for a year. My coach took that as a good example that people really don’t need to eat that much to thrive. Obviously muscle guy is lying, there’s no way that’s possible. And even if it was it’s not a good thing for your body to be that energy efficient.

      And absolutely yes, horrible people do act like they’re the victim because according to them fat shaming isn’t PC anymore. Look at all of the 4ssholes in the comment section, it does not pass the vibe check.

  • @lovelocked5385 says:

    Trauma and perimenopause. At 49 my Dr told me my metabolism slowed due to lowering estrogen. Also some really terrible trauma. It’s a battle daily

    • @ArtsCraftsAntiquity says:

      I hear you, because I have the same issues. If I was a health minister I would address it with the constituents because it means more than hiding it. Also, it makes me question where this persons interest are, addressing the issues like big food and big pharma making money off the sick or actually trying to help public health by addressing underlying issues like not eating foods full of addictive sugar and flour and not living a sedentary life, that may not make a person thin but it does increase health longevity.

      A person can be overweight and also doing the things nutritionally and physically to be healthy.

    • @21972012145525 says:

      ​@@ArtsCraftsAntiquity just because you choose to and are comfortable to address it doesn’t mean they necessarily are.

    • @lenkajf7816 says:

      Look into fasting and carnivore. You should resolve your issues within a month. Good luck 🎉❤

  • @PlantsofJoy says:

    In the case of Theresa Coffey, she is also a chain cigar smoking drinker who voted to overturn the smoking ban. Sound like the actions of a qualified health minister to you? Nope, me either.

    • @ivyrose779 says:

      There’s the difference! Being overweight doesn’t predict how well she’ll do the job, but overturning a smoking ban is a direct evidence of not doing the job well. They are two separate, unrelated things.

    • @PlantsofJoy says:

      @@ivyrose779 actually they are related. It shows that she as a health minister makes poor decisions for the health of the population based on her own unhealthy preferences.

    • @itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 says:

      @@PlantsofJoy by that logic we shouldn’t have any out of shape medical staff (drs, nurses, etc) and no fat leaders (presidents, MPs, etc).

  • @rustyschackelford9645 says:

    I worked with guy who got so big he could not fit behind the wheel of a dump truck. As a professional driver It most certainly affected his performance.
    His ad may not be professional, but if you can’t move around freely it affects your job performance no matter what you do. facts are facts

    • @ivyrose779 says:

      The issue here isn’t about whether or not excess pounds can affect your performance. It’s about people assuming someone who is overweight can’t do a job like Health Minister well no matter what their qualifications and performance actually look like.

    • @sarahhume3220 says:


    • @katelijnesommen says:

      Ok but that isn’t anything like the job the people in the ad have to perform.

    • @itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 says:

      There’s an overweight research scientist doing obesity research. The findings of him and his team are not wrong or untrustworthy because he’s fat.
      You’re talking about people who are so big they can’t fit behind the wheel of a dump truck. But people who are overweight, not obese, are also frequently considered untrustworthy or incompetent because they are fat even though it does not affect their job performance.

    • @rustyschackelford9645 says:

      @@ivyrose779 I understand the issue. Health minister is a far more important job and necessitates our best and brightest. With the upmost discipline. fitness is far more important in this position than a truck driver. A leader must lead form the front if they expect to garner any respect or credibility. If you don’t have the Discipline to practice what you preach you are a joke to all those you are failing to lead. Being a good leader takes more than “Qualifications”. I want the most effective person for a job this important not the bare minimum.

  • @alliemay6076 says:

    I think what people are kind of not looking at here, this isn’t a political opinion. They may be crappy politicians, but the whole point isn’t to decided that BASED ON THEIR WEIGHT

  • @MirA12334 says:


  • @fagelsinnet says:

    Thank you for talking sense! I have seen this flawed reasoning a lot lately and it’s annoying and sad.

  • @hannadeynychenko4694 says:

    this very much reminded me of a recent scandal here in Ukraine where a woman leading the historical museum of Holodomor (basically a man-made famine of 1932-1933) was shamed for being fat and “not knowing what starving feels like”. so disgusting, fortunately she took legal action against this

  • @emiliemousseau9219 says:

    Just to add a point… the health minister of Quebec is not Gaetan Barrette anymore. He was our minister like 3 elections ago. And during is term, he took care of his health and lost a lot of weight. And I’m pretty sure this picture was before his time as an elected official.

  • @ivyrose779 says:

    I know what’s healthy; I just don’t always choose to do it!

  • @karenmccracken says:

    I recently saw this online.

    ‘Today I asked my body what she needed,
    Which is a big deal
    Considering my journey of
    Not Really Asking That Much.
    I thought she might need more water.
    Or protein.
    Or greens.
    Or yoga.
    Or supplements.
    Or movement.
    But as I stood in the shower
    Reflecting on her stretch marks,
    Her roundness where I would like flatness,
    Her softness where I would like firmness,
    All those conditioned wishes
    That form a bundle of
    She whispered very gently:
    Could you just love me like this?’
    -Hollie Holden

  • @msjkramey says:

    So many nurses and doctors also live pretty unhealthy lives because they’re so stressed by their high pressure jobs *taking care of people* !! Or it’s like how a lot of chefs spend all day cooking these intricate beautiful dish, but they come home exhausted and just boil some noodles and call that good enough. That doesn’t mean they can’t cook

  • @skyes7369 says:

    People will always judge others. It’s not right, but it happens. I’m guilty of it myself. I switched to a new GP because I found out mine smoked & I was shocked that the man who had been telling me how dangerous it is to be even just a little overweight & would bring it up every single visit regardless of what the visit was about, was actively dragging proven carcinogenic substances into his lungs regularly.

    • @itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 says:

      You might be surprised at how many cardiologists and oncologists smoke.
      But it doesn’t make their advice less trustworthy. Your GP is just parroting what he learned in med school.

  • @htebazileeilsel2293 says:

    “Do as I say, not as I do”

  • @goldrose3019 says:

    Finally I see some sense in this women’s comment section, she is always talking nonsense so it’s a relief to see that people aren’t agreeing with this one.

  • @jadetheron631 says:

    I’m a personal trainer, I have never been as unfit as when I started to work as one. When it gets to the end of the day the last thing I want to do is train myself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still fit, just not as fit as I was when I just trained myself.

  • @enyanel says:

    While I generally agree, I also come from a country where for a while not all our mps had finished high school, it’s changed now(I think) but my point still stands: just because someone is in the position to make decisions for a country does not mean that they are educated in that field

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