5 Things I STOPPED Doing To Lose 45 lbs | My Healthy Weight Loss Story

These are the 5 MAJOR things I gave up to lose 45lbs and keep it off. If you can ditch these habits you're going to start to see weight loss and feel amazing inside and out.

♥ My 45lb Weight Loss Story

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Disclaimer: Love Sweat Fitness recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. It is important that you be in good physical condition/health and be able to participate in the exercise.

By participating in any workout or workout program such as this, there is always a possibility of injury. If you do take part in this workout or any LSF workout program, you agree that you do so at your own risk. You also agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and will assume all risk of injury to yourself. You also agree to release and discharge Love Sweat Fitness and Love Sweat Fitness, Inc. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Love Sweat Fitness and Love Sweat Fitness, Inc. negligence.

Leroy Johnson

  • Hustle Harder Mommy says:

    Thanks so much for being specific. It’s nice to have some realistic tips to go to when you’re trying to trim down. You’re awesome!💪😘

  • Life Of Riza says:

    Intermitted fasting has done wonders for me – it even helped with digestion, bloating, cravings, everything! Best part is that it’s more of a lifestyle change than “diet” 🙂

  • Jennifer Bayer says:

    Thank you for this video! I used to go on “diet ” all the time and this time I stopped calling it that and just started living a healthy lifestyle and that’s because of the push you gave me. Your amazing!

  • CINDY ORWA says:

    The most informative video ever. Lost alot of weight on diets and gained even more after i stopped. I’ve been working out lightly for 2 months and adopted healthy eating habits and so far i have lost 18 pounds.

  • christizzlepadizzle says:

    My best weight loss advice would be to not drink your calories. That was the first step in my 115lb weight loss. 🙂

    • Hayley Alexandra says:

      Such as smoothies and things?

    • christizzlepadizzle says:

      Hmmm, I’d guess if the smoothie is your meal then this might not apply. I cut every drinkable calorie, drinking strictly water and black coffee.

    • Lorena / says:

      I think she’s referring to sugary drinks like juice or soda, or anything else with a significant amount of calories that has no nutritional value

    • Dayna D says:

      christizzlepadizzle ah so no all day smoothie binges???

    • JLyn S. says:

      christizzlepadizzle what about wine? Did you ever have some? I have 3 kids and need a glass or two once and a while!! 🤪

  • Dianna Stafford says:

    Thank you so much for sharing, Katie! I’m currently on my fitness journey (started in 2016, but plateaued until September of last year), and to date I’ve lost roughly 35 lbs. When I started getting serious in 2018, I actually found your workout videos and have been following your routines since I workout at home– they’re so simple, but they work your body!

    I just wanted to thank you, and also respond to your video 🙂 Something that really helped me see a lot of results was to start thinking of foods in terms of nutritional value. Like, whatever I’d eat, I started thinking, “how does this help my body?”, and it really helped! Now, I can look at say a sweet potato (which is high in carbs) and be like, “yeah, this has a lot of nutrients, it’s worth eating”, and then turn down that starchy processed bagel because I know which one will benefit me more. And I even noticed that reducing processed carbs and eating more veggies made my body crave the veggies more!

  • Lucy Cartwright says:

    Great vid, totally agree. The big thing that helped me lose 1 1/2 stone over the last few months is to stop hating on myself. I am so much more motivated to move if I do it from a place of enjoying my body rather than thinking it is gross or needs to change. Also if I get stuck in self loathing I am much more likely to ‘comfort’ eat, which means I hate myself AND hate what I’m doing AND am getting fatter and more tired. Lol!

  • Claryssa O'Brien says:

    This is literally what I needed to hear today! Thank you for telling me that I am enough and that living a healthy lifestyle is much more achievable! 💕

  • Melissa Santora says:

    10 months ago i gave up soda. That was huge for me ! i don’t eat candy and fast food (i stopped for awhile and i tried it again and it makes me sick to my stomach when i have it ). I exercise 30-40 minutes 5 days a week. This seems to work really well for me. So far i have lost about 20 lbs since mid- January 2019.

    • Brenda Echols says:

      Yep. I quit lots of junk food. Now it gives me a stomachache and junk food taste nasty too. Your taste buds change. You can actually taste the carbs in the junk food.

    • RiverGurl says:

      Same, giving up the soda was the first thing we did years ago. I lost 20 lbs on a “water challenge,” but continued to have the soda occasionally. Years later to a month ago, I gave up soda again. I’ve since lost 11 pounds working up to a gallon of water a day, two days of running/jogging/walking. I alternate between yoga, stretches and light cardio for about 20-30 minutes on my other three weekdays. The weight loss is slow, but steady. My diet is so much better also. I tried a soda about a month after I cut them out and it was literally like sipping a bottle full of sugar. I feel more energized after a month of my changes, but not as much as when I weighed in 42 pounds less years ago. I never wanted to be like people you see one day they’re average weight, healthy-looking then a month later they’re skinny, face is sunken in and they’re unhealthy-looking.

    • LCalvertJD says:

      Good for you, I am down to 1 soda a day, it is a crutch I’m not ready yet to give it up completely

    • Jamie Cashman says:

      Great job Melissa Santora! I’ve been doing something similar since the new year, cutting out soda and cutting out carbs after 1pm. It has been working really well finding carb substitutes. And if you want to eat choc or candy or anything bad for you, just eat it by 1pm. I work out maybe 40 min 3 days a week and i’ve lost 12 lbs.

    • 5th dimension living says:

      Yes, this is the way to go. I had to retrain my taste buds and learn how to eat from scratch. 🙏🙏👍👍

  • Danielle Nicole says:

    I’m so subbing. This is so inspiring and motivating. I’m trying to lose about 20 pounds to be able to feel better about myself. I’ve noticed that I’ve been kinda falling into that obsessive cycle about weighing everyday and counting every morsel I eat. I lost 10 pounds but gained a few back and it was super discouraging but watching this gave me hope again. Thank you 💕

    • Adriana Badillo says:

      I would advice you to only weight yourself once a month. But to make tabes on the inches that you have lost.

  • Leanna Feltham says:

    I lost 50 lbs in 8 months by eating between 1200-1400 calories and working out 3-5 days a week (30 min cardio, 20 min weights). I would eat mostly lean meats and vegetables and try to avoid carb heavy foods. I also stopped drinking pop completely and haven’t touched it since in over a year. Also tip: if you’re craving something sweet try to find diabetic candies (I ate “sugar free” jelly beans) and those chocorite bars (100 cal no carbs no sugar). I developed a whole new relationship with food that I can’t imagine ever eating what I did before. It’s amazing

  • Julie Bruce says:

    I did one of your arm workouts yesterday and This just popped up on my feed while on the elliptical…thank you – I am 47 and have already done some of these things. You have a new subscriber! 😁 I have learned every body is different especially if you have a chronic disease and pain. Do what you need for your body and age !

  • Shahnawaz Islam says:

    I did this a long time back but here goes:
    (1)stopped sugary food
    (2)walked more often during the day
    (3)ate slower (made the stomach feel fuller with slightly less food)

    • Christine Maria says:

      Simple, common sense solutions that are effective

    • jenshark4 says:

      Seriously being healthy shouldn’t be complicated. An easy to stick to plan like yours is all we really need.

      Currently, I am taking it one meal at a time and looking around to see if I can choose healthy foods no matter what I’m doing or where I’m eating. And incorporating more exercise into my life (no more couch potato).

    • Weenie Hut Jr. says:

      @jenshark4 it’s easy for you but not that easy for everyone. Because some people are seriously addicted to food, it’s all mentality goes way beyond food really that makes it hard for some people. They know what they need to do but it’s like a drug.

    • jenshark4 says:

      @Weenie Hut Jr. I never said it was easy but I said that it shouldn’t be complicated. A three-step plan is about as simple as it gets. I have lost weight since my last post 10 months ago. I work out occasionally. I track what I eat. And so far I have had a slow but successful weight loss.

      I am rooting for you. Keep trying. I am also addicted to food. And I have junk food addicts living in my house with me. Which makes it even harder. It is an uphill battle. I know you can do it! Keep researching until you figure out what’s best for you. Then follow that path. Sometimes things change and you have to change that path. Keep adapting keep adjusting keep trying. Success will come at some point.

    • Nise Biggs says:

      My diet is WOW
      0 sugar

  • Laura Gwinn says:

    Katie I love your videos! As a trainer you really make even some of the harder workouts seem doable. Saying things like “you got this!” instead of things like “do iiiit! One more!” Helps so much and puts more perseverance I guess in me. ❤️
    I need to stop unhealthy thoughts about people. Not so much in social media but in life. Today in a cardio circuit class over my lunch break one girl in the class had an obviously higher level of fitness than the rest and I just kept thinking “ughhh what a showoff.” But she’s just working out and trying her best like the rest of us. That’s the unhealthy habit I pledge to lose.

  • Love Sweat Fitness says:

    If you want to lose weight and build a healthy routine checkout my nutrition plans, supplements and fitness app on LSF.store and JOIN THE TEAMLSF COMMUNITY https://lovesweatfitness.com/get-started/

    • Alexander Moore says:

      3:09 did you see someone walking passed the door on the left? Is that normal for anyone to walk passed that door?

  • Celeb Workout says:

    This was exactly what I needed to hear…3:24… My best weight reduction advise is to avoid drinking calories. That was the first step in my 115-pound weight loss journey.

  • Jackie's Simple Visuals says:

    It’s been 3 weeks since I gave up coffee, processed foods, fast food, and eating rice everyday. I started drinking 80oz-100ozs of water daily, meal prepping healthier and nutritious food, tuning into my hunger cues so I’m not overeating, getting 6K-8K steps daily, and incorporating a HIIT work out 1x a week. Lost 7lbs so far in a healthy way 🙏🏼🙏🏼 But I’m not just doing it for weight loss, but to start a healthier lifestyle and feel good from the inside out! Love it! 🙌🏼

  • Sincerely, Lucy💗 says:

    This was the first weight loss video that made me feel safe after gaining weight from recovering from disordered eating and health issues. I’ve gained weight after being so underweight, but now I want to be more fit but do it in a good/safe way. So thank you for making it a safe and welcoming conversation.

  • 𝗞𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗿 😋 says:

    *Thanks for sharing the changes you made on your weight loss journey. It’s inspiring to see how these small adjustments made a big difference!*

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