My 45 Pound Weight Loss Story & How I Kept it off (Before & After) + Update!

My story of how I lost 45 pounds & changed my life. I'm sharing all the details of my journey; my struggles w/ body image, how I lost the weight & keep it off + how I got motivated. Hope it gives you motivation to make healthy changes in your life. SW: 165 Initial CW: 120 lbs , CW w/ muscle toning: 128 lbs & feeling amazing! xo Katie

♥ My Meal Plan – – I created this plan to help me lose my 45 lbs and use it today to keep it off.
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♥ My 45lb Weight Loss Story Part 1

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Disclaimer: Love Sweat Fitness recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. It is important that you be in good physical condition/health and be able to participate in the exercise.

By participating in any workout or workout program such as this, there is always a possibility of injury. If you do take part in this workout or any LSF workout program, you agree that you do so at your own risk. You also agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and will assume all risk of injury to yourself. You also agree to release and discharge Love Sweat Fitness and Love Sweat Fitness, Inc. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Love Sweat Fitness and Love Sweat Fitness, Inc. negligence.

Leroy Johnson

  • Love Sweat Fitness says:

    I’m so excited to share my story with you and these updates. If you have any questions, comment below and I’ll be answering them 🙂 Love you girls!

    • Emily Barker says:

      How long did it take you to lose 45 pounds? I’m in a similar position, at my heaviest at 168 lbs and I need to just kick myself in the pants and get started. Thanks for the video.

    • liz says:

      Love Sweat Fitness love your house!

    • Love Sweat Fitness says:

      Watch the video to find out 😘

    • Brittny Brooks says:

      Love Sweat Fitness I watched, but you started talking about how long it took you, then you started talking about how you met your hubby 😂 So how long did it take you to lose the 45lbs?

    • Love Sweat Fitness says:

      omg hahahah you’re right. It took me 6 months

  • Robelyn Tawn says:

    Is it just me or you guys got teary eyed too listening to her? Her struggle is totally mine too. Now I have to really sit down and find my “WHY”. Thanks Katie!

  • Carson Crouch says:

    I love this! My heaviest was 309 and within 6 months I lost 50 pounds and got down to 259 from eating healthy and working out. I gained about 30 back though and I’m trying to get back on it because I wanna be healthy!

    • Leslie Rodarte says:

      I’m at 308 lbs right now too! 😞 I have hypothyroidism and it’s been a battle trying to control it and get it to normal. Last year at this time I was at 262 (which was my normal adult weight) and I’ve gained all this weight. I’m on a mission to get healthy, start moving and move forward. Good luck! We can do this!

    • Marisa H says:

      Good job you can do it again!

  • dani macdonald says:

    I started at 220 a year ago im at 142 now!

  • Johnny Fever says:

    When I looked in the mirror, I never once said, “I love the fat, I accept the fat.” Instead, I loved the person UNDER the fat. The fat wasn’t me. The real me was the person trapped inside there. Because I loved that person, me, I did what I had to do to free myself. I didn’t change my body because I hated myself, I changed my body because I loved myself.

  • Karoshi Nanavati says:

    i really resonate with how u talked about your relationship with food as a preteen and teen. it’s so crazy how as KIDS we think about being skinny or starving ourselves to be skinny. channels like yours help change that!! thank you so much 💖💖

  • SuperCrys20 says:

    I’ve lost 21 pounds since last October and I was at my heaviest as well. I admire you telling us your story and your feelings becuz alot of it matches my own. I’m not yet at my healthy weight goal but I’m so much closer. Thank you for this.

  • Taylor Boyd says:

    i’m 5’1” and i started at 150 (my heaviest after quitting high school sports the pounds piled on) and now i’m at 135 with about 5-10 more pounds do go. you’ve been so inspirational for me through this, so thank you. love from the stair master that’s killing me so i’m distracting myself with youtube videos!!

    • Love Sweat Fitness says:

      so happy for you!!

    • AbiraShah xo says:

      Hey I’m the same height and weight as you, help!!! How did you lose those pounds. Plus Kudos to you!! 🙌🏼♥️

    • Taylor Boyd says:

      AbiraShah xo honestly, patience. i have a very unhealthy relationship with food and trial and error of how many calories and what my macros of each should be was how i did it. once the relationship with food is healthy and the caloric deficit is where it needs to be, the pounds fall off

    • Maya Ibrahim says:

      @Taylor Boyd how many calories did u eat a day? Did u eat carbs and fruits and sugars

    • Maya Ibrahim says:

      @Taylor Boyd and how long did it take you?

  • Fay Z Stern says:

    I’ve gained 30 pounds in the past year… watching this for inspiration to lose it and get back to my healthy weight

  • Saorsa Enget says:

    I started in July 2019 at 197lbs, 5’6”. Currently 143lbs and still in progress! It’s a long journey, but I feel so much better and it’s Youtubers like you that help me stay motivated. So thank you!

  • Katie Drummond says:

    I was up to 160lb and I cried at one point with the same height. I got down to 128lb then quit and creeped back to 145lb over 2 years. I love the advice you gave with small goals and focusing on making yourself feel better. Thank you for your advice.💕

  • Sarah Connor says:

    Appreciate your transparency in your story. I think we all can relate to certain aspects. I’m so glad to see someone with healthy advice and perspectives teaching young women about getting healthy and losing weight.

  • Cari Walker says:

    This is very motivating and informative! I think this is the type of plan I can stick with! Little steps and work my way up to it. Make changes that make my body feel good without pushing it to the limit whether it be with food or exercise. Thank you so much! I will definitely be doing this! ❤️

    In 2021 from March to December, I actually went from about 117-135 pounds. I am 31 and never got my driver’s license until March of 2021 so since I was able to drive, I had easier access to the store. Lol so that’s how my food addiction started I guess. Lol this is the biggest I’ve ever been. I’m 4 feet 10 inches tall, so for my height, I’m overweight since I got at 119 pounds

  • Fine Natural Hair ROCKS says:

    I am currently on a weight loss journey to lose a total of 50lbs. I’m currently 10lbs down but its so tough to continue losing. Thank you for posting this video – its really inspiring!

  • A P says:

    I’m not one to leave a comment, but I find this inspirational. I am in the mid 40s and at my highest weight, near your starting weight, and feeling so crappy in my skin, poor digestion whick I’ve never had before. I have tried so many fads in the past, and it is much harder than it used to be. It’s nice to hear your story and know it is possible. Also, don’t let those with negative comments bring you down. It’s really sad that people have to spread negative energy where it doesn’t belong. Such wasted energy and quite sad to try to bring others down. Clearly, you are building a healthy community (and business) doing what you love; good for you!!!!

  • Dean Robbins says:

    Great video!

    5 weeks walking for 40 – 60 minutes a day = -20 lbs. People underestimate walking all the time. You can do it longer. You’re not going to kill your joints. You don’t need special equipment to do it. You can do it anywhere. Learn portion control. I started eating off of coffee cup plates instead of dinner plates and drank only water except for an occasional glass of milk. Find your sweet spot for sleeping. Not everyone needs eight hours a day. Listen to your favorite music. Take photos alone the way and share them with your friends. Pray for people you care about. Everybody has an hour a day to invest in themselves. We get into our own heads and defeat ourselves before we even start. You are meant to live and thrive, not just exist and survive.

  • Shayene Sen says:

    I’ve watched this vid so many times and I’m going to continue watching it because it inspires me sooo much! 🎉

  • Dante Peterson says:

    Great video! I love how real you are about this journey!

  • Emily Waddington says:

    I have a similar story regarding when and the way I began looking negatively at my body. I also messed around with diets starting in high school. But to hear it out loud… taking weight loss pills, starving yourself, etc. in HIGH SCHOOL!!! The fact that we felt like we had to do that. Little girls STILL feel like they have to do that. It’s honestly heartbreaking

  • 𝗞𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗿 😋 says:

    *Your dedication and determination are evident, and it’s so motivating to see how you’ve not only reached your goal but also maintained your progress. Your tips and insights are invaluable for anyone looking to embark on their own weight loss journey. Thank you for being an inspiration!*

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