Side Effects of Resveratrol Supplements

The side effects of resveratrol likely outweigh the benefits. Resveratrol supplements may blunt some of the positive effects of exercise training.

This is the final video in my four-part series on resveratrol. If you missed any of the others, check out:
• Does Resveratrol Make You Live Longer? ( )
• Does Resveratrol Benefit Our Metabolic Health? ( )
• Resveratrol Tested for Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, and Osteoporosis ( )

For more on purported anti-aging supplements, like NAD+ boosters, check out my new book, How Not to Age ( ). (All of my proceeds are donated directly to charity.)

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @smonster says:


  • @annasjiak says:

    Alhamdulliah 🍒🧡

  • @annsjsja says:

    I stand with you 💞✨

  • @justinhale5693 says:

    Is this effect on cholesterol present for low-dose resveratrol? Often the effects of resveratrol are opposite depending on dosage.

  • @trevorregay9283 says:

    Well…….there it is folks…….cherry picking or not, the easy takeaway for me on this is…………DO NOT TAKE THIS SUPPLEMENT (and if you must, consult a Physician)

  • @RoughNeckDelta says:

    I’ve never trusted that Sinclair guy from the start.

    • @LincolnClay98 says:

      I used to unfortunately, but he turned out to be a lying, greedy scam artist like almost everyone else in this world. Money is the root of all evil.

    • @G0twood says:

      Dr. Greger debunking this Sinclair guy, slowly but surely!

  • @shockwave1986 says:

    I’ve been following Dr Sinclair for years and I’m quite disappointed with him now.

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