Patrick Holford – ‘What’s driving Alzheimer’s?’

Patrick Holford, BSc, DipION, FBANT, NTCRP, is a pioneer in the field of nutrition. He is the author of 46 books, translated into over 30 languages and selling millions of copies worldwide, including The Optimum Nutrition Bible, The Low GL-Diet Bible, Optimum Nutrition for the Mind and The 10 Secrets of 100% Healthy People, 10 Secrets of Healthy Ageing and Good Medicine.

Patrick started his academic career in the field of psychology. He then became a student of two of the leading pioneers in nutrition medicine and psychiatry – the late Dr Carl Pfeiffer and Dr Abram Hoffer. In 1984 he founded the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION), an independent educational charity, with his mentor, twice Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling, as patron. ION has been researching and helping to define what it means to be optimally nourished for the past 25 years and is one of the most respected educational establishments for training nutritional therapists. At ION, Patrick was involved in groundbreaking research showing that multivitamins can increase children’s IQ scores – the subject of a Horizon television documentary in the 1980s. He was one of the first promoters of the importance of zinc, antioxidants, high-dose vitamin C, essential fats, low-GL diets and homocysteine-lowering B vitamins and their importance in Alzheimer’s disease prevention.

Patrick is the Founder of the Food for the Brain Foundation and on the board of trustees, and a Director of the Brain Bio Centre, the Foundation’s treatment centre that specialises in helping those with mental health issues, ranging from depression to schizophrenia. He is an honorary fellow of the British Association of Nutritional Therapy, as well as a member of the Nutrition Therapy Council and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. He is also Patron of the South African Association of Nutritional Therapy. In 2014 Patrick was inducted to the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @Terrierized says:

    It’s the guidelines, upside down pyramid, and the denial/ignorance that we’re being set up to fail

  • @danlhart says:

    Thank you for sharing this !!!!

  • @fiddlerJohn says:

    7:58 “In the British medical jour 29,000 people and what it found is that uh those who had a healthy diet were about 7 times less likely to have age- related cognitive decline than those with an average diet and nine times less likely to develop dementia than those with an unfavorable diet and one of the things that was quite interesting in this and this is not because I’m not a fan of exercise I totally am uh but the effect of the diet was was about twice as important as the next biggest risk factor which was exercise whether or not you had apoe4 made absolutely no difference at all the other big trial that’s going on that is multifactorial and very respected and very well done is the finger trial and uh they’re changing lots of different factors that are risk factors but once again whether or not your apoe4 makes no difference .”

  • @fiddlerJohn says:

    10:49 ” in other words it’s not just about having a healthy brain it’s not just about having a good sort of metabolic Supply if you don’t use it you lose it .”

  • @suthish123 says:

    Great presentation – looks I Am the first to comment?😂

  • @petermadany2779 says:

    I guess chocolate chocolate chip ice cream is low in DHA and high in carbohydrates, not sure about B12.

  • @dormasterous says:

    Interesting talk, thanks 👍

  • @jamieparr6962 says:

    Fantastic listen 👍👍

  • @fiddlerJohn says:

    23:07 “Indian J Dermatol. kind of helped the Clincher on this because he said human babies are born with a waxy waterproof layer the vernix. I have never seen a vernix in any land-based mammal. I wonder if the same thing occurs in the sea mammals like seals and sea lions you probably know that dolphins have every bone in our hands and arms in their flippers. So if you watch their fetal Evolution they’re like us, but they’re just sort of shrink and sure enough a French Canadian marine biologist took this up and it is true. Seals and sea lions have exactly the same vernix us humans do. No land based mammals have this. The point of this is one has to assume the Pavan man was burning off at least double the calories hunting and Gathering and what that would mean to today is that half of our entire diet would have to be marine food to get the same kind of intake of Omega-3 DHA of phospholipids of B12 of iodine of selenium of zinc and other such essential brain nutrients. In other words Evolution has driven our brain and in fact it is that combination of phosphorilated DHA attached to phospholipids that is such an Exquisite predictor of the risk of Alzheimer’s disease .” Vernix caseosa, or vernix for short, is a white, cheesy-looking substance that coats the skin of a baby while in the uterus.”

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