Why Are Europeans Skinnier Than Americans Despite Eating A Lot of Carbs

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Leroy Johnson

  • @TheShorterboy says:

    Japanese in US complain of getting fat while their friends eat the same stuff.
    It’s going to be added sugar they did that research in US jails you can’t eat fat but you can eat sugar all day long.

  • @VRCM_Skywarn_XUSA says:

    I stay away, from ….
    Synth. Liquids, Bread, Pork & Smokers.

    Problem solved. Yes ..Seriously.

  • @AndreasFroehliPoker says:

    Flying to Europe for 2 months could be the easiest hack for Americans

  • @mikedrabek9733 says:

    The food in the US is genetically modified.

  • @DivineLogos says:

    I’m from the Netherlands and many of us take the bike to school or work.
    So people easily bike 2 x 20 minutes a day. Which is 40 minutes of exercise just in itself.

  • @esther.f.g says:

    Europeans are getting as big as Americans, the obesity rate is rising and in some Mediterranean countries is really high. We just eat more fast food, more quantity and we move less

    • @davidguarin358 says:

      True : But m from Colombia 🇨🇴 and just a few years ago people were leaner there, but not any more since people is having a lot of process full of calories

  • @nancynelson987 says:

    I’m quite tired of people in my area of the US blaming carbs for all weight issues. Fantastic video. 🙂

  • @arcadepiano says:

    as a spanish born in 1978 i have the normal experience, and this includes i never had warm clothing for the cold winters, i never had air conditioner for the hot summers, i never had any car nor motorcycle, we barely eat nor drink at school otherwise we would have to go to the toilet disrupting the class which was considered unappropiate, so in the 80’s and 90’s we woke up at 8: 30 but almost fasting to one thirty (sun’s noon) the jobs i had were physical in example waiter and postman. the city is my world, and that’s two hundred thousand population within 3 kilometers around, so riding bicycle and walking is normal. i also avoided the white grease found in pig steaks which is the main cause of why people are fat.

    the plan? poverty!
    if my mum bought a 1 kg cheese it was for the entire month for a family of 5.
    now that’s humble.

    americans on the other hand, especially the army, they eat a lot, and that’s what i am embracing as a bodybuilder. we do know that americans has a huge breakfast including meat. that was considered taboo in spain in the 80’s and 90’s. here our breakfast always has been ultra light. croissant and milk, or similar. most people i know spends only 300 euros a month on food. or less. whilst i am struggling with +thousand euros in order to keep my longevity supplementation, fresh goat milk and meat. the problem spending only the average is the result of mediocre health and average life expectancy. you want to eat like dwayne johnson the rock.

  • @RamzaBehoulve says:

    Check Switzerland diet. It’s mostly Mediterranean with high quality dairy products added (and high quality chocolate obviously) obviously.

    We are not one of the lowest obesity and highest life expectancy by sheer luck.

  • @DavidPaulNewtonScott says:

    Polyunsaturated fats and corn syrup. Apart from all this, I think I am onto something. Pork fat non inflammatory but not anti inflammatory ie neutral. Why? Because cows are ruminants. The fats of ruminants contain C15.
    Our cell membranes want animal fats. The new kid on the block is C15 pentadecanoic acid. Blue zone sardinians get a lot, but how much the body would like we don’t know. I am switching to cooking in ghee using butter and pushing out the vegetable fats. One of the things immediately reported on C15 is sound sleep. On the carnivore diet, one of the things immediately reported is sound sleep. Seeing a pattern here. If you see my channel at 70 I should not be doing half of the stuff I am doing.

  • @RyanBrosnahan says:

    I’m pretty sure the calorie numbers are how many calories are sold domestically. If everyone actually consumed 3500 or 3900 cals I don’t think doors would be wide enough for anyone.

    • @23merlino says:

      i had basically the same thought… if i eat the recommended 2500 calories i can watch myself put on weight real fast, so i keep it at ca. 2000… i’m sure there are loads of people who don’t eat this average of 3500 so how many are eating 4000 or more – horror…

  • @Velsbasketcase says:

    Most healthy thin Americans never set foot in a doctor’s office to get measurements. Europe has socialized healthcare that measures all its citizens.

  • @JICKY2.0 says:

    BHT is not put as “flavor enhancer”, but as antioxidant it prevents the fats from going rancid, so the cereals taste better.

    • @nizahe2731 says:

      And by doing that it is enhancing flavour. Fats are HUGE contributors to taste, that’s why in all restaurants all dishes are dripping in it.

  • @SladkaPritomnost says:

    Very good video, I agree on everything, thanks for nice summary Siim!

  • @ceruleanswim says:

    I miss living in a walkable city. Where I live driving is necessary and it’s not even safe to go for a walk.

  • @e-biketraveler1430 says:

    Massive amounts of glyphosate, sugar and seed oils in USA….

  • @ClaudeDiamond says:

    Thank you Sim. It’s Just good old common sense, eat less, eat smart, daily exercise.. America has made it socially acceptable to be obese.

  • @GingerPeacenik says:

    Affordable foods in America are highly processed, free of nutrition, GMO and full of pesticides, starches, corn syrup, seed and vegetable oils.
    Healthy, organic whole foods may cost a bit more, but one needs a far smaller portion to feel satiated. Also saves a huge amount of $ on healthcare to cook healthy meals at home. Not that I can get this across to my neighbor, who lives on corn chips, Pringles, and Dr. Pepper 😞.

  • @laughoutmeow says:

    I’m from USA. I went to europe for a month and noticed that the 2 biggest differences for this is:
    1) europe has great public transport so people walk more
    2) portion size are significantly smaller and we tend to eat whats on our plate
    This adds up over time

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